“Pokemon Blazing Emerald” is a Completed GBA Rom Hack made by Struedelmuffin. A completely updated version of Pokemon Emerald that includes many Quality of Life Changes, better graphics, 28 different starter options, and Pokemon from generations 1 to 8.
Pokemon Blazing Emerald Completed GBA Rom Hack
- Creator: Struedelmuffin
- Base ROM: Emerald
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v1.6
- Last Updated on: August 07, 2021
- Status: Completed
Also Check Out: Pokemon Emerald’s Eight
Pokemon Blazing Emerald (BE) is a graphical and gameplay re-styling of Pokemon Emerald, designed around re-balancing and improving mechanics while still staying true to the original design and story.
Many visual and quality of life improvements have been added to enhance the experience. You will start your journey with Clefairy, Eevee or Pikachu, each of which provide their own gameplay experience with their updated stats, abilities, and learnset. Not a fan of these Pokemon? Don’t worry, there is an option to start your journey with an expanded list of starters.
Many visual and quality of life improvements have been added to enhance the experience. You will start your journey with Clefairy, Eevee or Pikachu, each of which provide their own gameplay experience with their updated stats, abilities, and learnset. Not a fan of these Pokemon? Don’t worry, there is an option to start your journey with an expanded list of starters.
The battles will be more challenging than normal, but you’ve got a lot of options at your disposal! Exciting and diverse new Pokemon are scattered throughout Hoenn to make every trainer’s party feel truly unique! Discover hidden caves, mysterious groves, and more as you experience Pokemon Emerald in a fresh, new way!
- New Starters (28 options)
- A few Pokemon from later generations (up until gen 8)
- Most Pokemon got buffed with increased stats, new abilities or better movepools
- Regional Forms
- Several Fakemon
- New shiny palettes
- National Dex is completable, with some hidden extras
- Improved Trainer AI
- Improved teams of important trainers
- Hard Mode
- Physical/Special Split
- New and buffed weather effects
- New and unique moves
- New and unique abilities
- New weather effect
- Wild Double Battles
- All PokeBalls up to Gen 7
- Reusable TMs
- Buffed and removable HMs
- Trade evolutions now utilise evolution items
- New and unique items
- Easy obtainable Shiny Charm
- Music from the Sinnoh games and custom soundtracks
- New tilesets
- New locations
- New events
- New NPC’s, bosses and portraits for important characters
- Run indoors
- You can fly to certain Routes
- Custom UI
- EV training
- IV training
- Ability switcher
- Dex scan
- Stats checker
- Wonder trading
- New mini games
- The shiny rate has increased to 1/1000
- Random match calls can be disabled at Professor Birch’s Lab
- Updated Pokémon Contests featuring Master Rank ribbon boosts that give your Pokémon stat buffs in all areas outside the Frontier
- Decapitalization
Change Log
Major Changes:
- The entire region of Hoenn has received visual enhancements!
- Fallarbor has been revamped and redesigned to be a mining town. Explore new areas and mine for treasure!
- Hard mode has been reworked to now provide a more significant challenge!
- Hard mode now features level caps that are raised with each badge!
- Weather setting moves will now set the weather permanently whereas weather setting abilities now only last 5 turns
- An older version of the Sword/Shield Fairy-type leader, Bede, has taken the spot as the third member of Hoenn’s Elite Four!
- Custom Starter options! If you’d like to use a wider variety of starter choices, you may now select the “Custom”
- option presented to you at the beginning of the game!
- A brand new weather type, Eclipse, has been added to the game!
