“Pokemon Soulstones 2: Time Wardens” is a Completed Rpgxp Fangame made by Jos_Louis. Get ready to explore an amazing collection of 800 regional Pokemon in a new area called the Orion Region.
Pokemon Soulstones 2: Time Wardens Completed Rpgxp Fangame
- Creator: Jos_Louis
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v1.1.15
- Last Updated on: December 18, 2023
- Status: Completed
Also Check Out: Pokemon Soulstones
You feel a voice calling out to you in your sleep on the night before your 21st birthday. The voice is calling out to you for help and to find her as she is in trouble and vulnerable. You will soon find yourself caught up in a plot that involves assisting a visitor from an alternate universe as she investigates and attempts to unravel the objectives of the Ethereal Guild, a loosely associated band of mercenaries, pirates, and profiteers who have ambitions for intertemporal dominance. While their organization lurks in the shadows, it appears as their influence runs deeper than anticipated, threatening the stability of the Orion region.
Please note that this project contains some mature themes, including coarse language and violence. Player discretion is advised.
- The flagship feature of this game is that it contains a Pokedex of over 800 regional variant Pokemon and ONLY regional variant Pokemon (i.e. no canon forms at all!)
- Generation 4-style graphics
- Mega Evolution
- 3 new types (Cosmic, Sound and Light) with accompanying changes to the type chart
- New moves and abilities, both for the new types as well as existing types.
- Estimated 25 hours of content
- Similar to Soulstones 1, this is not a gym/league challenge story and is more of an RPG with story progression.
- Similar to Soulstones 1, side quests are making a return, and some have multiple steps to it to create “mini-stories” which will compel players to pursue side plots.
- Features a number of unique scripts such as Voltseon’s pause menu, Encounters UI, Randomizer X, multiple save files, and the Quest Log UI.
Change Log
- Reworked Magnitude to be like Night Shade
- Added some new low-tier physical Ground moves to broaden selection (Tremor and Trample respectively).
- Fixed animation bug on arrow flurry
- Fixed the user interface tutorial that pops up at the beginning of the game as M was incorrectly saying what N did and vice versa.
- Smeargle now has universal tutor compatibility to expedite the process of creating an optimal kit for him, rather than having to sketch moves you want.
- Modified kit of a number of physically-oriented ground types to accommodate the new early-tier physical ground moves: Charmander (egg and learnset), Learnsets of Machop, Totodile, Mamoswine, Donphan, Chesanught, T. Lapras, Emboar, T. Mamoswine
- Duskull now evolves to Dusclops at Level 32.
- Hydro Pump move description was incorrect but has now been turned into an Arcane Energy clone.
- Clarified ability description for Moxie/Charisma to make it clearer they don’t work like canon.
- Gave Sharpedo barrage and rapid strike and tweaked the rest of Sharpedo’s kit to fit these in.
- Aligned TM learnset between Froslass and Snorunt to make sure Froslass can learn everything that Snorunt could in addition to its own unique moves. Same done for Applin line.
- Psycho Cut had a chance to confuse which was wrong.
- Added more notable quest alert pings for every quest when the completion text is noted to make it clear when you’ve finished the objective.
- Tweaked kits of a bunch of SS1 mons: Tangela, Tympole, Gulpin, Spinarak, Golett, Ponyta, Amaura, Skrelp, Drowzee, Seel, Skiddo, Kabuto, Roggenrola, Finneon, Gliscor, Druddigon, Krabby, Hoothoot, Voltorb, Sandygast, Vanillite, Popplio, Exeggcute, Treecko, Larvitar, Hippopotas, Swirlix.
- Modified kits of SS1 mons: Mareep, Swablu, Abra, Venipede, Heracross, Teddiursa, Psyduck, Duskull, Skitty, Deerling and Aron.
- Edited vials held by the Avatars and Simulacrums as they were suboptimal
- Made Wand Honedge appear on Route 4A during the day.
- The ability precision wasn’t working correctly.
Installation Guide
- Like any other Pokemon fan game created using Pokemon Essentials, simply click on the download link and extract the archive.
- When this is done, run the Game.exe file.
- If you get an error message on startup regarding fonts not being installed, simply navigate to the Pokemon Time Wardens\Fonts folder, select all the fonts, right click and install them as administrator.
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