“Pokemon Energized Emerald” is a Completed GBA Rom Hack made by Land0fChocolate. Try out a new feature where Pokemon can have three working abilities at the same time. Also don’t forget to check out the new abilities and new moves.
Pokemon Energized Emerald Completed GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: Land0fChocolate
- Base ROM: Emerald
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v1.0.23
- Last Updated on: June 02, 2024
- Status: Completed
Also Check Out: Pokemon Emerald Enhanced
Pokemon Energized Emerald is a revamp of Pokemon Emerald that offers an enhanced and expanded experience in gameplay, story and graphics whilst keeping with the themes of the original game. My changes aim to make the game more fun yet also providing a good fair challenge. It’s intended to make an ultimate Pokemon Emerald experience.
The story has been revised with more ORAS elements, and it also continues after beating the Pokemon League with a brand new story! The overworld has been updated so players will see more bustling urban areas, more labyrinthian dungeons and also brand new areas containing Pokemon not found in the wild in vanilla Emerald which is tied to the post game story. All gen 1-3 Pokemon and their future evolutions and pre-evolutions are available in this game, for a total of 419 Pokemon. There are also 26 regional forms available, and some of them are accessible before post-game!
The biggest gameplay change in Energized Emerald is that Pokemon can now have up to 3 abilities working at once, creating more dynamic and strategic battles. Players will have to consider more mechanics bouncing about in battles than in regular Pokemon games and will also find that game balance has shifted, as many Pokemon have strongly benefitted (or not) from the multiple ability change. Some Pokemon gain abilities they didn’t have before, like Gulpin who now has Corrosion, which also by the way is upgraded to now make Poison moves be super effective against Steel types! New abilities and moves have also been added to further improve on Pokemon themes and battle performance, Whismur does more damage with sound based moves with its new Volume Up ability and Gardevoir can use the new move Singularity to protect with black holes!
Outside of battles are many quality of life improvements. HMs are no longer required to teach to Pokemon to traverse obstacles, only the badge and a compatible Pokemon is required. Grinding has been significantly reduced with things like stronger vitamins, an IV buffing service and buyable Rare Candies (for the post game), so making that perfect team takes much less time.
New Abilities
- Volume Up: Power of sound based moves are increased by 30%. Used by Loudred/Exploud.
- Lava Body: Attackers who make contact will always get inflicted with burn unless they have immunity. Used by Slugma/Magargo.
- Wildfire: Sp.Atk raises one stage after fainting an opponent. Used by Moltres/Quilava/Typlosion.
- Miracle Blossom: User and ally restore 1/8 HP at the end of every turn. Used by Bayleef/Meganium.
- Scorching Heart: Power of Fire type moves increased by 50%. Used by Solrock/Groudon.
- Ice Affinity: Power of Ice type moves increased by 50%. Used by Lunatone/Kyogre.
- Aquatic: Power of Water type moves increased by 50%. Used by Anorith/Armaldo.
- Mystic Mind: Power of Psychic type moves increased by 50%. Used by Psyduck/Golduck.
- Prickly Thorns: Effectively like Rough Skin. Used by Cacnea/Cacturne.
- Soul Siphon: Contact from user steals 1/8 HP from target and heals for the same amount. Used by Duskull/Dusclops/Dusknoir.
- Wickedness: User super-effective moves do 25% more damage. Used by Hitmonchan/Mismagius.
- Spinning Body: User’s physical contact moves remove field hazards and raise speed one stage. Used by Pineco/Forretress/Hitmontop/Donphan/Baltoy/Claydol/Solrock.
- Hematophagy: Healing effects from drain moves increased by 50%. Used by Zubat/Golbat/Crobat.
- Swordmaster: Power of sword/blade moves increased by 25% (Cut/Leaf Blade/X-Scissor/Sacred Sword/Razor Shell/Secret Sword/Solar Blade/Behemoth Blade). Used by Grovyle/Sceptile/Gallade/Leafeon.
- Supercooled: User’s Ice type moves are super-effective against Water types. Used by Lapras/Articuno/Glaceon.
- Unsteady: User’s evasion increases by one stage when hit. Used by Spinda.
- Disarm: User’s contact moves inflict the Embargo status (disable held items) on the target. Used by Meowth/Persian.
- Painful Burn: If the target is burned, the user’s moves have triple the chance to flinch (capped at 60%). Used by Houndour/Houndoom.
- King’s Might: User doesn’t need to recharge on moves like Hyper Beam and Giga Impact. Used by Slaking.
- Origin: User has 2 additional moveslots that has moves that can be interchangeable outside of battle via the Origin Strand item. Used by Mew.
- Time Traveller: When user HP hits 0, they revert back to their previous HP. Used once per battle for all users, but reset if a user faints an opponent Pokemon. Used by Celebi.