- Eclipse: Moves used by Dark, Ghost, and Psychic Pokemon have an additional 30% chance to activate their secondary effects
Eclipse effects:
- Secondary effect chances on moves used by Psychic, Ghost, and Dark types are increased by 30%
- Sleeping Pokemon that are not Psychic, Ghost, or Dark take nightmare damage each turn
- Curse damage will not effect Psychic, Ghost, or Dark type Pokemon
- Wicked Lash charges in one turn
- Synthesis and Moonlight will fail if used
- Weather Ball becomes Dark type
General Changes:
- Egg move data has been reworked
- The level curve has been increased, particularly in later areas of the game
- A new move tutor in Fallarbor Town will teach your Pokemon unique moves in exchange for shards
- A new NPC in the Mossdeep library will give the player a free Brightpowder
- The Mossdeep library has been greatly expanded in size
- The explanation given in the Mossdeep library for obtaining Pink Butterfree and Drilladin has been updated
- Juan is now an Ice-Type Gym Leader with a reworked team to fit his new theme
- Cursed Sash – Now reduces all stats by one stage rather than harshly reducing defenses
- All Type-Boosting Hold Items (Soft Sand, Poison Barb, Charcoal, etc) now increase power by 30% rather than 10%
- Lax Incense now reduces foe’s accuracy by 10% rather than 5%
- Shell Bell now heals for 1/4th of the damage dealt by a move rather than 1/8th
- Focus Band now has a 20% chance to activate rather than a 10% chance
- Figy, Wiki, Mago, Aguav, and Iapapa berries now restore 1/3rd max HP rather than 1/8th
- Standardized the prices for a lot of held items
- The Desert Underpass is now accessible after obtaining the sixth gym badge
- Shinx, Luxio, and Luxray have received sprite updates
- Pikachu has received a sprite update
Pokemon Changes:
- 11 New Hoennian Forms have been added to the game!
- Hoennian Tynamo – Electric/Ground. Common encounter in the Fallarbor Mines and Desert Underpass
- Hoennian Eelektrik – Electric/Ground. Uncommon encounter in the Desert Underpass
- Hoennian Eelektross – Electric/Ground. Evolves from an Eelektrik that is leveled up in the Desert Underpass. Rare encounter in the Desert Underpass.
- Hoennian Emolga – Ghost/Flying. Rare encounter on Mt. Pyre
- Hoennian Pawniard – Steel/Fairy. Uncommon encounter on Route 123
- Hoennian Bisharp – Steel/Fairy. Evolves from Pawniard at level 50
- Hoennian Maractus – Grass/Fire. Uncommon encounter in the Jagged Pass
- Hoennian Mareanie – Rock/Poison. Uncommon encounter inside smashable rocks in Granite Cave, Briny Trench, and Fallarbor Mines
- Hoennian Toxapex – Rock/Poison. Evolves from Mareanie at level 38
- Hoennian Regigigas – Ghost
- Mallar’ki – Fighting/Flying. Evolves from Farfetch’d at level 28
- Zangaro: -10 Spe
- Silviper: -10 Atk
- Emolga: +20 HP
- Leafeon: -10 HP + SpD
- Glaceon: -20 SpD
- Beautifly: +20 Spe
- Dustox: +20 Spe
- Pelilpper: +20 HP
- Jumpluff: -11 Atk, +5 Def, -11 SpA, +27 SpD, -10 Spe
- Ledian: +10 Atk + Def
- Butterfree: +5 HP, -5 Atk, -15 Def, +25 SpD, -10 Spe
- Muramoth: -20 Spe
- Lucemoth: -20 SpA
- Skitty: +15 HP, +15 Atk, +5 Def, +25 SpA, +15 SpD, +20 Spe
- Delcatty: +5 HP, +10 Atk, +5 Def, +30 SpA, +15 SpD
- Beedrill: +20 SpD, -20 Spe
- Drilladin: -15 Atk, -15 Def
- Drapion: -35 SpD
- Drasparath: -20 HP, +12 Atk, -5 Def, -10 SpA, -5 SpD
- Numel: +15 Def, +5 SpD
- Hoennian Ursaring: -5 Atk, -18 Spe
- Hoennian Dodrio: -20 HP, +25 Atk, +13 SpA, -10 SpD, -35 Spe
