“Pokemon Bismuth” is a GBA Rom Hack made by Diego Mertens. Discover the New Hoenn region with news maps and an improved storyline, featuring Pokemon from generations 1 to 8.
Pokemon Bismuth GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: Diego Mertens
- Base ROM: Emerald
- Language: English
- Latest Version: Demo 0.2
- Released on: July 14, 2023
- Last Updated on: July 18, 2024
- Status: 2 GYMS (In Development)
Also Check Out: Pokemon Super Cool Spot
You embody May or Brendan in an adventure through the Hoenn Region, to get all 8 Gym Badges and become the champion.
Along the way, you face Team Aqua and Magma, who want to expand the sea and land, but this time they seem slightly less crazy? While battling them, you get the impression someone other than you is also trying to take them out, an organization both of them seem to know… The Delta Division.
What is this Team that seems to have resurfaced from thin air after being disbanded? What are their new goals, and leader? And more importantly Is them winning better than Team Aqua and Magma winning?
At the same time, it seems like new Pokemon have appeared in Hoenn, what’s that about? Find the answer to all these questions playing through the story!
May/Brendan: A friendly neighbor that loves researching Pokemon, but they do it so they can spend more time with their father, Professor Birch.
Professor Birch: An active Pokemon Professor that spends most of his time out in field studies. Does he not miss his family?
Archie: Leader of Team Aqua. Strong and decided, always cold-headed even when facing defeat. Acts as if his Team were his family.
Maxie: Leader of Team Magma. A lot less charismatic than Archie, but a lot readier to take difficult desicions and calculates his every move… Or so he says.
Wally: A shy and sick kid who admires the protagonist a lot. Extremely determined, to a fault, but talentless.
Winona: Calm and serene, claims to bear the “pain of the world.” One has to wonder what climate change does to her, if that were true.
- Pokemon up to generation 8, and cross-gen evolutions of Gen 9 coming as well!
- All Gen 1 to 8 Starters, plus 3 Sudo-legendary Starters.
- Updated battle mechanics
- Typical QoL stuff, no required HMs, Move Re-learner and Nicknaming anywhere, Infinite TMs, 2 in 1 bike, etc.
- Day/Night encounters. No visual effect implemented yet.
- Dark Grass for double battles.
- New areas to explore!
- See if a gift Pokemon is Shiny before choosing it! Starters included!
- DexNav!
- A new (but early) Safari Minigame. Catch Pokemon in the overworld pressing R with the help of the DexNav!
- Extremely customizable. Difficulty settings, custom base Shiny Odds, speed of Exp and HP effects, Training Mode, etc!
- Unique Gym Battles! Find out which special effects and restrictions are set in each Gym.
- Mulch! Growing berries has never been easier. Mulch can be bought at the Flower Shop, and they bring new effects to planted berries! Try them all out!
- Spanish AND English as available languages to play. Currently, the early game is being translated to English.
- Mystery Code System: Get special items and Pokemon through these codes! Come back frequently to see if a new one has been released!
- Some custom shinnies and new sprites for some Pokemon!
- Buffed underwhelming Pokemon. New abilities, modified typings, stats and moves!
- No need for checking Documentation to know about buffs. Check the new and improved Pokédex!
- For the DEMO only, all Debug menus have been left in. Explore the new your own peace!
Change Log
Demo 0.2
- This patch solves many errors I found while testing, and adds some more content!
- Solved collision errors in Route 101, Route 102 and Dewford Town.
- Fixed an issue that would cause text to display in the wrong language.
- Fixed an issue where the wrong Mulch would be displayed when planting a berry, and one when you checked a non-Mulch-ed Berry.
- Miscellanous translation fixes.
- Discover how your actions influence the outcomes of some events!
- Translated and fixes almost all texts in the DEMO.
Basic Storyline: Around 80% already in.
Polished Storyline: Only around 20% has been polished.
Maps: 15 maps fully ported and redesigned to fit new tilesets.
Indoor Maps: 0%, none have been changed yet.
Mechanics: 25%
Mystery Codes
As a celebration for releasing the DEMO, two codes will be released. These can be entered in the Start Menu after
getting the Pokédex, in the “Contraseñas/Passwords” option.
WORLDOFPOKEMON – Gives you a Ditto and a few EXP Candies.
ASHSUMO147 – Gives you Ash’s Alola Team! All at level 80+, however.
That’s all the codes for today! Come back frequently to get some more.
Known Issues
- Some texts are still in Spanish. Namely, random NPCs, some Menus and a single plot-related event.
- Using a Ditto and losing the battle while it’s transformed will sometimes cause it to mantain the moves of the last Pokémon it transformed into.
- The sideways stair in Route 102 will sometimes work funkily.
Download Pokemon Bismuth
Previous Version

Magiscarf, WesleyFG, myself for the Tiles.
ghoulslash, surskitty, Buffel Saft, TheXaman, lunos, Alex N, exposeed, rhh, diZZyeggg. PokemonCrazy, paccy, dunsparce9, Jaizu, AsparagusEdu and some people from the Simple Modifications Directory at Pret Wiki for miscellaneous systems and QoL changes!
The Pret and RH-Hideout people for the decomp.