“Pokemon Sparkling Red” is a GBA Rom Hack made by Hangry. Explore a modified version of FireRed with increased shiny rates and 350 custom shinies with a moderate difficulty.
Pokemon Sparkling Red GBA Rom Hack
- Creator: Hangry
- Base ROM: FireRed
- Language: English
- Released on: July 17, 2024
- Latest Version: v0.4.3
- Last Updated On: February 05, 2025
- Status: Upto the 6th GYM & Everything in Between
Also Check Out: Pokemon Enduring Emerald
Welcome to Pokemon Sparkling Red Edition!
Pokemon Sparkling Red is an in-development ROM for Pokemon FireRed with an emphasis on shiny Pokemon.
With over 350 custom shinies, and drastically raised shiny odds, your Pokemon adventure is guaranteed to be filled with shiny Pokemon.
The ROM features a light overhaul of the Kanto region. It will be a refreshing experience for anyone who has already played Pokemon FireRed, or perfect for anyone playing FireRed for the first time. The ROM includes all content available in the base game, and additional features and adjustments for you to find along your journey. It has a moderate difficulty level, with some slightly tougher battles than the base game, but nothing extremely difficult.
- Over 350 new shiny Pokemon for the Pokemon originally found in the Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn regions.
- Every (non-legendary) Pokemon from the generation 3 national dex obtainable before the Elite Four.
- Increased shiny odds (1/8 chance) to allow the discovery of many new shinies on your journey.
- All trade and friendship evolutions were replaced with other criteria.
- EXP grinding areas in each gym town to reduce tedious leveling.
- Reworked Pokemarts to sell many more items such as evolution items and more.
- Post-game content featuring encounters with every legendary and mythical Pokemon from Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn.
- All new gym and elite four leaders and teams.
- A brand new rival who uses non-Kantonian Pokemon.
- The rework of many routes, trainers, and Pokemon encounters across the entire region.
- The ability to obtain multiple starter Pokemon throughout the game (at a rare encounter chance).
- Better level balance and level scaling throughout the game.
- Zero shiny locks for any Pokemon.
- New areas that feature Pokemon not originally found in pre-e4 FireRed.
- A rework of many TMs and HMs to be compatible with more Pokemon.
- And many more additional features for you to discover.
Change Log
- Fixes a few small things involving proper NPC dialog and reworking catch rates of the Pokemon found in the Safari Zone, to make them a bit easier to catch.
- Pokemarts have been remodeled
- Saffron now features an exp area
- The level cap in Fuschia has been added
- Tiles with incorrect collision have been fixed
- A few fixes to various NPCs
- and other smaller fixes
- Various issues with the cycling road and route 18 have been fixed.
- The third gym leader is ACTUALLY the third gym leader now. The typing and level cap has been adjusted.
- The Eevee in Celadon City is now obtainable.
- Porygon can now correctly evolve using the Up-Grade.
- Many more Pokemon have been made available, and once again, any Pokemon that you find can have a custom shiny.
- This update allows you to now complete Gym 3, Gym 4, Rocket’s Game Corner, and Lavender Tower.
- Additionally, gyms and gym leaders have received some slight changes and improvements.
- Along with the release of v0.3, an encounter table will available for you to reference while playing. (Given in Game Related Stuff)
New Evolution
- Golbat -> Crobat: Level 35
- Poliwhirl -> Politoed: Use King’s Rock
- Kadabra -> Alakazam: Level 40
- Machoke -> Machamp: Level 38
- Graveler -> Golem: Level 38
- Slowpoke -> Slowking: Use King’s Rock
- Haunter -> Gengar: Level 36
- Onix -> Steelix: Use Metal Coat
- Seadra -> Kingdra: Use Dragon Scale
- Scyther -> Scizor: Use Metal Coat
- Chansey -> Blissey: Level 42
- Eevee -> Espeon: Use Sun Stone
- Eevee -> Umbreon: Use Moon Stone
- Porygon -> Porygon2: Use Up-Grade
- Pichu -> Pikachu: Level 15
- Cleffa -> Clefairy: Level 15
- Igglybuff -> Jigglypuff: Level 15
- Togepi -> Togetic: Level 26
- Feebas -> Milotic: Level 32
- Azurill -> Marill: Level 15
- Clamperl -> Huntail: Use Deepseatooth
- Clamperl -> Gorebyss: Use Deepseascale
Game Related Stuff
Download Pokemon Sparkling Red
Previous Version

Hangry (me) – Spritework, region changes, etc.
The Shadow Knight – The code needed to adjust shiny odds using the Shiny PID Reroller
haven1433 – For providing HexManiacAdvance, which was used to make this ROM
When will you release the full version? Played it and it’s great! Love it tbh!!
the full version is in development, please write your loved comment on the creator page so he can feel great for his work: https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/pokemon-sparklingred-a-shiny-focused-firered-rom-demo-1-out-now.528690/