- Spinda: +20 HP, -40 Atk, +5 Def, -50 SpA, +15 SpD, -10 Spe
- Grumpig: -20 HP, +45 Atk, -20 SpA, -10 SpD
- Tangrowth: -10 HP, +10 SpA
- Kecleon: +40 Spe
- Vileplume: +20 HP
- Bellossom: +20 Spe
- Reuniclus: -30 HP, -5 Spe
- Shuckle: -10 HP, +5 Def, +5 SpD
- Xatu: -5 SpD, -15 Spe
- Hoennian Onix: +10 HP, -20 Atk, -10 SpA, -10 SpD, -10 Spe
- Chrysalix: -20 Atk, -5 Def, -10 SpA, -5 Spe
- Slowking: -30 SpA, +30 SpD
- Mantine: +10 SpA
- Hoennian Qwilfish -20 Def
- Whiscash: +18 Atk, -10 Def, -38 SpA, +10 SpD
- Octillery: +5 HP, +15 Atk, -5 Def, -5 SpA, -10 Spe
- Slingray: +2 HP, -19 Atk, -15 Def, +57 SpA, -15 SpD
- Mew: -5 all stats
- Pink Butterfree: -15 SpA + Spe
- Typhlosion: -10 Atk, -10 Spe, +10 HP, +10 Def
- Xatu can now learn Shade Trance
- Typhlosion can no longer learn TM26 Earthquake
Move Changes:
- 11 new moves have been added to the game!
- Freeze Dry – Deals super-effective damage to Water-type Pokemon
- Trick Room – Inverts speed stats, causing slower Pokemon to go first for five turns
- Wicked Lash – 110 Power, 100 Acc, Dark, Physical – Charges for the first turn, then deals damage with a high critical hit rate
- Cheap Shot – 95 Power, 90 Acc, Dark, Physical – May cause flinching
- Blackout – 70 Power, 85 Acc, Ghost, Physical – May inflict sleep
- Kindleseed – 60 power, 90 Acc, Fire, Special – Inflicts the Leech Seed status
- Knight’s Vow – Fairy, Status – Raises user’s defense and sp.def one stage, heals party of status problems
- Geosplinter – Rock, Status – User protects itself for one turn and switches its attack and defense stats
- Spectral Sap – 65 Power, 100 Acc, Ghost, Physical – Drains HP and steals stat changes from the foe
- Energy Ball – 90 Power, 100 Acc, Grass, Special – May lower sp.def
- Twirlenade – Normal, Status – Raises user’s speed 2 stages and evasiveness 1 stage but causes confusion
- Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt – Power has been lowered from 95 to 90
- Blizzard, Fire Blast, Thunder – Power has been lowered from 120 to 110
- Bubblebeam – Secondary effect chance increased from 10% to 30%
- Aurora Beam – Secondary effect chance increased from 10% to 30%
- Dragon Pulse – Power has been increased from 90 to 95
- Dragon Claw – Power has been increased from 80 to 90
- Rock Throw – Power has been increased from 50 to 65
- Flame Wheel – Power has been increased from 60 to 65
- Dig – Power has been increased from 75 to 85
- Pummel – Secondary effect chance has been lowered from 30% to 10%
- Moonrazer – Power has been reduced from 90 to 85. Now has a 10% chance to inflict sleep on the foe
- Heat Wave – Power has been reduced from 100 to 80. Secondary effect chance has been increased from 10% to 50%
- Rubble Rush – Power has been decreased from 150 to 140 and accuracy has been decreased from 90 to 80
- Twister – Power has been increased from 40 to 45. Is now a +1 priority move, but no longer has a chance to cause flinching
- Sky Uppercut – Now deals double damage to targets in the semi-invulnerable state of Fly or Bounce
- Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Thunderpunch – Secondary effect chance increased from 10% to 20%
- Feint Attack, Shadow Punch, Drill Peck, Magical Leaf, and Shock Wave have all had their base power increased from 60 to 80
- All moves with a flinching effect (Astonish, Air Slash, Extrasensory, etc) now deal double damage to targets that have used Minimize
Ability Changes:
- 16 new abilities have been added to the game!
