“Pokemon Gaia” is a Completed GBA Rom Hack made by Spherical Ice. Discover the new Orbtus region, where you can find Pokemon from Generations 1 to 6, including Mega Evolutions.
Pokemon Gaia Completed GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: Spherical Ice
- Base ROM: Emerald
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v3.2
- Last Updated on: November 08, 2018
- Status: Completed
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Pokemon Gaia is a fan-made ROM hack of Pokemon FireRed. It is set in the Orbtus region, which has a rich history and many ruins to explore. The game features new and old Pokemon from different generations. Players can enjoy updated graphics, new moves, and abilities. The story involves uncovering the mysteries of ancient civilizations and dealing with a new evil team. It is praised for its engaging storyline and challenging gameplay.
The storied Orbtus region was once populated by a prosperous civilization. They created several monuments to their gods and guardians. Their untimely demise was brought about by a series of disastrous earthquakes; all that remains of their society are their temples, idols and story, as relics of the past.
In the present day, local archaeologist and Pokemon Professor, Professor Redwood, has noticed an increase in the region’s seismic activity. Propelled by a growing concern for Orbtus’ safety, he seeks the assistance of new Pokemon Trainers with a flair for adventure in the rural Celanto Town, a seaside town near the mysterious totem poles, and your home! Will you, along with the help of the Professor and your rival, be able to prevent the earth from consuming the region once more?
- Pokemon from Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova and Kalos
- Gen 4 Starters [Sinnoh]
- New Region and New Story
- New Characters and New Gym Leaders
- The Physical / Special / Status split
- New moves and updated move sets, accurate to OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire, and with working effects and animations
- Modern competitive items like the Choice Specs, Assault Vest, Ability Pill, and more
- Modern abilities, ranging from Mega Launcher to Sheer Force
- An in-battle Mega Evolution system, with Mega Stones hidden throughout the region
- Fairy-type and the new type chart
- Updated Pokemon sprites
- Updated Trainer sprites and accurate over world sprites
- Original songs, like Windmist City’s theme and the battle music for the Elder Knights
- Rock Climb and climbable walls
- Dive and underwater maps, fully ported from Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald
- Hidden Grottoes and Secret Temples, which reward exploration with rare items and Pokemon with unique move sets
- The Bug-Catching Contest
- The Battle Marsh, a Battle Maison-esque facility
- Sideways stairs
- The player faces Trainers before battles
- Running Shoes can be used indoors
- Pokemon, item, location, etc. names are in title case
- A bonus Premier Ball is given for every purchase of ten or more Poké Balls
- Repellents give reuse prompts upon expiration
- Experience Points are gained upon Pokemon capture
- Technical Machine items are reusable
- Field moves have faster animations
Change Log
- Rename Edamist Steppes to Edamist Heights to better reflect its geography
- Change the road block in Aerous Road
- As some Trainers are available earlier, Fernando’s Pokemon have been raised a few levels
- Similarly, the wilds in Aerous Road are slightly lower
- The first two Trainers in Aerous Road are also slightly lower
- The Super Potion in the bare spot of grass is now a Potion
- The Painter in Aerous Road also shows up in the queue and indoors of the Aerous Art Club
- Change the New Elders encounter in Frostbite Cave to be less of an ambush
- The battles are instead initiated when the player tries to talk to Eunice or walk past her
- Some of the dialog was rewritten
- The map was made slightly smaller to make it clearer that this is the exit of Frostbite Cave
- Change the Braille puzzle’s hint in Ferre Ruins to be less cryptic
