“Pokemon Emerald Encore Edition” is a Completed GBA Rom Hack made by Hedgeus. It is an improvement hack with buffed weaker pokemon, type changes of certain pokemon, changed abilities & addition of some older pokemon.
Pokemon Emerald Encore Edition Completed GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: Hedgeus
- Base ROM: Emerald
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v3
- Last Updated on: November 01, 2023
- Status: Completed
Also Check Out: Pokemon Parallel Emerald
Pokémon Emerald Encore Edition, previously known as Emerald+, is a modification of Pokémon Emerald aimed at enhancing certain aspects of the game while maintaining its authentic essence. This includes buffing the power of weaker Pokémon, integrating enhancements from later generations, and adjusting select Trainers. Additionally, specific Pokémon have undergone type revisions, adjustments to their availability, and a few older Pokémon have been introduced to enrich the regional experience. The primary goal of this modification is to ensure that the majority of Pokémon serve a purpose, rather than striving to make each one competitively viable.
Rebalanced Mons
- Some Useless Abilities Like Sturdy or Illuminate have been replaced with better ones.
- Given a additional typing to certain pokemon like: glalie to make them more usefull.
- Buffed the stats of so many Pokemon to make them more usefull.
- Most Pokémon now have new moves that they can learn. For instance, Treecko and its evolutions can now learn Dragon-type moves as they level up, and Spinda gained the ability to use moves like dual screens.
- Evolution done by trade has been changed, along with some annoying evolution like feebas.
Minor Difficulty Changes
- Each gym leader’s team, abilities, and strengths have been adjusted to make the game more challenging but still fair, without making it too difficult like hard mode hacks.
- Wallace has been improved to become a better overall Champion.
Game Related Stuff
Download Pokemon Emerald Encore Edition