“Digimon Emerald Project” is a Completed GBA Rom Hack made by Guzeinbuick. Get ready to play Pokemon Emerald with 352 Digimon monsters replacing the original Pokemon.
Digimon Emerald Project Completed GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: Guzeinbuick
- Base ROM: Emerald
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v2.0
- Last Updated on: May 25, 2022
- Status: Completed
Also Check Out: Pokemon Order and Chaos Remastered
The Digimon Emerald Project is a modified version of the Pokemon Emerald game for the Game Boy Advance (GBA). In this rom hack, all the Pokemon have been swapped out and replaced with 352 different Digimon creatures.
Each of these Digimon monsters can learn from a set of 350 brand new moves, making the gameplay fresh and unique for fans of both Pokemon and Digimon. This project aims to give players a new experience by blending elements of the two popular franchises.
- 352 new monsters with unique stats, abilities, Typing, and move pools built from the ground up!
- No more filler mons!
- Every single Digimon is viable! Don’t be afraid to build a team out of your favourite Digimon!
- As many as five or even six stages for prominent Digimon!
- Custom moves from the Digimon canon!
- Every single Digimon has its signature attack! Diversify your strategies with over 350 new moves!
- Digidex Entries state criteria for evolution so you never need to feel out of the loop!
- Convenient Shop Data
- Tired of random encounters? Repels are cheap as heck now. (Also Move Reminders in every shop)
- HM Moves are no longer garbage!
- Cut now raises ATK, Flash now deals 50 Electric damage and still lowers accuracy, and Rock Smash always goes first. (Suggestions on how to improve Strength, Dive, and Waterfall? Feel free to post a comment.)
- EV/IV Checker, Up to Gen VII Abilities and Moves, Reusable TMs, Deletable HM moves, Fairy Type, Physical-Special Split, Poison Survival, BW Repel System, Reusable TMs, etc.
- Minor Dialogue Tweaks
- Dive is a TM now.
- So don’t freak out when Steven gives it to you and you can’t find it at first.
Known Bugs
- When meeting Steven in Sootopolis, he takes you on a magic walk-though-walls trip before finally dropping you off in the Cave of Origin. Again, completely graphical and doesn’t harm the progression of the game. Certainly looks funny though.
- Sometimes Cyberdramon will pop out of a rock after you Rock Smash it. It’s catch rate is 0, so don’t waste pokeballs trying to catch it.
- Poyomon will evolve into all sorts of wacky things when given DigiEggs. PGE won’t let me edit this for whatever reason so there’s nothing I can do.
- I haven’t edited the postgame AT ALL. So don’t bother checking out the Battle Frontier unless you feel like entering Glitch City lol
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