“Pokemon Perfect Emerald” is a Completed GBA Rom Hack made by DARTHBR. Check out Pokemon Emerald, where you can catch all 386 Pokemon! The chances of finding shiny Pokemon are higher, and you can get the Kanto and Hoenn starters. Red and Leaf from Kanto make their debut, and there’s also Mirage Island and lots more to discover!
Pokemon Perfect Emerald Completed GBA Rom Hack
- Creator: DARTHBR
- Base ROM: Emerald
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v5.4
- Last Updated on: January 16, 2025
- Status: Completed
Also Check Out: Pokemon Pseudo Red
- All 386 Pokémon available (no trading required): All Pokémon can be captured in-game without the need for trading.
- No new Pokémon, moves, or tilesets; the game stays true to its original content.
- Battle Frontier Points (BP) have been reduced to 10 BP
- Physical/Special Split: An optional version without the split is available.
- Increased Shiny Odds: Default is 8 (resulting in 8191/65536 odds), now set to 255 (equivalent to Shiny Charm, resulting in 257/65536 odds)
- Legendary Pokémon: As in the original games, they are hidden in fixed locations. Explore the world to uncover their secrets!
- New custom special events for Legendary Pokémon.
- Rival: with a fully evolved starter Pokémon.
- Starters:
Kanto and Hoenn starters are available (opposite to the starter you choose) (given by NPCs).
Johto starters become available after completing the Hoenn Pokédex (given by NPCs). - Lucky Egg multiplier has been updated to 2.5x multiplier.
- BW2 Repel System implemented.
- Steven Stone can now be rematched.
- Red and Leaf from FireRed and LeafGreen versions appear in the game. (can be rematched)
- Bagon as a special event on Route 111
- Team Magma and Aqua admins/bosses use Hyper Potions/Full Restore in the final battle stages instead of Super Potions.
- Numerous post-game events after defeating the Elite Four.
- Day/Night System (DNS) has been implemented
- EV-IV Viewer added (press A on the stats screen to access it).
- Running shoes now work indoors.
- CRAWDAUNT now learns Crunch at lv 40
- Mirage Island unlocked after the Elite Four.
- Prism Scale added: You can still evolve Feebas to Milotic the traditional way (via beauty).
- Feebas now appears as a rare wild Pokémon, eliminating the need for extensive searching.
- Team Magma and Aqua teams are based on their TCG (Trading Card Game).
- Minor Pokémon team variations: Trainers may have slight lineup changes (e.g., Magikarp replaced).
- Deoxys: All four forms are available (can switch forms in-game).
- Legendary Pokémon battles follow a Nintendo-style format, with event tickets tied to unique stories.
- Trade evolutions are now possible without trading (via Link Stone).
- Eevee can evolve into Espeon and Umbreon using Sun and Moon Stones.
- Reusable TMs and move tutors are scattered across the map.
- Evolution stones are available in Lilycove Mart.
- All Gen I-III items are accessible in-game.
- Gym leaders, Elite Four, and rivals have received AI improvements.
- Altered in-game trades.
- Held items have been adjusted, with some now acting like Evolution Stones.
- The stats screen now displays color-coded stats (red for increased, blue for decreased).
- All Gen I-III berries available.
- Kanto Fossil Restoration Center added in Mossdeep City (revive Aerodactyl, Kabuto, and Omanyte at level 25).
- PP Up available for purchase in Lilycove Mart.
- Sea Incense available in Mossdeep’s PokéMart; required to breed Azurill
Evolution Changes
- Seadra → Kingdra: Use Dragon Scale (find more Dragon Scales from Bagons, Horseas, and Seadras).
- Onix → Steelix: Use Metal Coat (buy it in Lilycove Mart or find it in Magnemites).
- Scyther → Scizor: Use Metal Coat (buy it in Lilycove Mart or find it in Magnemites).
- Kadabra → Alakazam: Use Link Stone (buy it in Lilycove Mart).
- Haunter → Gengar: Use Link Stone (buy it in Lilycove Mart).
- Feebas → Milotic: Use Prism Scale (buy it in Lilycove Mart or find more in wild Feebas).
- Machoke → Machamp: Use Link Stone (buy it in Lilycove Mart).
- Poliwhirl → Politoed: Use King’s Rock (buy it in Lilycove Mart).
- Porygon → Porygon2: Use Upgrade (received from Porygon in an in-game trade).
- Graveler → Golem: Use Link Stone (buy it in Lilycove Mart).
- Slowpoke → Slowking: Use King’s Rock (buy it in Lilycove Mart).
- Clamperl → Huntail: Use Deep Sea Tooth (buy it in Slateport Mart or from Captain Stern’s Scanner Quest).
- Clamperl → Gorebyss: Use Deep Sea Scale (buy it in Slateport Mart or from Captain Stern’s Scanner Quest).
In-game Trades
Togepi → Snorlax (holds Lucky Egg, Rustboro City near Gym)
Volbeat → Farfetch’d (Fortree City)
Bagon → Porygon (Pacifidlog Town)
Feebas → Lapras (Battle Frontier)
Version Difference
PSS Version
This version of Pokémon Perfect Emerald has been modified with the Physical-Special Split (PSS).
In the original Pokémon games, a move’s category (physical or special) was determined by its type (e.g., Water-type moves were special, Normal-type moves were physical). The Physical-Special Split changes this system by allowing each move to be independently classified as either physical or special, based on the move’s properties rather than its type.
This greatly improves the strategic depth of battles, as it gives more flexibility to various Pokémon and moves.
If you prefer to experience the game as it was originally designed, without the Physical-Special Split, you can download the “Original” version, which does not include this modification
Day & Night Version
The DAY NIGHT SYSTEM version of Pokémon Perfect Emerald is a modification that adds the day-night system from the game. In Pokémon games, the day-night cycle causes the environment and various in-game elements to change depending on the time of day, affecting events, the appearance of areas.
If your emulator supports RTC (Real Time Clock), use this version. Otherwise, use the normal version.
Game Related Stuff
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