“Moemon Star Emerald” is a Completed GBA Rom Hack made by Axcellerator. Experience Pokemon Emerald with fresh graphics, new Moemon, added features, tougher challenges, and more surprises.
Moemon Star Emerald Completed GBA Rom Hack
- Creator: Axcellerator
- Base ROM: Emerald
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v1.1c
- Released on: September 02, 2024
- Last Updated on: October 10, 2024
- Status: Completed
Also Check Out: Pokemon Dreams
Moemon Star Emerald gives the classic Pokemon Emerald a fresh look with new graphics and battle backgrounds inspired by FireRed and LeafGreen. It brings in more trainer battles, adjustable difficulty settings like level caps, custom maps, and loads of extra features, including Quality of Life improvements (say goodbye to HMs!) and new ways to catch Moemon throughout your journey.
- All Pokemon have been swapped with Moemon versions.
- Over 800 Moemon from all Pokemon generations, including some from Gen 8 and 9.
- Moves are now split into Physical, Special, and Status categories.
- Includes many battle mechanics up to Gen 7, with some Gen 8 and 9 moves too.
- Mega Evolutions are available.
- No more trading needed for evolving Moemon.
- Added new evolution methods and cross evolutions; check our Changed Evolutions document for details.
- Trainers now have different teams and moves compared to the original game.
- The game is more challenging.
- You can set level caps if you want.
- Encounter new rivals during your adventure.
- Explore new locations.
- Enjoy new battle backgrounds and updated graphics.
- TMs are reusable.
- No need for HM slaves anymore; use items for HM moves.
- Craft Poke Balls using Apricorn.
- New types of Poke Balls.
- Discover Hidden Grottos.
- New Move Tutors are available.
- Egg Moves Tutor can be found in Lilycove City.
- Move Relearner now charges $1,000.
- Improved EV Training.
- New Ticket Reward system.
- Password system for special events and gifts.
- Most evolution items are available for purchase in Lilycove City.
- Vitamins no longer have a cap.
- Movesets have been updated to include more modern moves; some Moemon even got new moves to shine.
- A few Moemon have new typings:
- Bayleef > Grass/Fairy
- Meganium > Grass/Fairy
- Feraligatr > Water/Dark
- Goodra > Dragon/Poison
- Fixes the collision issue in a certain area related to the latest event
- Hotfix meant to fix some minor issues regarding the latest event released
- Bug Fixes.
Note: The list of Changelog is too long so we have created a separate page for it which you can access with the help of below button:
How to use Mega Evolution:
- Have a Mega Bracelet in your inventory.
- Give the Moémon the correct Mega Stone to hold.
- In battle, select Attack, then press Start (Whatever your key is)
- Use a move.
The Mega Stones are scattered all over the region (Looking like sparkling spots, some may be gifts), and can be used after obtaining the Mega Bracelet from Steven in Route 118.
Known Bugs v1.1c
- NEVER RESET when while doing Battle Tents or the Battle Frontier.
- Backup your save before using the Battle Frontier’s facilities or the Battle Tents, some of them can randomly wipe out your PokéDex’s data AND corrupt your bag.
- The time-based events follow your device’s (Your PC/Phone/etc) clock rather than your room’s clock.
- Due to how EV gain works in gen 3, your mon will be unable to recieve EVs from EV training once it reaches level 100. The Vitamins still work for this, and they are uncapped.
- The Search function by Name in the Pokedex is currently broken.
- The Pokedex Order function has all of its listings incorrectly sorted.
- Toxic Spikes won’t get cleared by Poison and Steel-types.
- Black Sludge isn’t currently healing Poison-types so it can’t be obtained.
- Sometimes when learning a move, it will show with the wrong category (Often Physical)
- Breeding single-stage mons with Megas may crash the game.
- The sound may get stuck after wild double battles.
- Sometimes when getting an item, leftovers of it’s sprite may get stuck in the map.
- Megas can be reverted if you bring out another mon, use it to heal the Mega and that mon dies.
- If you have a Moémon with Static on front of your team while Surfing, you can get a corrupted encounter.
Game Related Stuff
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Previous Version

Rom Base: Li Yun https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=451990
Main Developer: Axcellerator
Scripting: Axcellerator, dearman4
Mapping: Axcellerator, Kurisu
Assistance/Debugging: dearman4, Kurisu, Lebinpasta, A Red Fox, Draaloff, Megicula
Title Screen Logo: BlizzWhite
Big Tree: Cornbread, BlizzWhite
Carmine OW: Kurisu
Lusamine OW: aveontrainer
Route 100 idea: TheDeadHeroAlistair
Tiles: Fangking Omega/TheDeadHeroAlistair
Littleroot :https: //www.reddit.com/r/PokemonROMhacks/comments/f30a2p/current_map_im_working_on_would_really_appreciate/
Hidden Leaf :https: //www.reddit.com/r/PokemonROMhacks/comments/xsdr7k/made_som_new_maps_for_a_romhack_set_in_hoenn_some/
Overworld Sprites: https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=436714
Ethan OW: https://www.deviantart.com/kisirokitsune/art/HGSS-Ethan-aka-Gold-157527677
Spear Pillar Tiles: https://www.deviantart.com/zetavares852/art/Pokemon-Gaia-Project-Tileset11-155865622
N Sprites: https://www.deviantart.com/richardpt/art/Pokemon-Black-and-White-Trainer-N-in-Gen-3-Style-895633988
Haunted House tiles: https://www.deviantart.com/certifieddontheshark/art/HauntedMansionTiles-Pokemon-Essentials-953252452
Snow Tileset: https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=371147
Ash Overworld Sprite: https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=409753
Battle Backgrounds: Cornbread, WesleyFG
HP Boxes: Missiri
Leaf Sprite: LouLillie
Updated Graphics Pokeballs: eMMe97, Skeli & VersekrDark
Pre Battle Mugshots ASM: https://www.pokecommunity.com/showpost.php?p=8941047&postcount=735
Winona/Brawly/Wallace Front Sprites: https://www.deviantart.com/gnomowladny
Brendan/May Front Sprites: https://twitter.com/hyo_oppa/status/1390207764178165761
May Back Sprites: https://www.deviantart.com/solo993/art/PUBLIC-OrAs-Protagonists-Gba-back-front-sprites-491737986
Wattson Front: https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?p=10350075#post10350075
Steven Front: https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?p=9844463#post9844463
Ash Front Sprite: https://www.deviantart.com/kensuyjin33/art/Sprites-Ash-Ketchum-Satoshi-by-Kensuyjin33-456676605
Brendan Backsprite: https://www.deviantart.com/hyo-oppa/art/Pokemon-ORAS-Brendan-DPPt-HGSS-Gen-IV-Sprite-Sheet-681502142
Gold Sprite: https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?p=10456314#post10456314
HM Icon Sprites: Softcore
Linking Cord: BlizzWhite
Contest Icons: EstovakianAce
Icy Ball Sprite : Sulfur Alchemist
Fairy Feather: Criminon
Leader’s Crest:lichenprincess
Gen 9 item sprites: lichenprincess
Some Icons: https://whackahack.com/foro/threads/pokemon-icons-act-2-9-teracristalizando-07-08-2022.63896/ /LuigiTKO/ezerart
DP Textbox: https://pokehack.altervista.org/showthread.php?tid=210754
Moémon Sprite Credits: Global Moémon Project, Moémon Project
Special Thanks to:
The Moémon Community
Whack a Hack
Sprites Resource
Deviant Art
Neon Skylar
Wesley Fg
Chaos Rush