“Pokimals” is a Completed GBC Rom Hack made by VCRchitect. Discover a new world filled with creatures inspired by real animals, but as fakemons, along with many improvements for a better experience.
Pokimals Completed GBC Rom Hack
- Creator: VCRchitect
- Base ROM: Crystal
- Language: English
- Released on: November 26, 2024
- Latest Version: v11-28-2024
- Last Updated on: November 28, 2024
- Status: Completed
Also Check Out: Pokemon Solus RGB
Deal with the strange and insane inhabitants of The Island as you explore a series of ruins that were discovered beneath the surface. It’s your 13th birthday, so the government says you’re old enough to die in a hole! (It’s all in the name of adventure, so it’s cool.)
Pick from one of 13 starters and make your way into the depths of The Ruins. Defeat 5 critters and the door will open, and the ruins may give up some of their loot. Do you use it to boost your team or sell it for supplies? As you defeat your instructors at The Site, you’ll unlock more ANIMALs in The Ruins as well as more resources for your excursions!
- 251 ANIMALs (Fakemon based on real world things) with brand new pics and Dex entries
- A completely original soundtrack
- Randomized dungeon runs so that you’ll never have the same trip twice
- Multiple bosses to defeat
- Leaders (Teachers) can be fought in any order and scale accordingly (but you have to pay a scaling fee; Education ain’t free, you know!)
- Teachers can now have any ANIMALs from their type specialty
- Scaling enemies and level cap so there’s always a challenge
- NPCs with randomized dialogue that pull from hundreds of sayings, quotes, and one-liners
- Character pics with their dialogue like most modern 2D RPGs
- A goofy, sarcastic tone to everything (I’m sorry if you’re not a fan.)
- Appearances by various celebrities, including beloved President, Abraham Lincoln!
- A real, working cigarette item! (Your animals will look so cool!)
- Redone UNOWNs as actual letters
- An easter egg that explains what happened to your dear ol’ dad
- Unique Animal Ball colors
- Muted Pokedex color
- A third gender option (Dinosaur, the third gender is dinosaur)
Quality of Life Improvements
- Running Shoes! (Hold B)
- Physical/Special Split
- Infinite TMs and HMs
- TMs and HMs tell you their name when you grab them
- Can forget HMs without a delete
- Instant text scrolling speed
- Toggleable EXP Share for all
- Gain EXP when you catch Pokémon
- Comfy evening color palette
- Short beeps for low HP
- No save delay
- Apricorns finish instantly
- No trade evolutions (they evolve usually at Lv. 36 now)
- Can get all ANIMALs in the same game (including legendaries!)
- Battle auto prompts
This game features foul language, tobacco use by underage animals, sexual themes, animal violence, and frightening images of pixelated ghosts. This game should not be played by people who are pregnant, nursing, or may become pregnant nurses. Viewer discretion is advised.
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Credits & Special Thanks
- Jaime for keeping on me about finishing (only 29 years late!)
- My wife for putting up with the rambling about this whole thing and being my favorite person ever
- Willis for being so supportive of such an odd endeavor and being an all-around wonderful dude
- Jose for letting me make fun of him in the game and for all the laughs
- ax6 for the randomized dialogue scripting
- Grate Oracle Lewot for helping me realize there was an easier way to handle the scripts
- Damien for helping me with the trainer pic scripting and being a generally friendly dude
- The entire Pret Discord for all of their incredible work in ROM hacking
- TriteHexagon for building the MIDI2ASM tool that inspired this entire endeavor