- Wish Maker: User creates a wish on entry. Used by Jirachi.
Updated Anilities
- Trace: copies the opponent’s highest rated ability that the user doesn’t already have in place of Trace.
- Neutralizing Gas: Nullifies other Pokemon abilities unless it is a banned ability like Stance Change. User abilities still active.
- Shell Armor/Battle Armor: Also reduces damage of neutral effective moves by 25%.
- Sand Veil: Increases Sp.Def instead of evasion by one stage in Sandstorm.
- Snow Cloak: Increases Defense instead of evasion by one stage in Hail.
- Sweet Veil: Also ignores evasion boosts from target.
- Corrosion: Also makes user’s Poison moves super effective against Steel types.
- Solar Power: No longer decreases HP. Power modifier changed to 25% from 50%.
- Normalize: Power buffed to 30% from 20%. Also allows user to hit Ghost types.
- Cursed Body: Now always disables the move for just the next turn.
- Keen Eye: Also increases move accuracy by 30%.
- Illuminate: Also ignores opponent evasion boosts.
- Damp: Also grants user immunity to powder based moves and abilities.
- Sturdy will not activate if the user has a max HP of 1.
- Suction Cups will now trap the opposing target if user makes contact instead of making the user immune to forced switch outs.
- Quick Draw: Instead doubles speed when equal or below half health.
New Moves
- Flint Blade: 80 BP, 100% Acc, Rock type, increased crit ratio. Boosted by Swordmaster ability. Added to Battle Frontier move tutor list. Learned by Leafeon/Onix/Steelix/Omanite/Omastar/Kabuto/Kabutops/Aerodactyl/Anorith/Armaldo/Rhyhorn/Rhydon/Rhypherior/Aggron/Seviper.
- Blaze Impact: 100 BP, 100% Acc, Fire type, reduces user’s speed by one stage. Added to Battle Frontier move tutor list. Learned by Growlith/Arcanine/Ponyta/Rapidash/Flareon/Quilava/Typhlosion/Entei/Torkoal/Charmander/Charmeleon/Charizard/Combusken/Blaziken/Numel/Camerupt/Vulpix/Ninetales/Houndour/Houndoom/Groudon/Phanpy/Donphan/Absol.
- Singularity: A protect move that lowers the speed of foes who make contact by one stage. Learned by Gardevoir on evolution.
- Serpent Dance: Increases the user’s special attack and speed by one stage. Added to Battle Frontier move tutor list. Learned by Seviper/Milotic/Serperior/Dunsparce/Ekans/Arbok/Huntail/Gorebyss/Rayquaza/Gyarados/Furret.
- Ice Tusk: 100 BP, 95% Acc, Ice type, increased crit ratio. Learned by Walrein/Mamoswine.
- Hidden Thorns. Grass type Stealth Rock. Will replace Stealth Rock if Stealth Rock is already on the field. Added to Frontier move tutor list. Learned naturally by Roselia/Roserade/Cacnea/Cacturne.
Updated Moves
- Simple Beam: Replaces opponents abilities with the Simple ability. If opponent has a banned ability such as Stance Change, then they will still keep that ability but the others will be replaced with Simple.
- Worry Seed: Replaces opponents abilities with just the Insomnia ability. If opponent has a banned ability such as Stance Change, then they will still keep that ability but the others will be replaced with Worry Seed.
- Entrainment: Replaces opponents abilities with the user’s abilities. If opponent has a banned ability such as Stance Change, then they will still keep that ability but the others will be replaced with the user’s abilities in their respective slot.
- Skill Swap: swaps the user abilities with the target abilities. If opponent has a banned ability such as Stance Change, then they will still keep that ability but the others will be replaced with the user’s abilities in their respective slot.
- Gastro Acid: Neutralises target abilities unless it is a banned ability like Stance Change.
- Role Play: replaces the user’s abilities with the target’s abilities except for banned abilities like Stance Change.
- Charge Beam: Now 40 BP, 100% Acc with 100% chance for special attack boost.
- Rock Smash: Now 50 BP with 100% chance for target defense drop.
- Poison Fang: Now has a 100% chance to poison target.
- Twineedle: Now has 40 BP and a 100% chance to poison target.
- Cut: Now has 40 BP, 100% Acc and always crits.
Change Log
- Anorith and Armaldo can now learn the Surf and Waterfall TMs.
- Berry tree yields are doubled after becoming Champion.
- Postgame: the admins in the new areas now tell you to meet the others if you haven’t yet.
- Added a Tabitha battle in the Magma Hideout.
- Fixed mega stone display case bugs so players can now obtain the Sharpedonite and Pinsirite.
- Some minor trainer fixes.
- Fixed a bug where Poison Heal actives when Neutralizing Gas is active.
