“Pokemon Parallel Emerald” is a Completed GBA ROM Hack made By
Joggel. It is based on Pokemon Emerald with Generation 8 battle engine, new maps & modern features.
Pokemon Parallel Emerald Completed GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: Joggel
- Base ROM: Emerald
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v1.2
- Last Updated on: March 13, 2024
- Status: Completed till pokemon league with no post game.
Also Check Out: Pokemon New Generations
Have you ever thought about what Pokémon Emerald might be like in a different world? Well, this Emerald ROM Hack brings that idea to life with modern features. All the maps in Hoenn have been changed – they’re either made bigger, redesigned, or completely redone. Plus, there are brand new maps to explore too! And there are new Gym Leaders, Rivals, and Elite Four members at the Pokémon League, so it feels like a whole new game!
The trainers and Pokémon you meet have been updated to include pokemon from all 8 generations, even those from Hisui. Battles work like they do in Generation 8 games (Gen 8 Battle Mechanics Implemented). And you’ll find lots of quality-of-life features from newer Pokémon games or other ROM hacks.
You can play Pokemon Parallel Emerald in three difficulties. You can switch between Normal & Hard at any moment, Also a Sandbox mode for extra fun.
- The game uses Gen 8 Battle Engine which includes the following:
- Physical/Special Split.
- Fairy type.
- All new abilities/moves/items/learnsets included.
- Random starters from Gen 1 to 8.
- Added New maps and modified old maps all over the Hoeen region.
- Improved Ai.
- New Gym Leaders/Elite Four.
- 3 Difficulty Modes (Changeable Anytime)
- Hard (Set by Default): It Disables the use of bag items in trainer battles and forces “Set” battle style. Trainers will have more Pokémon, perfect IVs, EV investment (within reason!) and better held items.
- Normal: In this you can use bag items in trainer battles and the player can choose battle style. Trainers will have less Pokémon, 15 IVs, no EV investment and less powerful held items.
- Against the Odds: In addition to the restrictions and obstacles of Hard difficulty, EVs are disabled. Pokémon have perfect IVs when caught or obtained. Level Caps are slightly more strict. The player cannot use certain moves and abilities while the opponent can. The Pokémon League is significantly harder.
- Trainers and wild encounters have dynamic level scaling.
- Implemented a Level Cap for every Gym Leader.
- Buffed some weak Pokemon to make them more usable.
- Placed Move tutors all over the Hoenn Region.
- Added Mega Evolution.
- Every route has 1-2 difficult Boss battles.
- You can access the detailed documentation for all changes, Pokemon & items location as well as to see trainers team (see game related stuff below 👇)
Quality of life
- You can Check IVs with R Button & EVs with L Button on summary screen from Party Menu.
- Flying from the menu right after tutorial.
- Implemented BW2 repel system.
- Added more bag pockets and bag sorting.
- Now you can register multiple items for select button.
- In every Pokemon center Nature Changer and Move Reminder is placed.
- Healing items are now available in cheaper rates.
- After getting the Pokedex, you can buy rare candies.
- Now you can give nickname to you Pokemon from the party menu.
- 100 reusable TMs.
- You can use HMs moves without teaching them to your Pokemon.
- HMs can be deleted at any time.
- Berry Yields has been increased and Growth time has been reduced to 4 minutes.
- Pokedex that shows Base Stats/Learnsets etc.
- Trade Evolutions are Level/Item Evolutions.
- Pokémon that evolve on later levels are now can be evolved at a more appropriate level.
- You you can directly run from the wild battles by holding the L Button on the controller.
- Auto Run Feature (R Button to toggle).
- Pokémon with poor learnsets now learn more useful moves.
- A Sandbox mode that includes (optional):
- Heal your pokemon from anywhere for free.
- You can access pc from anywhere.
- Max money
- Free move reminder
- Damage calculator available (see game related stuff for link)
- And more in the game.
Change Log
- Added possibility to play with perfect IVs and disabled EVs on every difficulty
- New battle interface design
- Health boxes, battle backgrounds (credits to RavePossum and Ruki), textbox, mega icon, recolor of status icons
- Two additional services in the pokecenter
- Change hidden power type
- Set the IV of a specific stat to zero
- Starter selection is still random but no longer depends on trainer ID
- Starters are selected randomly upon interacting with birch’s bag instead. this removes unnecessary replaying of the intro for nuzlockers or players looking for a specific starter
- Replaced button mode option with Sandbox Auto Heal option
- Fully heals party after every battle (except back to back battles)
- Drastically improved AI thinking time by removing debug calls of several functions
- Export your team and boxes to the calculator with custom lua script (credits to Tennis)
- Documentation
- Added documentation for all normal trainers
- Updated imports with normal trainers and fixed typos
- New standard text window
- Increased badge one EV cap to 42 (was 0)
- Removed sorting of berries and TMs (they are already sorted by number)
- Fixed typo in rare candy item description
- Restricted access to shed shells to one per save (by removing it from species held items)
- Changed snoms and woobats evolution method to level evolution
- Added missing basculin striped sprites
- Fixed outdated versioning in HOF
- Nerfed endure to 5 pp
- Wider path to fortree city gym
- Fixed setup AI
- Nerfed pinch stat boost berries in ATO to one stat stage
- Various dialog fixes
- Minor balancing
- Bug fixes
- Fixed freeze relating to cherrims form change
- Fixed cut-off safari UI
- Fixed overlapping safari windows
- Fixed ripen ability pop-up on non-berries
- Fixed sheer force not suppressing all the secondary effects it should
Game Related Stuff
Download Pokemon Parallel Emerald
Previous version v1.1.1