“Pokemon Lazy Green” is a Completed GBA Rom Hack made by Senhor Mankey. Experience an enhanced version of FireRed/LeafGreen with easier leveling, exclusive Pokemon, and streamlined gameplay features!
Pokemon Lazy Green Completed GBA Rom Hack
- Creator: Senhor Mankey
- Base ROM: FireRed
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v1.1.15
- Released on: October 04, 2024
- Last Updated on: December 29, 2024
- Status: Completed
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Do you want to play FireRed/LeafGreen but don’t feel like searching for cheats to save time? Do you want to catch all the Pokemon without trading between games? Are you fed up with Chansey running away after 200 tries in the Safari Zone? Do you want to do a nuzlocke challenge but don’t want to worry about leveling up too much or keeping track of your levels every couple of battles?
Try Pokemon Lazy Green, a version of FireRed/LeafGreen with helpful updates to make your gaming experience smoother!
- Easy to grind (one fight equals 1 to 3 levels)
- Level cap tied to the lowest level ace pokemon of the remaining bosses
- Update 25-Oct-2024: You can change level cap to lowest mon pokemon from remaining bosses. Just talk to the NPC in Route 2 near Pewter City
- Trade evolutions are gone, you can use Linking Cord available in Celadon Department Store
- All three starters are available: you can pick Charmander in Route 24, Bulbasaur in Cerulean and Squirtle in Vermilion
- IVs on stats screen
- EVs obtained in battle are deactivated. A NPC in Pallet can activate to work just like the regular game. Also, Vitamins in Celadon are cheaper and EV reducing berries are available (is it time for Pomeg Glitch?). Once you reach in Celadon, you have full control over your EVs
- Badge Boost. You can choose whether you want or not. Default settings is off, but a NPC in Pewter can activate just in time to you enjoy the boost from first badge
- Most items cost way less than they used to cost. And if you still need money, Pay Day gives you 500 times the normal amount it would give;
- You can force Hidden Power, Return and Frustration to have maximum power. Also, you don’t need to test Hidden Power around Kanto, summary menu will show what type it is
- Meowth ability Pick Up can only collect Hidden Power TM. Which is also available to buy in Celadon if you don’t want a Meowth in your party
- Every exclusive version pokemon available. For example, Vulpix and Growlithe are both available in Lazy Green. Check documentation to see what routes changed in relation to regular game
- Infinite Eevees in Celadon. You can have a team full of Vaporeons
- Safari Zone reformulated. Every rare pokemon got its odds to find increased. Also, every area is connected to each other
- You can buy all TMs in Celadon according to your progress
- A NPC help you reuse every move tutor in the game
- Coins are cheaper, as well prizes in Casino. You can buy Pinsir and Scyther using less coins
- Shiny odds are 5%. If you want an all shiny squad, it will take way less time
- Update 14-Oct-2024: a NPC in Celadon momentarily triggers cross generation evolution. You have access to Espeon or Crobat before beat the first E4
- Update 14-Oct-2024: a NPC in Route 22 gives you items that maximize IVs. However, you have to beat his random team
- And if you’re not looking for vanilla gameplay: a NPC in Route 2 can activate Challenge Mode specially for you!
If you want to play vanilla FireRed, just ignore everything that’s not featured in FireRed (ignore Vulpix, ignore HP power, ignore TMs that aren’t purchasable, ignore excessive shinies, etc) and play as regular FireRed.
This hack doesn’t have any fancy stuff (no physical special split, gen4+ mons, etc). This is supposed to make it easier for those that want to play vanilla FireRed.
Two styles available: one with only gen-1 available in main game and gen-2 available on post-game, and one with all pokemons from gen1 to gen3 available. Talk to your mom before get your starter.
- Your mom: you can activate Monotype Mode by talking to your mom before meet Prof. Oak. Check documentation if you want to see which pokemon will appear in which route;
- Pallet Town Southwest side: you can activate EVs obtained in battle;
- Pallet Town Northeast side: if you’re playing Monotype Mode, you can get some random eggs relating to the type;
- Viridian City southwest side: you can enable move tutors from Emerald and XD in four different locations (Route 25 near Bill’s House, Cerulean City Southwest side, Vermilion City Northeast side and Celadon City Northeast side);
- Viridian City Old Man tutorial: talk to him again after his tutorial and you can guarantee all poké balls to work on first try;
- Route 22: beat a random battle and receive items that maximize IVs;
- Route 2 (near Viridian City): activate Challenge Mode;
- Route 2 (near Pewter City): change Level Cap mode (default is lowest ace from remaining bosses; talking to this NPC will change to lowest mon from remaining bosses);
- Pewter City Northeast side: activate Badge Boost;
- Route 4 (near Mt. Moon, accessible from both Mt. Moon and Cerulean City): you can reuse move tutors from FireRed;
- Route 5 (Daycare House): maximum power for Hidden Power move;
- Vermilion City (near Pokémon Fan Club): you can erase HMs moves;
- Vermilion City (near Diglett’s Cave entrance): if you’re playing Monotype Mode, you can get a Smeargle egg with Flash, Cut and Fly moves;
- Vermilion City (near path to S.S. Anne): items for sale;
- Celadon City (near Route 16): you can activate cross generation evolutions, like Umbreon or Crobat, before beat E4;
- Route 12 (Return TM room): you can maximize power for Return and Frustration moves;
- Fuschia City (near Fishing Guru house): items for sale;
- Route 19 (near Fuschia City): if you’re playing Monotype Mode, you can get a Smeargle egg with Surf, Strength, Waterfall and Rock Smash moves;
- Route 23: items for sale;
- Four Island (near hidden Pearl): makes all gen2 pokémons appear in Sevii Islands (check documentation to see detailed changes).
- Find a way to make egg moves available;
- Find a way to change Charizard from intro.
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SenhorMankey (senhor.mankey on discord), with assistance of pret community (https://discord.gg/d5dubZ3). Lovely artwork by u/jc93732 (https://old.reddit.com/u/jc93732)