“Yu-Gi-Oh POKeDUEL” is a Completed GBA Rom Hack made by Ortz3. Enjoy Pokemon FireRed but with 360 Yu-Gi-Oh monsters and trainers. Select your challenge level from three options, and dive into gameplay featuring mechanics up to Generation 9 of Pokemon, including features like dexnav, fairy typing, sandbox, and more.
Yu-Gi-Oh POKeDUEL Completed GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: Ortz3
- Base ROM: FireRed
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v4.0.5
- Last Updated on: April 20, 2024
- Status: Completed
Also Check Out: Top 5 Completed Pokemon GBA ROM Hacks With Fakemons
Yu-Gi-Oh POKeDUEL is a CFRU romhack that replaces all the pokemon with Yu-Gi-Oh monsters, as well many of the characters with yYu-Gi-Oh characters, custom moves, story, soundtrack etc.
As this is a CFRU romhack, all of the QOL features that you find in Radical Red and Unbound are also found here (gen 8 mechanics, randomizer, dexnav, smart AI, multiple difficulties, multiple grinding modes, nature change/tutor in pokecenter and so much more).
- All Pokemon were replaced with iconic Yu-Gi-Oh monsters (360 in total).
- Pokemon mechanics up to gen 9 (Moves, Abilities, DexNav, Fairy Type and more).
- Multiple difficulties settings, Minimal Grind Mode, Randomizer, Smart AI, Sandbox and more.
- All Gym Leaders, Elite 4 and Champion were replaced with Yu-Gi-Oh characters.
- NPC’s throughout the region have their dialogue updated in order to make references to the Yu-Gi-Oh anime and trading card game.
- New maps.
- Many Yu-Gi-Oh characters are spread throughout the region for you to battle.
- Music from the Yu-Gi-Oh anime.
- 150+ Custom Moves.
- Tons of QOL features.
Change Log
- Added Duelist Kingdom
- Available after 5th gym
- If event trigger is missed (for existing playthroughs), can still access by visiting new house in Vermilion City
- Added Graveyard to Lavender Town
- Added Egg move tutor in Lavender Town
- Available after obtaining 6 Gym Badges
- Infinite Rare Candies can be enabled/diasbled by speaking to Rolland
- Level Cap Changes
- Level Cap before Rare Hunter Base increased from Level 30 to 32
- Level Cap before Celadon Gym increased from Level 36 to 37
- Added new Level cap of 40 before rival fight in Pokemon Tower
- Level Cap before Fuschia Gym increased from 48 to 50
- Level Cap before Fuschia Hideout increased from 50 to 52
- Level Cap before Cinnabar Gym increased from 52 to 55
- Level Cap before Viridian Gym increased from 56 to 59
- Level Cap before DM League icnreased from Level 63 to 67
- Level Cap before GX League increased from Level 70 to 75
- Gym leaders/surrounding boss fights have levels increased by a couple levels to account for level cap changes
- Can throw Pokeballs at wild monsters by pressing L button.
- The ball will default to the best ball to use in the situation (not including master ball)
- Added a New Menu by pressing “L”
- This menu allows you to
- Turn On/Off Auto Run
- Enable/Disable Infinite Repel
- Heal Team
- Move Relearner (after Celadon Gym Badge)
- This menu allows you to
- Added friendship heart to monster summary page
- Added an NPC in Celadon City that lets you battle against yourself
- Available after becoming Duel Monster Champion
- Dexnav can now be used while player is running
- Mini Boss Battles can be turned on/off by speaking to Rolland
- Can not turn off on Brutal difficulty
- If turned off, no boss music will play and teams will become vanilla
- Added a new game setting (speak to Rolland): AI Control
- If turned on, the AI will control your actions in all trainer battles
New Monsters Added (36)
- Dark Ruler Ha Des
- Dark King of the Abyss
- Evil Hero Infernal Wing
- Air Neos
- Grand Neos
- Dark Neos
- Zera the Mant
- Vampire Lady
- Vampire Grace
- Eldlich
- Reaper of the Cards
- Killer Needle
- Armored Bee
- KairyuShin
- Ocean Dragon Lord Kairyu Shin
- 13th Grave
- Pendulum Machine
- Doom Kraken
- King of Yamimakai
- Amazoness Princess
- Amazoness Queen
- Cyber Harpie Lady
- Cyber Slash Harpie Lady
- Harpie Queen
- Victory Dragon
- Happy Lover
- Shining Friendship
- Avatar of the Pot
- Warrior of Zera
- Electromagnetic Turtle
- Ambulanceroid
- Ambulance Rescueroid
- Agido
- Agido the Ancient Sentinel
- Keldo
- Keldo the Sacred Protector
Trainer Changes
