“Pokemon Elysium” is a Completed GBA Rom Hack made by BlackKaiser. Follow the journey of a 16-year-old girl from the Crysta Island who dreams of becoming the best Pokémon champion. She works hard, battles tough opponents, and faces challenges along the way, including defeating villains.
Pokemon Elysium Completed GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: BlackKaiser
- Base ROM: FireRed
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v2.0 in Two Parts A & B
- Last Updated on: January 27, 2024
- Status: Completed
Also Check Out: Pokemon Resolute
Pokemon Elysium is a special version of Fire Red made for people who like stories. It’s not super hard, and it was made a while back, but I kept adding stuff to it until recently. Even though I wasn’t going to, I decided to share it with everyone. It’s pretty long, especially if you check out everything and do all the side missions. It’s split into two parts: A and B. To play, you have to patch two files and use save states to keep playing from Part A to Part B.
The story part of the game includes a prologue, four main chapters, and a short ending. It’s a bit harder than regular Pokemon games, but most players won’t have trouble finishing it.
Pokemon Elysium follows the adventure of a 16-year-old girl from the peaceful island of Crysta. She’s on a journey to become a Pokémon Champion, aiming to secure one of the 8 spots in the finals set on the mysterious Elysium island. However, unknown to her, an ancient dark presence, setting in motion a plan more than 100 years in the making, will endanger not only her and her friends but the entire world.
- A mix of Pokémon, moves and types up until Pokémon X and Y. Gen I, II and III mostly but there’s a decent number of Pokémon from the next generations like Hippopotas, Garchomp, Rhyperion or Galvantula (Check the online excel file for the full list of obtainable Pokémon)
- Fairy Type-Pokémon & Moves (replacing old ones)
- Physical-Special Split
- A very few story-only related fakemon and fakemoves
- Some (permanent) Mega Evolutions
- Several Regions to explore.
- Side quests that reward you with rare Pokémon, moves or special items.
What to DO in Pokemon Elysium
- Use save states to save your progress rather than the game’s built-in save feature. This way you can pass your progress to Part B. I.e in Visual Boy Advance, SHIFT+F1 saves an instance to a .sgm file.
- Save in many and different slots
- Switch Battle Style to SET for more challenge.
What NOT to do in Pokemon Elysium
- Try to complete the Pokedex. You can’t catch every pokemon, the focus of this Rom Hack is the story. You can ignore the Pokedex Completely
- Do not release Pokémon that were given to you for obvious story reasons, as this could potentially lead to the game being softlocked. Release only the Pokémon you’ve personally caught using a Pokéball.
Known Issues/Bugs:
- Sometimes there’s a minor graphical glitch in the reflections (it doesn’t impact the gameplay).
- At a certain point in the game, you will softlock if you release an obtainable Lapras before obtaining HM Surf.
- In very, very rare occasions, the player’s sprite (may) suddenly messes up. This can be quickly fixed by entering or exiting a building or cave or using FLY. This has been fixed but there’s still a very small chance you may encounter that bug.
- Please be aware that there might be spelling or language errors in the game, as English is not the creator’s native language!
Change Log
- New Pokémon have been added (refer to the Excel sheet in the download link).
- All Mega Evolutions of the game’s Pokémon are now available.
- Added some alternate forms of Pokémon. (Hisuian & Alolan)
- Several previously existing Pokémon, such as Charmander, Squirtle, Abra, Aerodactyl, etc., are now available to the player.
- Difficulty/grinding balancing adjustments. Items like Exp. Share and Lucky Egg are accessible way earlier in the game. Rare Candies can be found more frequently.
- A couple of side quests and new areas to explore have been added.
- Move Tutors and in-game trades have been enhanced.
- New overworld sprites and improvements to tilesets.
- New intro.
- A few spelling and grammar errors have been corrected (I’m doing my best with that one, trust me).
- That Menu graphic glitch was finally fixed (a big thanks to the creator of HexManiacAdvance for this fantastic tool!).
How to play Part B (Must Read)
When prompted by the game, you will need to patch Part B onto a clean ROM and use your most recent save file (saving state) to continue the story. Depending on your emulator, you may need to rename or relocate a file to a different folder.
In terms of the storyline, you must transition to the new ROM after boarding the ship known as S.S. CHALLENGER. This should occur after you have obtained all 8 badges and participated in the initial rounds of the championship at Battle Colosseum.
Instructions of how to play PART B in Android Emulators (Using MyBoy as example):
- 1: While playing PART A: When the game prompts you with the message “SAVE NOW”, go and create a new Save State from the Menu -> Save – > Slot 1.
- 2: (Optional) Link your Android with a PC (unless you can rename/copy files from your phone).
- 3: Navigate to the folder where MyBoy stores the save files. The path should look like this: Phone\Android\data\com.fastemulator.gba\files\save.
- 4: (IMPORTANT) Assuming your game is named PokemonElysiumA.gba. Take a copy of PokemonElysiumA ST1 file and PokemonElysiumA.st1 PNG file. to an external folder of your PC to make sure you have a backup of them.
- 5: Download and patch PART B to a completely new ROM and add it to your MyBoy. Make sure it doesn’t overwrite your first one. (save it with a different name).
- 6: If your patched rom is now called PokemonElysiumB.gba, rename the two files of step 4 to PokemonElysiumB ST1 and PokemonElysiumB.st1 PNG and place them to the same save folder (\Android\data\com.fastemulator.gba\files\save)
- 7: Boot the 2nd ROM, go to the menu and LOAD the first state. You should see your hero inside the ship.
Game Related Stuff
Download Pokemon Elysium
Mirror Links

- Diegoisawesome for their XSE Scripting Tutorial
- Haven1433 for HexManiacAdvance (godlike tool)
- Alistair for various Tilesets
- LU-HO’s for the Advanced Map
- HackMew for XSE and Advanced Trainer
- Rangi for TileMap Studio
- Silver314 for YAPE
- Kurapika for G3T
- D-Trogh for Nameless Tile Map Editor
- Link12552 for Nameless Sprite Editor
- karatekid552 for Pokemon Gen.3 Hacking Suite
- The Contributors of Gen VI and V: DS-Style 64×64 Pokemon Sprite Resource on Pokecommunity
- MrDollSteak’s Sugimori Palettes: The DS-style 64×64 Pokémon Sprite Resource
- thedarkdragon11’s DS-style Gen VII and Beyond Pokémon Sprite Repository in 64×64
- Doesn’tKnowHowToPlay for PSS
- Kimonas for OWM
- Unknown poster’s guide here on Pokecommunity for helping me create custom moves (didn’t found the post/poster, will update)
- u/Grazerous and Jex for playtesting and instructions about how to patch Part B on iOS.
- My cousin and my brother for playtesting
- (In case I missed anyone, please let me know !)