Game Related Stuff
Download Pokemon Energized Emerald

Known Bugs
- Many switch-in abilities (like Frisk and Imposter) don’t activate when both Player Pokemon and opponent Pokemon fainted previous turn (e.g. Destiny Bond) and the Player sends out a Pokemon before the opponent sends out theirs. Solving this will probably involve having to rewrite the code that deals with switch-in abilities. This is probably the same behavior as in vanilla Pokemon Emerald, but I don’t see why Trace and Intimidate are allowed to activate whilst others don’t, so I’m considering this a bug.
- Abilities that activate at the same time as other abilities on the same Pokemon can have their names in the ability pop-up overwritten. (e.g. Tyranitar with Sand Stream and Unnerve). This is due to how switch-in (and other types) abilities are handled. This could be fixed by setting gLastUsedAbility during the ability battle script with the new setlastusedability command, but this freezes the game when used before calling the ability pop-up. Why? Have no fucking clue.
- Abilities that activate at the same time as other abilities can use wrong strings in the battle message.
- When Rattled is activated, the wrong ability is shown on the pop-up.
- Sometimes when Truant triggers, the wrong ability is shown on the pop-up.
- Intimidate may trigger on fainted Pokemon.
- Frisk may trigger on the wrong Pokemon. Often occurs in Battle Frontier.
- Arena Trap battle message when trying to switch doesn’t show the ability string.
- Damp battle message when it by powder move doesn’t show the ability string.
- When a Pokemon with Volt Absorb uses Ion Deluge, it triggers Volt Absorb.
- Stench ability may activate for opponent and not user. Scenario: Weezing vs Altaria, Altaria (no King’s Rock) used Ice Beam which flinched Weezing, could be a bad gBattlerAttacker assignment or similar.
- When a grass type uses Stun Spore against an opponent with Magic Bounce, it bounces back and paralyzes the grass type.
- Time Traveller ability ignores False Swipe effect of leaving the user with 1 HP.
- Bug Bite/Pluck is not taking the effects of the opponent’s berry.
- Spinning Body activates on every hit for multi-hit moves (e.g. Hitmontop using Triple Kick). Would rather it takes affect on only the last hit.
- Backgrounds of some moves are glitched or have black boxes. (Shadow Bone, Gunk Shot, Hurricane, Focus Blast, Aura Sphere, Burn Up)
- Blaze Impact move fire effects are in the wrong place when used by opponent.
- Cloud reflection can be seen in the long grass in Route 120.
- Jumping into long grass from ledge and moving produces incorrect grass animation.
- NPCs can change colour when picking items at BP exchange corner. Palette bug.
- Shop tiles change colour when in shop mode in Mauville sweet shop. Palette bug.
- In Contests of super rank and above, Pokemon sprites and NPC overworld sprites can get weird colours. Palette bug linked to too many NPCs on screen.
- When a Pokemon evolves by trading, an exp gain sound plays over the Pokemon’s cry.
- When trading with the tradeback guy and you use a Pokemon with a different ID than your own (from in-game trade), the trade screen says you are trading with the Pokemon’s previous owner.
- Wild Deoxys may not regenerate HP bar properly in battle. This is just visual, actual HP values are there. Repeatedly occurs when KOing it from 100% HP.
- Deoxys is also supposed to use a form change animation when changing forms, but it isn’t working at all.
- Deoxys may also skip a form change. Repeatedly occurs with Draining Kiss.
- Origin move selection has a visual cursor bug when normal moves are selected, cursor selects 3rd or 4th move, return to main fight menu and then choose Origin move.
- Some Pokemon in PC boxes have the top left corner of their front sprite snipped off. (Dodrio, Alakazam, Kyogre, Lanturn, Aerodactyl, Flygon, Salamence and more)
- Move relearner doesn’t list all of the possible moves to relearn, only the first ~15.
- When picking a rental Pokemon at the Battle Factory, one of the options may be a ?. (may be fixed, requires further testing to make sure)
- HP bar in battle may look weird, starting with a ?. When hit it may start subtracting at over a thousand health and looks like it drops down to 100% health. Visual error, looks like a full HP bar but not.
- The fine people who worked on the pokeemerald and pokeemerald-expansion decompilation projects and helped me with problems:
- DizzyEggg
- LOuroboros/Lunos
- BuffelSaft
- Blackforest92
- ExpoSeed
- SBird1337
- aarant
- SonikkuA-DatH
- Xavion3
- GriffinR
- MGriffin
- AsparagusEduardo
- kleeenexfeu
- Citrus Bolt
- dunsparce9
- Sapphire Jester
- TheXaman
- MeekRhino
- MandL127
- Pyredrid
- ghoulslash
- UltimaSoul
- Tools Used:
- Porymap
- Graphics Gale
- ROM Patcher JS