“Pokemon Keishou” is a Completed Rpgxp Fangame made by OkunoShio. Explore Kyujitsu Island in a Open-World format and Face off against 8 clan leaders and the Elder 4 to become the new ruler of Kyujitsu Island.
Pokemon Keishou Completed Rpgxp Fangame
- Creator: OkunoShio
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v2.02
- Last Updated on: August 06, 2024
- Status: Completed
Also Check Out: Pokemon Eon Guardians
Welcome to Kyujitsu Island!

Pokemon Keishou sends you on a journey across the blissful paradise that is Kyujitsu Island.
The island is guarded by four Clans: Kusa and Mizu Clan are the Land Spirit Guardians,
while Netsu Clan is the Protector of Kazan in the west, and Yuki Clan is the Protector of Shimo in the east.
In the shadows, Kurai Clan is lingering – although suppressed to a small minority due to their past deeds, they are always scheming to overthrow the old order.
Since the current Lord’s time has almost come, an uncertain age is upon the inhabitants of the island…
The Lord of the Elder, weakened by age, can no longer lead or protect the lands. This insecurity has made the region unstable, and the Land Spirits are raging. Kazan Mountain, long dormant, is on the brink of eruption, while snowfall on Shimo Mountain intensifies. The valley teeters on the edge of chaos, caught between ice and fire. The Elder Four are in turmoil, each striving to restore calm.
Leadership and composure are crucial to bring peace back to the lands. As the Elder Cycle ends, tradition dictates that the young descendants of Shison Village embark on a journey to find a new Keishou-sha, a successor to the throne. The strongest among them will rise to become the new Lord of the Elder and restore peace to Kyujitsu Island. However, only those who surpass all eight Clan Leaders can attain the title, and many mysteries surround the Path of Ascension.
- Explore the vast, open world style region of Kyujitsu Island!
- A full story with 15-20 hours of gameplay awaits!
- Prove yourself to the 8 Clan Leaders and the Elder Four on your quest to become the new Lord!
- Discover 840+ Pokemon from 9 Generations across the different biomes and weather conditions of the island!
- Overcome tough challenges in unique Wild Encounters and Trainer Battles utilizing the Mid-Battle Dialogue capabilities of Essentials Deluxe!
- Gather resources and craft your own supplies to endure on your journey, improve your team and catch them all!
- Master the special techniques of Terastallization, Dynamaxing and Mega Evolution!
- Dive into Max Raid Dens and – after you have become Lord of Kyujitsu Island – embark on Dynamax Adventures!
New Features in Version 2.0
- Explore Miraijima – a completely new zone (approximately the size of 3 of the existing 8 zones combined) with two new towns!
- Extended Pokedex including 16 new Kyujitsuan Forms
- 24 new Wild Pokemon Event Encounters & 12 new Max Raid Den Legendary Encounters
- Two big new questlines that you can start directly after you have earned your 4th badge plus a new post game questline await!
- New post game content: Akigawa Tournament! Battle against more than 50 different trainers, including rematches with Clan Leaders and 11 boss battles!
Additional Features
- Automatic Level Scaling – grants you freedom to make your own way to explore the world!
- Modern Quest System – keeps track on all your Main and Side Quests along your journey!
- Visible Overworld Encounters that vary depending on daytime and weather – for a more lively environment and easier hunting of desired species!
- Berry Pots – to allow for easy on-the-go berry planting to stock up on important crafting supplies!
- Speed Up – choose between 3 ingame speeds to match the game speed to your own pace!
- Unreal Time System – days go by fast on Kyujitsu Island, allowing for more dynamic wildlife and faster plant growth!
- New Poke Ball Capabilities – craft a big diversity of Poke Balls with added effects as well as brand new Poke Balls such as the Wood Ball or the Protein Ball!
- 4 Difficulty Settings (that you can switch at any time by visiting Ryuzaki’s Lab!):
- Regular Mode – Generally, the Regular Mode of the game is designed to be challenging already.
- Hard Mode – However, if you look for that extra spice, there is a Hard Mode, increasing levels of Trainer Battles and unique Wild Encounter Pokémon as well as modifying some key trainer battles to have additional mid-battle events! As a reward for beating all Clan Leaders and the Elder Four in Hard Mode, there is a special post-game quest to unveil!
- Novice Mode – If you are looking for a lighter experience, Easy Mode grants you two additional charm slots and two charms unique to this difficulty setting (charms can be turned on or off at any time!):
- Resistor Charm – Reduces damage from super effective attacks by 25%.