- Change the events in Precimos Island so it is (hopefully) more clear where to go after defeating the Gym
- Make Hidden Power display its type for the Pokemon it is being taught to, or known by
- Fix the combination lock input box occasionally showing up to 7 digits, when only 4 are needed
- Fix the impassible tiles outside of Redwood’s house in Archan Town
- Fix Cranidos’ evolution method, so it actually evolves into Rampardos
- Fix Pokemon with inconsistent level-up rates, which causes them to gain levels upon evolution
- Porygon-Z
- Greninja
- Fix Rotom’s compatibility with TM34, Shock Wave
- Fix Bisharp’s compatibility with Sucker Punch from the Green Shard Meister
- Fix Maractus’ incorrect weight
- Fix Mienshao’s Ability order so that Mienfoo does not swap its Ability when evolving
- Fix the reflection tile errors in Cosmic Caverns
- Fix the reflection tile errors in Nestpine Town
- Fix a plethora of bugged icon sprites
- Give the Pokemon with no Ability the following Abilities:
- Mega Glalie: Refrigerate
- Mega Ampharos: Lightningrod
- Make the textboxes of Coulter and Prof. Redwood actually disappear after they are finished speaking in Redwood’s house
- Fix the text colour inconsistencies with the Diving Tour lady’s dialog in the cutscene in Precimos Depths
- Fix Coulter’s Surfing Pokemon blob still showing up in Precimos Depths after the cutscene takes place
- Fix the Escape Rope’s warp location for Wisp Forest and Rimewood Forest
- Fix the border error in Nestpine Climb
- Fix Empoleon’s EXP yield
- Fix the persistent money HUD after refusing to sell anything to the Relic Collector in the Precimos Hotel
- Fix the palette for HM01 Cut to match its Bug-type
- Fix the missing TM/HM compatibility for the following Pokemon’s female forms:
- Frillish
- Jellicent
- Pyroar
- Fix the incorrect battle background in the Telmurk City house where the Mightyena Thug is battled
- Fix the incorrect script assigned to the right statue in the Nestpine Gym
- Fix some tiles in Cosmic Caverns not spawning wild Pokemon
- Fix Hidden Power’s text description
- Fix Boomburst making contact
- Fix Ace Trainer Arnie’s incorrect encounter music in Victory Falls
- Fix Deoxys’ overworld sprite not disappearing
- Fix Crunch’s description implying it lowers the foe’s Sp. Def, when it only lowers Defense
- Fix some tiles in Ignis Catacombs which display incorrectly when the fog weather effect is active
- Fix Eevee and Flareon’s erroneous compatibility with TM18 Aurora Beam
- Fix the movement permission errors in Telmurk Swamp
- Move Ace Trainer Elnora so she challenges the player regardless of the direction she is facing in Ikos Canyon
- Fix some tiles in Cosmic Cavern which are not covered by the player
- Fix Beheeyem’s catch rate of 0
- Fix Pidgey and Zubat’s erroneously high experience yields
- Fix Grass Knot’s base power displaying at 20 when it should be —
- Fix Leafeon’s bugged Pokédex entry string
- Fix the Snover and Budew evolution lines’ incompatibilities with TM09, Energy Ball
- Fix Sgt. Stone giving out Venusaurite when shown a Blastoise
- Fix Pidgeotite being unobtainable [N.B. Players who already picked up a Pidgeotite will be able to pick it up again now]
- Fix the Cut trees in Sabulo Cross appearing hidden when the route is entered via Sabulo Island
- Fix some tiles in Valoon Way which are erroneously covered by the player
- [STORY SPOILER] Fix the errors caused by the player being on their Bicycle when activating the New Elders event in Sabulo Island
- Fix Roserade’s inability to re-learn Weather Ball from Mrs. Move
Game Related Stuff
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Spherical Ice, MrDollSteak, Shinoya, giradialkia, Touched, FBI, daniilS, French-Cyndaquil, revolocities, Frysinger, Ijkee, Cuddlesthefatcat, Mateo, Fangking Omega, Kyle-Dove, Neslug, Coronis, GeoIsEvil, Avatar, DoesntKnowHowToPlay, Darthatron, Jambo51, karatekid552, JPAN, knizz, HackMew, Chaos Rush, Navenatox, Squeetz, Sagiri, Crazy_chu, KeyRogue, RedPrime, KLM_SpitFire, Porto, AllTimeIndie