- Sky Scourge – Summons an Eclipse on switch-in – Emolga, Absol, Lunatone
- Prowler – Doubles the damage of any copied move (eg. Assist, Mirror Move, Mimic, etc) – Skitty, Delcatty
- Iron Barbs – Damages the foe if hit with a contact mvoe – Ferroseed, Ferrothorn
- Stall – User goes last – Sableye
- Sand Rush – Doubles speed in sandstorm – Hoennian Eelektross, Sandslash
- Slush Rush – Doubles speed in hail – Walrein, Alolan Sandslash
- Nefarious – User’s status moves have increased priority – Hoennian Emolga, Wigglytuff, Sableye, Banette
- Lithe – User’s speed doubles when afflicted by a status condition – Furret, Luxray, Absol
- Specialist – Increases power of HM moves by 50% – Linoone, Tropius, Wailord
- Siege Drive – Increases power of projectile moves by 50% – Magmortar, Slingray
- Composed – Increases power of 2-turn moves by 50% – Grumpig, Marowak
- Laser Focus – Increases power of beam moves by 50% – Starmie, Deoxys
- Foul Shroud – User’s evasion is increased during an Eclipse – Dusknoir, Umbreon, Hypno
- Ambush – User’s moves cannot miss during an Eclipse – Zangaro, Cacturne, Banette
- Sand Spit – Upon being damaged, the user summons a Sandstorm for the remainder of the battle – Eelektross
- Victory Star has been renamed to Lucky Star
Bug Fixes:
- The AI will now properly respond to Crystal Case, Lightningrod, and Air Balloon
- A Pikachu that is imitating Steven can no longer be found in Meteor Falls
- Fixed an issue with the Collector’s Corner battles resulting in bad egg shiny encounters
- Fixed some erroneous capitilizations
- Tons and tons of minor fixes!
- As I do not want an excessive amount of Pokemon and moves to be in the game, I must make the difficult
- decision to keep the dex size and move limits in check so that the available roster feels appropriate
- given the size of the region. Thank you for being understanding of this decision.
- The following moves have been replaced in 1.6:
- Megavolt (Freeze-Dry)
- Swift (Geosplinter)
- Flatter (Twirlenade)
- Rage (Knight’s Vow)
- Nature Power (Rimechaser)
- Stockpile (Energy Ball)
- Spit Up (Veiled Sky)
- Swallow (Cheap Shot)
- Stomp (Kindleseed)
- Fury Attack (Wicked Lash)
- Guillotine (Blackout)
- Sludge (Spectral Sap)
The following Pokemon have been replaced in 1.6:
- Surskit (H. Mareanie)
- Masquerain (H. Toxapex)
- Nidoran male (Farfetch’d)
- Nidorino (H. Regigigas)
- Nidoking (Girafarig)
- Electrike (H. Maractus)
- Manectric (Mallar’ki)
- Baltoy (H. Tynamo)
- Claydol (Chimecho)
- Taillow (H. Eelektrik)
- Swellow (H. Eelektross)
- Seedot (H. Emolga)
- Nuzleaf (H. Pawniard)
- Shiftry (H. Bisharp
1.6 Credits:
- Wednesday for her amazing spritework!
- Skeli for creating our engine and much more!
- Ghoulslash for his help creating new features such as the custom starter choices!
- PageofSean for the design concept inspiring Regigigas’s variant!
- Jessjackdaw for the name and design concept for Mallar’ki!
- PlusSizeScribe for his work on custom cries!
- SageDeoxys for his work on custom overworld sprites!
- C7XL for creating the new UI visuals!
- Hillsy for designing many of the map changes to Hoenn!
- Vega’s sprite team for Pikachu’s new frame 1 sprite!
- All the moderators and beta testers for their hard work in ensuring a smooth release!
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