- STAB Charm – Further increases Same-Type Attack Bonus (STAB) by 25%.
- Classic Mode – like Novice Mode, but also removes almost all additional battle mechanics to make the game more accessible to people that don’t enjoy the battling that much and want to enjoy other aspects of the game!
Change Log
New content
- Added four more community trainers to the Akigawa Tournament.
- Added a new Optional Quest and Event Encounter after completing the Akigawa Tournament.
- Urshifu’s signature moves Wicked Blow, Surging Strikes and Storm Strikes are now properly classified as punching moves, benefitting from Punching Gloves (already implemented in a day-1 re-upload of v2.01).
- Buying Ability Capsules in Akigawa Dojo now grants the correct item (already implemented in a day-1 re-upload of v2.01).
- Pokémon Ranger Ghyst’s Decidueye now doesn’t start the battle in Battle Bond form anymore.
- Petilil now properly evolves into Hisuian Lilligant when evolved outside on Miraijima.
- The following moves no longer hit through Protect: Aqua Step, Bitter Blade.
- Fixed Clan Leader Minato’s Annihilape’s moveset.
- Iron Treads can now be found in the wild as intended (south of Futomura).
- Fixed a bug that triggered the battle against Ichiro in Whirl Islands too early.
- You will now receive Ogerpon’s held item before she challenges you for a 2nd battle to avoid losing the held item.
- Sneasler, Overqwil and Basculegion should now generate eggs with the proper pre-evolution forms when holding an Everstone.
- Fixed a bug with a special move of the Akigawa Tournament’s final reward.
Balance & Modification
- Added a second Dynite Ore Trader in front of the Dynamax Adventures that trades Exp. Candy and Rare Candy (already implemented in a day-1 re-upload of v2.01).
- Added Rare Candy to the Armorite Ore Traders in Akigawa Dojo (already implemented in a day-1 re-upload of v2.01).
- The experience granted by Exp. Candy no longer scales with the Pokémon’s level. Instead, they cannot be used if the Pokémon would exceed the current level cap based on the number of badges earned.
- Added one more level cap to the game. The level caps now are as follows:
- Level 50 with less than 4 badges
- Level 70 with less than 6 badges
- Level 85 with less than 8 badges
- Level 97 until the “Mysteries of Miraijima” main quest has been completed
- Added PP Max to the Armorite Ore Traders in Akigawa Dojo.
- Added a second NPC for changing the difficulty inside Akigawa Dojo.
- The Diancie Event Encounter now also heals itself by 25% when one of the Carbink faints (this will help trigger the “exhaust” event that allows catching it more consistently).
- Modified some Max Raid Den Dynamax Crystal spawns:
- Reshiram or Zekrom (depending on which one you caught during the story) can now be found in Den #23 in Sakyu Valley (was #24)
- Yveltal can now be found in Den #24 in Sakyu Valley (was #23)
- Craggy Claws can now be found in Den #17 in Kazan Passage (was #23)
- Rufflet, Goomy and Bergmite now evolve into their Hisuian forms when evolved outside on Miraijima.
- Increased the amount of Liquid Metal you receive from a Metal Chunk to 10 to 30 (was 4 to 15).
- Bulbasaur now appears during no weather on Route 1 (instead of sunny weather).
- Kyurem’s fusion forms’ movesets have been updated to Gen 9.
- Modified how Kyurem’s fusion moves are transformed:
- Glaciate <-> Ice Burn (White)
- Scary Face <-> Fusion Flare (White)
- Dragon Breath <-> Freeze Shock (Black)
- Noble Roar <-> Fusion Bolt (Black)
- Removed the PC in Day Care.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a game crash when interacting with Max Raid Dens that can include Kyujitsuan Forms.
- Fixed a game crash connected to the Forewarn ability.
- Fixed a bug in the Tower of Thunder that allowed progressing past the first trainer even after a loss.
- The Kyujitsuan Bulbasaur line now has the proper stats and moveset.
- The Kyujitsuan Torchic line can now learn Drill Pick as intended.
- Fixed a level scaling issue outside of Hard Mode.
- The Magikarp static encounter on Route 2 and the Litwick static encounter in Kiri Forest will now reset every time you re-enter the respective area.
- Aerodactyl, Unown, Xerneas, Yveltal, Kubfu and the choices in the Tower Trial will no longer be randomized.
