“Pokemon Perfect FireRed” is a Completed GBA Rom Hack made by DARTHBR. Play Pokemon FireRed with all 256 Pokemon available to catch, new prizes in the Trainer Tower, improved QoL, and much more!
Pokemon Perfect FireRed Completed GBA Rom Hack
- Creator: DARTHBR
- Base ROM: FireRed
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v5.5 Oversight Fix
- Last Updated on: February 07, 2025
- Status: Completed
Also Check Out: Pokemon Perfect Emerald
- All 251 Pokémon available (Kanto/Johto)
- No Hoenn Pokémon
- Day/Night System
- Pikachu Boss in Viridian Forest
- Physical/Special Split: An optional version without the split is available.
- GB Sounds: Accessible in the player’s bag from the start of the game, allowing Gameboy sound effects to be enabled.
- Battle Gold, Silver, and Kris from Johto (they can be rematched).
- Increased Shiny Odds: Default is 8 (resulting in 8191/65536 odds), now set to 255 (equivalent to Shiny Charm, resulting in 257/65536 odds)
- Gym Leaders: Slight team adjustments to align with Let’s Go Pikachu, Gen 1 games, and the anime (e.g., Blaine’s Magmar, Surge’s Magneton, Sabrina’s Slowbro, etc.)
- All Legendary Dogs available (Roar bug fixed)
- Gym Leaders and Rival: Improved AI and Healing Potions
- No National Dex Cap: Evolve Eevee into Umbreon/Espeon mid-game (applies to other Johto Pokémon as well, such as Crobat)
- New Pokémon Encounters: Please refer to the Trainer’s Guide for the full list
Trainer Tower New Prizes:
- Single Battle: Chikorita
- Double Battle: Cyndaquil
- Knockout Battle: Totodile
- Mixed Battle: Unchosen Kanto Starter
- All Pokémon Available Without Trading: Simply use the “Bill Teleport Machine”
- Face Giovanni one last time after the Viridian Gym battle (Mew event; must complete the Five Island Sapphire Quest first)
- Can you find Mew? (No spoilers!)
- Sun/Moon Stones available in the market on Two Island after completing the second Elite Four
- Sun Stone available in Celadon City (find it) (before postgame)
- All Fossils Available
- Light Ball can be found in Bill’s House (Pikachu power-up)
- Can take both Pokéballs in the Fighting Dojo (Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee)
- Lucky Egg: Prize after completing the little girl rescue on Island Two
- Eevee now evolves into Espeon and Umbreon using Sun and Moon Stones
- TM Sludge Bomb added to Silph Co (midgame); Swagger moved to the late game
- TMs are infinitely reusable
- Every Move Tutor can teach a Pokémon an unlimited number of times
- Repels can be used in a row (B/W Repel system)
- EV/IV Viewer
- Nature Stat Colors: Blue decreases, Red increases
- Ability “Magmar Armor”: Speeds up egg hatching like newer games
- Wild Pokémon Held Items have been updated (see Trainer’s Guide)
- Jigglypuff in Pewter City Pokémon Center rotates like in Gen I games
- Default Text Speed now set to “Fast” at the start of a new game
- Rockets will disappear from the game at the right time
- Altering Cave restored like in the Japanese games (event)
Pokémon Available in Altering Cave:
- Mareep
- Aipom
- Pineco
- Shuckle
- Teddiursa
- Houndour (also in Mt. Ember Grass)
- Stantler
- Smeargle
Early Pokemon Locations
Early Pokémon on routes would refer to Pokémon that appear early in the game, allowing players to access them sooner. This would improve gameplay by providing players with a wider range of Pokémon to catch and use early on.
Early Routes / Altered Location Kanto Pokémon
- Oddish – Route 1
- Bellsprout – Route 1
- Staryu – Route 6 (Old Rod)
- Ponyta – Route 16
- Magnemite – Route 10
- Doduo – Route 22 (West Viridian)
- Krabby – Route 10 (Old Rod)
- Cubone – Rock Tunnel
- Koffing – Route 16
- Mr. Mime – Route 11
- Scyther – Route 11
- Magmar – Rock Tunnel
- Rhyhorn – Mt. Moon – B2F
- Slowpoke – Route 6 (Old Rod)
- Electabuzz – Route 10
- Exeggcute – Route 7
- Jynx – Seafoam Islands (new spawn)
Early Routes / Altered Location Johto Pokémon
- Tyrogue – Treasure Beach
- Hitmontop – Canyon Entrance
- Heracross – Kindle Road
- Houndour – Mt. Ember
Level Caps
- Brock: 12
- Misty: 21
- Lt. Surge: 28
- Erika: 37
- Koga: 44
- Sabrina: 46
- Blaine: 48
- Giovanni: 50
- Lorelei: 56
- Bruno: 58
- Agatha: 60
- Lance: 62
- Champion: 65
Change Log
Version 5.5 Oversight Fix
- Added an NPC in Vermilion Harbor for players who don’t have the GB PLAYER in the KEY ITEMS POCKET; it will give it.
- Fixed the OAK’s Rating for the Pokédex at 251.
Version 5.5
- THE DAY-NIGHT VERSION WILL NOW BE OPTIONAL (link to it is at the end of the post)
Version 5.4
- Removed STURDY UPDATED ABILITY, now its original again
- Updated some DNS tiles
- Fixed some NPC dialogues
Version 5.3
- Fixed the dialogues of PROF. OAK, now he correctly says when you complete the NATIONAL DEX.
- NATIONAL DEX now only includes up to 251 POKÉMON, up to JOHTO, no longer requiring the Hoenn Pokémon to complete the game.
- Changed the Jump/Berry Pick requirement to Hatch 200 Eggs, to receive a TRAINER STAR (Previously, you needed a wireless adapter and to play DODRIO JUMP/BERRY to earn this star on your TRAINER CARD, now you just need to hatch 200 eggs! Hehe).
- Added Staryu in Vermilion (Good Rod / Super Rod) (Previously, it was only available in Pallet).
- Fixed the color of the dialogues for SILVER, GOLD, KRYS, and GIOVANNI, which were previously black; now each has its correct color.
- Fixed the issue in the SILVER battle, now all players who previously couldn’t face him can do so normally.
- Fixed the palettes and some sprites for the DNS Day/Night system.
- Fixed the FLY postion in PEWTER, which sometimes disappeared.
Version Difference
PSS Version
What is PSS (Physical Special Split)???
This version of Pokémon Perfect Emerald has been modified with the Physical-Special Split (PSS).
In the original Pokémon games, a move’s category (physical or special) was determined by its type (e.g., Water-type moves were special, Normal-type moves were physical). The Physical-Special Split changes this system by allowing each move to be independently classified as either physical or special, based on the move’s properties rather than its type.
This greatly improves the strategic depth of battles, as it gives more flexibility to various Pokémon and moves.
If you prefer to experience the game as it was originally designed, without the Physical-Special Split, you can download the “Original” version, which does not include this modification
Day Night Version
The DAY NIGHT SYSTEM version of Pokemon Perfect FireRed is a modification that adds the day-night system from the game. In Pokémon games, the day-night cycle causes the environment and various in-game elements to change depending on the time of day, affecting events, the appearance of areas.
If your emulator supports RTC (Real Time Clock), use this version. Otherwise, use the normal version in DOWNLOADS.
Game Related Stuff
Download Pokemon Perfect FireRed