- Rex
- Two Headed King Rex
- Replaced Growl with Rock Smash on Brutal
- Serpent Night Dragon
- Replaced Wring Out with Extremespeed on rematch
- Two Headed King Rex
- Tea
- Replaced Kuriboh with Happy Lover on all difficulties
- Tristan
- Beaver Warrior
- Replaced Noble Roar with Beast Fangs on hard/brutal
- Beaver Warrior
- Gart (Cerulean)
- Uraby
- Replaced Scratch with Rock Tomb on Standard
- Replaced Magnitude with Rock Smash on hard/brutal
- Uraby
- Mako
- Added KairyuShin to team on Brutal
- Replaced Fiend Kraken with Doom Kraken on rematch
- Bill
- Winged Kuriboh
- Replaced Defense Mode with Protect on hard/brutal
- Winged Kuriboh
- Johhny Steps
- Replaced Beaver Warrior with Witch of the Black Forest on all difficulties
- Gary (SS Anne)
- Uraby
- Replaced Sand Attack with Rock Smash on all difficulties
- Flame Swordsman
- Replaced Fury Swipes with Cut on all difficulties
- Replaced Incinerate with Flame Sword on hard/Brutal
- Changed nature from Rash to Adamant on hard/brutal
- Dark Magician Girl
- Ability on brutal changed from Synchronize to either Trace/Synchronize
- Red Eyes
- Replaced Bite with Crunch on Brutal
- Replaced Incinerare with Fire Fang on hard/brutal
- Changed Nature from Lonely to Jolly on hard/brutal
- Blue Eyes
- Replaced Twister with Dragonbreath on standard
- Replaced Rage with Thunder Fang on hard/brutal
- Uraby
- Weevil (SS Anne)
- Replaced Petit Moth with Killer Needle on Brutal
- Larvae Moth
- Replaced Tackle with Poison Sting on Brutal
- Added Bug Bite on Brutal
- Added Rocky Helmet on Brutal
- Replaced Cocoon of Evolution with Jirai Gumo on Brutal
- Mai
- Flame Wingman
- Replaced Air Cutter with Aerial Ace on Brutal
- Replaced Harpie Lady with Cyber Harpie Lady on Hard/Brutal
- Replaced Guardian Eatos with Amazoness Queen on rematch
- Replaced Hyozanryu with Cyber Slash Harpie Lady on rematch
- Flame Wingman
- Bandit Kieth
- Replaced Armed Dragon Level 3 with Armed Dragon Level 5 on Brutal
- Mind Controlled Joey
- Cybertech Alligator
- Replaced Bite with Crunch on hard/brutal
- Replaced Red Eyes with Aligator Sword Dragon on all difficulties
- Cybertech Alligator
- Odion
- Increased levels to account for level cap
- Mystal Beast Serkett
- Replaced Poison Tail with Cross Poison on Brutal
- Brendan/Mai Route 8
- Increased levels to account for level cap
- Gilford the Lightning
- Replaced Parabolic Charge with Thunder Punch on all difficulties
- Changed Nature from Naive to Adamant
- Gearfried
- Replaced Foresight with Thunder Punch on all difficulties
- Celtic Guardian Noble
- Replaced Stun Spore with Thief on hard/brutal
- Replaced Low Sweep with Cut on all difficulties
- Red Eyes
- Replaced Incinerate with Inferno Blast on hard/brutal
- Duke
- Replaced Peten with 13th Grave on all difficulties
- Giovanni Rocket Hideout
- Increased levels to account for level cap
- Cyber Dragon
- Replaced Incinerate with Fire Fang on all difficulties
- Replaced Flash Cannon with Thunder Wave on all difficulties
- Changed nature from Lonely to Adamant on hard/brutal
- Chimera
- Replaced Wing Attack with Aerial Ace on all difficulties
- Replaced Chip Away with Hone Claws on all difficulties
- Cyber Twin
- Replaced Magnet with Eviomite on brutal
- Changed nature from Naughty to Modest on hard/brutal
- Replaced Aerial Ace with Air Cutter on hard/brutal
- Lumis and Umbra
- Melchid Four Faced Beast
- Replaced Feint Attack with Snarl on all difficulties
- Tiki Elder
- Replaced Psycho Cut with Psyshock on hard/brutal
- Replaced Psycho Shift with Torment on hard/brutal
- Replaced Feint Attack with Hex on all difficulties
- Masked Beast
- Replaced Rock Throw with Rock Tomb on Standard
- Replaced Scary Face with Stomping Tantrum on Brutal
- Masked Beast Des Gardius
- Replaced Rapid Spin with Scary Face on all difficulties
- Melchid Four Faced Beast
- Weevil
- Increased level to adjust for level cap
- Launcher Spider
- Changed nature from Quiet to Modest on hard/brutal
- Replaced Flamethrower with Shock Rocket Attack on hard/brutal/rematch
- Replaced WillOWisp with Giga Drain on hard/brutal
- Insect Queen
- Replaced Sludge Bomb with Poison Jab on all difficulties
- PUG Moth
- Replaced Life Orb with Charti Berry on Brutal
- Gary (Pokemon Tower)
- Dark Sage