- Fixed a bug that led to receiving less items from bundle items than intended (e.g. Bag of Coins, Jar of Honey etc.).
- Fixed a bug that caused Urshifu Rapid Strike’s Surging Strikes to not work properly when the opponent hat a defense stat raise of 2 or more.
- Fixed a collision issue at Teal Shrine between your follower and Minoru after beating Ogerpon.
- Fixed a collision issue at the Wellspring Mask between your follower and Munkidori.
- Fixed a pathing issue in Ancient Terastal Cave that could lead to a soft lock.
- Cueball Kuro’s Slowking now has the proper moveset.
- Lady Kotoko’s Oinkologne now has the proper moveset.
- Chaneller Brenny now uses Lairon and Kyujitsuan Misdreavus as intended (not the evolved forms).
- The encounter list now properly indicates the condition for encounters on sand or ash during rain.
Balance & Modification
- The following Pokémon can no longer be encountered in Dynamax Adventures:
- Zygarde
- Hoopa
- Melmetal
- Urshifu
- Ogerpon
- Terapagos
- Added Kyujitsuan Forms to the regular spawn pool of the following Max Raid Dens:
- Rockruff: Route 1 (Den #1)
- Toxel: Aki Forest (Den #7)
- Misdreavus: Yosei Woods (Den #12)
- Durant: Noyanagi Plains (Den #5)
- Greavard: Shimo Mountain (Den #26)
- Glimmet: Shimo Mountain (Den #27)
- Deerling: Shimo Mountain (Den #25)
- Salandit: Yosei Woods (Den #13)
- Staryu: Suna Beach (Den #16)
- Stonjourner: Sakyu Valley (Den #22)”
- Toxel can now be found in the northwestern part of Aki Forest as well, so it is no longer blocked behind 4 badges of game progression.
- Kyujitsuan Deerling can now be encountered in Aki Forest and Yosei Woods during foggy weather.
- The Wishing Charm now resets after 8 hours (was 24 hours).
- The chance to receive an item from the Wishing Charm is now 60% (was 70%), while the chance for a gift Pokémon is now 40% (was 30%).
- Removed “pseudo legendary” Pokémon and Feebas from the pool of possible Pokémon received via Wishing Charm.
- Disabled wild spawns on some areas of Bell Tower to avoid getting soft locked.
Move and Ability Updates
- Royarant can now relearn Extreme Speed at the Move Relearner.
- The following Kyujitsuan Pokémon can now learn more moves:
- Klink line: Iron Head, Bulldoze, Earthquake
- Combusken & Blaziken: Fly
- Stonjourner: Shore Up (39), Accelerock (45)
- Bulbasuar line: Body Press, Curse, Gyro Ball
- Mudbray line: Wish instead of Healing Wish, Life Dew instead of Heal Pulse”
- Smeargle will no longer disguise itself as Pidgey or Bulbasaur.
- Randomizer Mode is now only available on the separate version 2.01m, which is generally intended for JoiPlay/Android, but also works on PC. The only difference to v2.01 is the lack of the multiple save file feature, since it is not compatible with JoiPlay and Randomizer Mode.
- Added a difficulty settings indicator in the pause menu.
Known Issues
- When using F12 to quick restart the game, “stack level too deep” error can occur whenever a wild overworld spawn is loaded in. This will crash the game, so please avoid restarting with F12!
- Overworld sprite generation may cause the game to run choppy after a while just give it a quick save and restart and you are fine again!
- In some places with many events, the Speed Up plugin will cause the game to run poorly. Slow down the game speed in those areas for a smoother performance.
- Dynamax sprites for Generation 9 Pokémon are not scaling properly.
- At some bridges, you end up “surfing on land” when interacting with a water tile while standing on/next to the bridge.
- Brick Break is a little bit… bubbly the first time you use it… consecutive uses will play the correct animation.
- Some regional forms do not work properly with Mirror Herb; only egg moves of their original form can be transferred, but not the regional form’s egg moves.
- The automatic level scaling sometimes does not properly evolve opponent’s Pokémon even though they fulfill the intended criteria.
- The playtime is indicated incorrectly on the multiple save slots.
Game Related Stuff
Join the Discord Server for additional information on the game such as the Kyujitsu Island Pokédex and plenty of guides and infographics!
You can also ask any questions you have on the game, bug reports or suggestions there!
Download Pokemon Keishou
If you are playing on Android / JoiPlay, please make sure to download the below version of the game:
Previous Version