“Pokemon Scorched Silver” is a Completed GBA Rom Hack made by Sloo. Discover the Johto region with a new story and catch Pokemon from generations 1 to 8, including Galarian and Hisuian forms.
Pokemon Scorched Silver Completed GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: Sloo
- Base ROM: Emerald
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v1.3
- Released on: June 16, 2024
- Last Updated on: August 17, 2024
- Status: Completed
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Pokemon Scorched Silver is a complete game with 8 badges, and plenty of post game content. This is not a remake of Gold and Silver, but a sequel with an entirely new story.
Fair warning – The gym leaders use items and some setup moves making this game moderately difficult, but not impossible. If you defeat all available trainers before each gym, and use a little strategy, you should be fine.
Hope you all enjoy it!
Travel back to the majestic lands of Johto through the perspective of a young boy or girl from Cherrygrove City on their way to becoming a great Pokémon Master!
Set 20 years after the events of Gold and Silver, you will meet many old and new characters along your journey, as well as unravel more secrets of the region. Discover a wide variety of pokémon and a brand new storyline, as your path becomes intertwined with a mysterious group calling themselves Team Phoenix, who seem hell-bent on capturing Celebi for some nefarious scheme.
- Generations 1 to 8 Pokemon: Pokemon from the first eight sets of games are available.
- Galarian and Hisuian Forms: Includes special regional variations of Pokemon from Galar and Hisui regions.
- Explore Johto Region: You can visit and explore the Johto region, known from Generation 2.
- New, Original Story: The game features a fresh, new storyline.
- Mega Evolution (Post-Game): You can use Mega Evolution after finishing the main story.
- Pokeemerald Expansion Features:
- PSS (Player Search System): This allows for easier online battles and trades.
- Fairy Type: The Fairy type is included, adding a new type to the game.
- Gen 8 Pokemon: Pokemon from Generation 8 are available.
- New Moves: Includes moves introduced up to Generation 8.
- Run Indoors: You can run while inside buildings.
- HM Moves Outside of Battle: Use Hidden Moves (HMs) like Surf or Fly outside of battle without your Pokemon needing to know the move.
- Black/White Repel System: The repel system from Black and White games is used to prevent wild encounters.
- Poison Survival: If your Pokemon is poisoned, it will survive with 1 HP until you heal it.
- TM Move Changes: Some Technical Machine (TM) moves have been updated to newer moves.
- 750+ Pokemon Available: There are over 750 Pokemon that you can catch.
- Nature Changer NPC: An old woman in Violet City can change the nature of your Pokemon, which affects their stats.
- Battle Nurse in PCs: Most Pokemon Centers have a nurse that helps with leveling up Pokemon.
- New Storyline: A completely original plot for the game.
Change Log
- Fix pokéflute
- Mime Jr. evolves to Galarian Mr. Mime with Ice Stone
- More tile fixes
- Reusable TMs and deletable HMs
- Some egg moves added to the Move Relearner for all pokémon
- Nature change NPC (old woman on the park bench in Violet City)
- Start menu clock
- Battle nurse in most Pokécenters for Exp.
- New mega forms for the Johto starters
- Bag expanded to 120 items (will not be able to keep old save due to this)
- Raises wild Pokemon levels for easier grinding and team building
- Nerfed 2nd gym leader some
- Add macho brace
- Fix bike shop glitch (if you don’t have enough money)
- Makes first Lazulan cutscene unskippable
- More tile fixes
Fixes Oliver battle glitch, gives Hisuian Voltorb and Zorua evolutions, makes fossils key items, and has a couple of tile fixes.
Known Bugs
- Galarian Weezing (maybe others too?) seems to break double battles a little (the sprites will flip around some, not game breaking, but looks funny)
- Mega evolution symbol will stay on screen after the mega pokemon has fainted sometimes. Goes away after battle, or if you view your other pokemon
- In the multi double battles, if all of your teammate’s pokemon faint, it may not let you switch
Game Related Stuff
Download Pokemon Scorched Silver
Previous Version
Also Check Out: Pokemon Scorched Silver Cheat Codes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: What are each Gym Leader and Elite Four member’s highest levels?
1st Gym: 14
2nd Gym: 20
3rd Gym: 28
4th Gym: 36
5th Gym: 42
6th Gym: 47
7th Gym: 52
8th Gym: 62
Elite Four 1: 68
Elite Four 2: 69
Elite Four 3: 70
Elite Four 4: 71
Champion: 72
Q: How to get all of the Legendary Pokemon?
Mew: On Faraway Island, available after second E4 win, speak to the bald man on Apricotta Beach
Mewtwo: Bring Celebi to the shrine on Faraway Island and it will take you to Cerulean Cave
Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres: All in the Whirl Islands up waterfalls in their respective areas
Celebi: After being freed from Team Phoenix, you can encounter Celebi at the shrine in either Ilex Forest or Kizu Forest
Lugia: Up the waterfall you find it in front of earlier in the Whirl Islands
Ho-oh: In a new area inside Mt. Mortar
Raikou: Begins roaming after your second encounter
Entei: Hatches from egg given by Silver
Suicune: Hatches from egg given by Gold
Rayquaza: At the peak of Mt. Silver
Groudon: Terra Cave which appears on Route 32 after catching or defeating Rayquaza
Kyogre: Marine Cave which appears underwater on the Goldenvine Sea after catching or defeating Rayquaza
Jirachi: Appears at the peak of Mt. Tempest after being freed from Team Phoenix
Deoxys: Birth Island, available after first E4 win, speak to the bald man on Apricotta Beach
Dialga: Ruins of Alph, take Ho-oh to the first braille puzzle
Palkia: Ruins of Alph, take Raikou to the second braille puzzle
Giratina: Ruins of Alph, take Entei to the second braille puzzle
Arceus: Ruins of Alph, take Suicune to the third braille puzzle
Q: Where can I find a certain pokemon?
Check the Pokemon Location Page from Game Related Stuff
Q: Where do you get HM waterfall?
A: From an old man in a house in Blackthorn. It’s the one with the old woman outside. You need to defeat the 8th gym leader, and he will give you waterfall
Q: Where do you find Lugia and TM Earthquake in the Whirl Islands?
A: Go through the dive spot at the center of the islands and go straight North. You should emerge next to the top right island.
Once inside, follow the image in the spoiler below. The red path leads to Earthquake, and the blue path leads to Lugia.
Q: Is there an EV or IV checker?
A: No EV checker, but there’s an IV checker NPC in Cherrygrove City
Q: Can you change a pokemon’s nature?
A: Yes, now in v1.3! Speak with the old woman on the park bench in Violet City.
Q: Does the game have a discord?
A: Nope
- pokeemerald – DizzyEgg
- pokeemerald expansion – rh-hideout
- HGSS music – CyanSMP64
- Use HMs without knowing – devolov
- Black/White repel system – ExpoSeed
- Poison survival outside battle – Lunos
- Scrolling Multichoice boxes – DizzyEgg
- Hidden power type shown – Jirachii
- Rotom form change in overworld – Buffel Saft
- Items sent to PC when bag is full – devolov
- Youtube tutorial series – Team Aqua’s Hideout
- Original Emerald game – Nintendo, Game Freak
Wie kann ich von Version 1.1 meinen Spielstand auf Version 1.2 bekommen?
Version 1.2 has released any chance it’ll be added here
Gameplay test of the Romhack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hZCpawuaoQ&t=82s
Awesome hack! But the game is freezing after meeting Oliver in the ruins of alph 🙁
please report the bug on pokecommunity thread, linked in end of this page in sources