“Pokemon Bill’s Secret Garden” is a Completed GBA Rom Hack made by TibJib. Explore Bill’s Secret Garden in FireRed with 40 new Pokemon, Fairy-type, modern mechanics, and updated trainers.
Pokemon Bill’s Secret Garden Completed GBA Rom Hack
- Creator: TibJib
- Base ROM: Emerald
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v1.3
- Last Updated on: December 25, 2024
- Status: Completed
Also Check Out: Pokemon Emerald Seaglass GBA
Pokemon Bill’s Secret Garden (BSG) is a Vanilla+ rom hack for FireRed. The namesake feature of this hack is a new garden area accessed from a teleporter in Bill’s house. Here, you will find Pokemon from the GS Spaceworld Beta that were cut from the original Gold & Silver versions! Between the Pokemon you can find in the garden and new evolutions, there are a total of 40 new Pokemon to find. In addition to that, there are many other changes to make the experience more interesting
- New garden area accessible via teleporter in Bill’s house with Pokemon from the GS Spaceworld Beta. Includes 40 new Pokemon with new evolutions.
- Based on CFRU and Dynamic Pokemon Expansion, adding Fairy-type, modern moves, battle mechanics, and DexNav.
- Updated encounter tables; all 386 Gen 3 Pokemon are catchable, mostly before the Elite Four.
- Includes pre-evolutions, evolutions, forms, and variants of the original 386 Gen 3 Pokemon from later generations, including Paradox forms.
- Trainer teams updated to include new Pokemon, making some trainers naturally harder.
- Hard Mode is available as a separate patch, for those who want more of a challenge!
- Additional features include new move tutors and shops to support these changes.
Despite using CFRU as a base, Mega Evolution and Gen 4-9 Pokemon unrelated to existing lines have been excluded from BSG.
Changes From Base FireRed
- CFRU and DPE have been applied via Leon’s Base Rom in HexManiacAdvance. All basic features included in this engine upgrade are applied.
- 40 new Pokemon added, with some being new lines and others being new evolutions.
- New moves have been added, primarily as signature moves for the new Pokemon.
- New evolution items have been added.
- A new area was added to Bill’s House via a teleporter in the back. This garden area houses most of the new Pokemon.
- Later generation evolutions and forms for the original 386 Pokemon have been made available.
- Mega Mawile and Mega Sableye have been made into their own Pokemon, Feauxile and Gemineye. They will evolve from their original forms by level.
- G-Ponyta/G-Rapidash and Masquerain have had their types changed.
- Covet has been changed into a Fairy-type move.
- Encounter tables have been altered to allow most Pokemon to be found before the Elite Four.
- Small new areas have been added all over the region to provide catching locations for some Pokemon.
- The female trainer sprite has been changed to Blue (JP). Sprite courtesy of LouLilie.
- Player starts with Running Shoes.
- Trainer teams have been updated to take advantage of the newly available Pokemon.
- In addition, many mid-to-late game trainers who were still using unevolved Pokemon have been given final evolutions. This is most noticeable on the routes leading to Fuchsia and beyond.
- TM locations have been moved to increase availability.
- Move Tutors are now repeatable. Most Tutors have been given different moves and new Move Tutors have been added all over the region.
- PokeMarts have been updated with a second vendor for additional items, such as special Pokeballs and type-boosters.
- The DexNav has been made available in Veridian.
- The Good Rod has been moved to Lavender Town.
- Item selection in the Department Store has been expanded, including more evolution items and more Pokeballs.
- New vendors have been added to Celadon Mansion, Pokemon Trainer Fan Club, Fuchsia City, Two Island, and Five Island, providing various rare items.
- The Mystic Ticket is available on the Sevii Islands before the Elite Four.
- The National Dex catching requirement has been reduced to 30. Note, only the original 150 Kanto Pokemon will count towards this number.
- The Aurora Ticket is available in the post-game Sevii Islands.
- The Elite Four rematches have been updated with new Pokemon and are designed to be a bit harder than the vanilla game.
- A special trainer has been added to Birth Island, with a team in the mid-80s. Proceed with caution.
Changelog Version 1.3
- Fixed the version number on the title screen.
- Added in the option to view EVs & IVs from the Pokemon’s summary screen.
- Three new Pokemon added! Two of these are to create a full evolution line for beta Bayleaf (Dewpodd), with one extra Pokemon thrown in as a special treat!
- Increased the Sleep chance of Relic Song to 15%.
- Increased the accuracy of Grass Whistle to 65%.
- Locations of Regional Forms have been changed, to make them searchable via DexNav.
- Lucky Egg made available in the early game. Additionally, they can now be stolen from Aipom.
- Valuable items can be stolen from Meowth and Persian, allowing for easier money grinding.
- A second Move Reminder has been added to Fuchsia City.
- An IV Tutor has been added, maxing out a Pokemon’s IVs for a price.
- An alternate Hard Mode patch is now available! This makes many changes to the game to increase the difficulty. However, it doesn’t enforce level caps or item bans, so it won’t be nearly as difficult as other rom hacks out there.
Hard Mode Features (New in v1.3)
- The Starter Pokemon have been switched out for the Beta Starters.
- The Beta Pokemon will be available earlier, outside of Bill’s Garden.
- Trainer levels have been increased across the board.
- Many trainers will have updated teams, with more evolved Pokemon or customized movesets and items
- Gym Leaders will have remixed teams, with full IV & EV spreads.
- The Rival, Elite Four, Post-Game rematches, and Super Bosses will also be adjusted.
- New merchants are added to early-game towns, selling useful things like berries and hold items.
- Players will have access to the Amulet Coin and Exp Share much earlier, to help with grinding.
- An end-game EXP Trainer will be added, to help level Pokemon quickly.
Possible Future Updates
- Update animations for new attacks, which are currently recycling existing animations.
- Update certain Pokemon icons (some of them are pretty terrible…)
- Change in-game trades.
- Balance changes based on any feedback received.
- Multi-move tutors.
Known Bugs v1.3
- The map sprite for the roaming legendary that appears after beating the League is broken and shows the wrong Pokemon.
- Nincada’s normal evolution method isn’t working, making Shedinja impossible to get. Added a new evolution method to get Shedinja using a Dusk Stone.
- Registering more than one Key Item to the Select button causes a glitch in the item list. The items will function normally when selected, but the names will be wrong (For example, the Bike might be listed as Fresh Water).
- Some Pokemon, primarily regional forms, only give 1xp.
- Due to some back-end issues, completion of the National Dex isn’t acknowledged by Oak or the Game Freak Director.
- Some players have reported issues with the Mega Evolution easter egg. One noted that the items didn’t appear, the other said the Warden’s gold teeth overwrote the Mega Ring. That said, these issues haven’t been reproducible.
- There are some minor graphical issues in the background when making purchases from the rooftop shops in Celadon Mansion.
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TibJib (Creator)