“Pokemon Platinum Unlocked” is a Completed NDS Rom Hack made by Yosammy. This romhack enhances the original game with QOL improvements, extra content, and legal Pokemon catches.
Pokemon Platinum Unlocked Completed NDS ROM Hack
- Creator: Yosammy
- Base ROM: Platinum
- Language: English
- Released on: August 08, 2024
- Latest Version: v1.2
- Last Updated on: December 05, 2024
- Status: Completed
Also Check Out: Pokemon HeartGold Reloaded
Searching for a romhack of Platinum that adds plenty of QOL improvements, adds replayability and post-game content but doesn’t change too much from vanilla Platinum ? Look no further, Platinum Unlocked has everything you are looking for!
My goal was to keep everything you catch legit in gen 4 and onwards while making Platinum even more enjoyable.
- Fully compatible with all gen 4 games and onwards!
- Catch all the GBA insertions, swarms, daily Great Marsh and Trophy Garden encounters without any waiting time. You will encounter them at their normal Platinum locations, making them legal and transferrable (see bugs for Great Marsh ones and Feebas)
- New visuals in menus and in battle!
- Also added some secret boxes from Diamand/Pearl, replacing the “ECETERA” ones
- Drifloon availible every day after the Valley Windworks event (still have to wait one day to make it appear)
- Spiritomb availible after inserting the Odd Stone
- Fishing with good rod will get you some Pokemon you only get with great rod in the postgame (Staryu, Qwillfish, Dratini, Corpish, Wailmer..) at their normal Platinum fishing spots. You can also get Feebas in Mt Coronet as a normal fishing encounter
- Pokemons will have thei colors vary depending on their personal values (this apply to shinys and other trainers)
- You get the National Pokedex from the start, updated with new locations data. After the league you can directly access the postgame without needing to fill the Sinnoh Pokedex
- Instead by defeating the league and going back at prof. Rowan’s lab you will be rewarded with precious gifts
- Catch every static encounters + roaming ledendarys multiple times within one savefile. All you need to do is : finish the events of Stark Mountain, defeat Cyrus in Turnback Cave and voilà, they all reapear!
- This can be done infinitly as long as you defeat the league, then defeat Cyrus
- Get a new Sinnoh starter every time you beat the league by talking to a new NPC
- Revamped gyms, Elite 4, Cynthia and Galactic boss fights and the Battleground rematches with new additions to their teams. Some will mirror their BDSP counterparts (see docs in the download link)
- Revamped trainers teams often replacing their teams (Platinum’s difficulty should be the same)
- Gym leaders rematches directly in their gyms (see docs for full teams)
- Revamped Battleground. You will now face stronger opponents, Some of them will give you nice rewards
- Find new items in Oreburgh Mine, Galactic HQ Warehouse and Stark Mounstain!
- A house in Survival Area was converted to a shop for berries and evolution items (thank RefPlat)
- Regis accessible after Distorsion Wolrd and having Wailord and Relicanth in your party (inspired by Drayano)
- Changed almost every shiny palettes
- Shiny odds are 1/257
QoL Features
- Faster HP bars during battles
- Instant honey trees
- Reusable TMs
- Use cut, strengh, rock smash and waterfall without the need of teaching (waterfall will not work to go down the waterfall if you one of your Pokemon don’t know the move)
- Eggs will hatch a lot faster
- Repel reuse
- No need to see the move deleter to forget HMs
- No caps on vitamins
- Edited out fog on route 210, area in Victory Road leading to route 224 and Turnback Cave
- Removed the need for Flash in Wayward Cave
Evolution Changes
Evolution with the need of trading or trading with an item have been altered
- Poliwhril level up holding king’s rock
- Kadabra level 40
- Mochoke level 40
- Graveler level 40
- Slowpoke level up holding king’s rock
- Haunter level 40
- Onix level up holding metal coat
- Rhydon level up holding protector
- Tangela level 35
- Seadra level up holding dragon scale
- Scyther level up holding metal coat
- Electabuzz level up holding electrizer
- Magmar level up holding magmarizer
- Porygon level up holding up-grade
- Yanma level 35
- Gligar level 38
- Sneasel level 38
- Piloswine level 40
- Porygon 2 level up holding dubious disc
- Feebas level 30 -> This makes your Milotic illegal to transfer to newer games, evolve it with beauty to keep it legal
- Dusclops level up holding reaper cloth
- Clamperl level up holding deep sea tooth Huntail
- Clamperl level up holding deep sea scale Gorebyss
- Mantyke level 30
Known Bugs
- Pkhex will flag the new Pokemon encounters in the Great Marsh as not legal, PKSM on 3DS doesn’t. It might be checking things that even Pokebank or Home will not check. If you truly want to be safe on transfer make eggs of these Pokemon before transferring
- The Feebas you catch in Mt Coronet will often be marked as not legal in Pkhex but not on PKSM. Having them be level 17 make it happen less but again make eggs if you want to feel safe before a transfer
- Feebas evolving at lvl 30 was done only for those who don’t care about legality, but if you want a legit Milotic make your Feebas evolves the normal way with high beauty stat
- Graphics glitch during the starter selection screen
- Stray pixels at the begining of every battles (noticeable for 2 seconds)
- Cyrus and Lucas/Dawn don’t have dialogues during battle
- The individual color patch may not affect contests or the move transform
Game Related Stuff
Download Pokemon Platinum Unlocked
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Previous versions
Is the game faster?
It has faster HP bars. A speed up patch will be availible at a later date
Will it work with Following Platinum ?
No as Platinum Unlocked use a different base version of Platinum
Can you add this Pokemon not encountered in Platinum ? Can you make it a 493 hack?
No as it will not make them legit
Is Manaphy obtainable?
No, we can’t replicate the Manaphy Egg event
Can I use or modify Platinum Unlocked or its content?
Yes of course, be sure to credit everyone please
Will there be an update ?
Will try to correct a few bugs. Giving battle dialogues is easy but the graphical glitches may be out of reach for my skills…
I also want to make the titlescreen logo look better, maybe remove poison damage from overworld
- Yosammy (Creator)
- Drayano as I took his idea for the Regis encounters
- Refplat for messages on legalitty checks in DS Hacking Discord
- SpagoAsparago for the instant honey script
- Maple for the HMs usable from the bag
- Mikelan for the tutorial on reusable TMs
- Mikelan, AdAstra, Nitram and Bagboy for the HP bar speed
- Kingdom of DS hacking discord
- Nomura and AdAstra for DSPRE
- RavenDS for RavenDS (tool for editing the Pokedex)
- Rabid-Pastry for the tutorial on how to change shiny odds