“Pokemon Pit Of 100 Trials” is a Completed GBA Rom Hack made by Team Aqua Leader Archie. Prepare for a Roguelite adventure with 100 trainer battles and 3 starters that you can choose from 9 random Pokemon.
Pokemon Pit Of 100 Trials Completed GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: Team Aqua Leader Archie
- Base ROM: Emerald
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v2.2.1
- Last Updated on: February 08, 2025
- Status: Completed
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Pokemon Pit Of 100 Trials is a small hack I’ve been working on that is inspired by Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, in which the Pit of 100 Trials is an optional dungeon with 100 floors of battles. I have translated that concept into Pokemon.
In this challenge, you start with 3 random Pokemon and must fight through a random trainer gauntlet over 100 Floors. You and each trainer have random mons (if you’re playing Extra Random mode you also have random moves/abilities/learnsets). There is a singles and doubles mode. The Enemy trainer mon levels are tied to the floor number, with Lvl 1 being the minimum and Lvl 100 being the maximum. At the start of the challenge, there is only one trainer per floor, but as you progress, more of them will spawn (random number per floor, weighted to lower numbers), with a max of four per floor by the end of the Pit. After clearing each floor you will get one to three random item drops and then the next floor warp will activate letting you progress. Every 5th floor is a Heal/Shop floor where you will be able to rest and prepare for the next trial. And every 25th floor, you will be given the choice of another random mon. Every 10th will have a move tutor NPC except for the floors that also have Pokemon on them.
If you do manage to beat the final trainer on Floor 100, you can choose to keep going and see how far you can get. That’s all the info I’ve got. Hopefully, you have fun.
- Choose your custom charcter like (Brendan, May, Red, Oak, Phoebe, Steven, Cynthia, Dawn, Ethan, Lyra, Lucas).
- In All Gen Mode, you can choose or battle pokemons from Gen 1-9.
- Following Pokemon.
- You can choose 3 Starter Pokemon from 9 Random Pokemon.
- There are challenging trainers on each floor with competitive skills.
- You can choose atleast 3 pokemons as starters.
- An improved Battle System for better experience.
- Reduce or Increase EVs/IVs as per your need.
- Difficulty can be increased alongside exp share.
- There are custom items in floor mart like (Mega Stones, Z Crystals, Battle Gems, TMs, Form Changing Items & More).
- This is mainly a balancing patch for Gen 9 mode gimmicks. They had some issues like being too common and being able to double gimmick. This stuff should be fixed now. If you’re not playing Gen 9 mode this update isn’t too important
Consider this release a beta, with some things that could break.
- Add Tera / Dynamax Into Gen 9 Mode (courtesy of the pokeemerald-expansion)
- Refactor How All Gimmicks Are Handled. You individually toggle each gimmick from the Mode Menu, and then the Foe Gimmicks option determines if the enemies use them, use them randomly, or start off not using them and slowly use them more.
- Hope mode still has no gimmicks, Despair Mode has just mega. You can turn off the ones you don’t like in the Custom Mode which we advise
- Fix various forms like Enamorus
- Add Running Shoes Evo Item To Add On Top of Friendship Evos
- Various Move effect Fixes
- Remove Pickup as its mechanics unintentionally break the game
- Add Signature items as item reward drops if you have a mon with a signature item (otherwise it won’t roll one)
- Add Inverse Battles
- Add No Items During Battle Option
- gender changing item in shop
- Fix Wonder Trade Mono Type
Saves should be compatible but its possible you might have weird settings set when loading in the first time.
I am leaving up the v2.1.0
Version Difference
All Gen Pokemon: This version includes all Pokemon from generations 1 to 9.
Up to Gen 5 Pokemon: This version includes Pokemon up to generation 5.
Up to Gen 3 Pokemon: This version includes Pokemon up to generation 3.
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Previous Version 2.1.0