“Pokemon Black and White 3 Genesis” is a Completed GBC Rom Hack made by Azure_Keys. Explore the Unova Region in a Game Boy Color style where you play as a young trainer from Humilau City.
Pokemon Black and White 3 Genesis Completed GBC ROM Hack
- Creator: Azure_Keys
- Base ROM: Crystal
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v1.2
- Last Updated on: March 26, 2023
- Status: Completed
Also Check Out: Pokemon Scarlet GBC
Pokemon Black and White 3 Genesis is a hack of Pokemon Crystal Version. It is a sequel to Black 2/White 2 Versions, and takes place in Unova, a number of years following the events of B2/W2. In this game, you play as a young trainer from Humilau City, and will embark on a journey around the region to catch Pokemon, collect Gym badges, and thwart the plans of a mysterious group claiming to be Team Plasma, a terror group that was supposedly disbanded years ago.
- Fully demade Unova region on GBC hardware
- New original story featuring many characters from B/W/B2/W2
- Demade music tracks for Unova locations
- New Cries for all Gen3+ Pokemon
- 252 Pokemon available, selected from throughout the first 5 generations of Pokemon
- 255 moves from throughout the first 5 generations
- Physical/Special split on moves
- Fairy type added, and type chart adjusted to account for it
- Many various items from newer games
- Running Shoes available from the start
- Reusable TMs
- Move Reminder
- Much more Bag space
- All evolutions available in a single player game
- Reusable Repels
- Various other minor quality of life improvements
Game Related Stuff
Download Pokemon Black and White 3 Genesis

- Custom sprites by Azure_Keys, Internet Goblin, Jace, Bloodless, Scarlax, ShadowOne333, EeveeEE, Sea, Solo993
- Custom map tiles by Azure_Keys, Rangi, Jace, Bloodless, Sea, Bees, Luna, Pia Carrot
- Custom music by Regen, Trite Hexagon, Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Froggest Spirit, Azure_Keys
- Custom cries by Azure_Keys, Celadonk, Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Sour Apple, Ax6
- Special thanks to Pret’s Pokecrystal community and their wiki tutorials.
- Special thanks to the Polished Crystal community for much help and encouragement.
- Special thanks to Rangi’s PolishedMap and Tilemap Studio software.
- Special thanks to Rangi, FIQ, Ax6, Luna, Bloodless, Darsh, and many others for coding help and general assistance.