- Replaced Disable with Thousand Knives on all difficulties
- Dark Sage
- Bonz
- Pumpking
- Replaced Ingrain with Ivy Shackles on hard/brutal
- Pumpking
- Gary (Silph Co)
- Dark Magician Girl
- Replaced Night Slash with Dazzling Gleam on hard/brutal
- Replaced Winged Kuriboh with Winged Kuriboh Level 10 on standard/hard
- Winged Kuriboh Level 10
- Replaced Steel Wing with Double Edge on Brutal
- La Jinn
- Replaced Psycho Cut with Fire Lash on Brutal
- Replaced Shadow Punch with Shadow Claw on all difficulties
- Dark Magician Girl
- Yusei
- Junk Synchron
- Replaced Rapid Spin with Explosion on hard/brutal
- Replaced Gaia the Dragon Champion with Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth on all difficulties
- Rocket Warrior
- Replaced Megamorph with Iron Head on hard/brutal
- Junk Synchron
- Espa Roba
- Dark Magician Girl
- Replaced Night Slash with Magic Formula on all difficulties
- Replaced Twisted Spoon with Eviolite on brutal
- The Masked Beast
- Replaced Psycho Shift with Body Slam on hard/brutal
- Dark Magician Girl
- Strings
- Replaced Revival Jam #2 with Humanoid Worm Drake on all difficulties
- Kiochi
- Added Avatar of the Pot to team on all difficulties
- Karate Man
- Replaced Bulk Up with Dragonic Attack on Brutal
- Arkana
- Added Sanwitch to team on all difficulties
- Solomon
- Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon
- Changed nature from Naive to Timid on hard/brutal/rematch
- Replaced Dragon Claw with Burst Stream on all difficulties
- Gearfried the Swordmaster
- Replaced Expert Belt with Black Belt on rematch
- Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon
- Paradox Bro
- Mokey King
- Replaced Smackdown with Stomping Tantrum on hard/brutal
- Launcher Spider
- Replaced Focus Sash with Loaded Dice on rematch
- Replaced Flamethrower with Shock Rocket on rematch
- Replaced Signal Beam with Bug Buzz on rematch
- Replaced WillOWisp with Sludge Bomb on rematch
- Mokey King
- Mr. Konami
- Legendary Fisherman 2
- Changed Nature from Hasty to Adamant on Hard/Brutal
- Replaced Hydro Pump with Liquidation on Hard/Brutal
- Replaced Ice Beam with Icicle Spear on Hard/Brutal
- Gate Guardian
- Replaced Gyro Ball with Flash Cannon on Hard/Brutal
- Legendary Fisherman 2
- Mokuba
- Hungry Burger
- Replaced Leech Seed with Close Combat on Brutal
- Hungry Burger
- Rafael
- Moved duel to before Cinnabar Gym Battle
- Dartz
- Leviathan
- Changed nature from Adamant to Modest on Brutal
- Changed nature from Mild to Timid on Rematch
- Changed Ability from Pimordial Sea to Soul Heart on Brutal/Rematch
- Replaced Aqua Tail with Hydro Pump on Brutal
- Replaced Dragon Claw with Dragonpulse on Brutal/Rematch
- Replaced Mystic Water with Wide Lens on Brutal
- Leviathan
- Ishizu
- Injection Fairy Lilly
- Replaced Dazzling Gleam with Play Rough on Brutal
- Replaced Dark Magician Girl with Agido the Ancient Sentinel on all difficulties
- Replaced Silent Magician Lv8 with Keldo the Sacred Protector on all difficulties
- Injection Fairy Lilly
- Bakura
- Replaced Magician of Black Chaos with Eldlich on all difficulties
- Replaced Pumpking with Dark Ruler Ha Des on all difficulties
- King of the Skull Servant
- Replaced Sludge Bomb with Brick Break on all difficulties
- Dark Necrofear
- Replaced Dark Pulse with Doom Gaze on Hard/Brutal/Rematch
- Gary (Route 22)
- Magician of Black Chaos
- Replaced Luster Purge with Psychic on all difficulties
- Replaced Shadow Ball with Thunderbolt on all difficulties
- Dark Magician Girl
- Replaced Night Slash with Dazzling Gleam on all difficulties
- Magician of Black Chaos
- Rex/Weevil double
- Added dynamic levelling to Hard
- Insect Queen
- Replaced Sludge Bomb with Poison Jab on Standard
- Replaced Swamp Battleguard with Two Headed King Rex on all difficulties
- Joey (DM League)
- Jinzo
- Changed nature from Tinted Lens to Lightning Rod on Brutal
- Hermos
- Changed moveset/nature/item on rematch
- Jinzo
- Pegasus (DM League)
- Manga Ryu Ran
- Replaced Dragonpulse with Earth Power on Brutal/Rematch
- Replaced Toon Dark Magician Girl, Toon Blue Eyes and Toon Summoned Skull with
- Toon Dark Magician, Toon Ancient Gear Golem and Toon Red Eyes on all difficulties
- Manga Ryu Ran
- Yugi
- Exodia
- Replaced Earthquake with Earth Power on Brutal/rematch
- Changed nature from Naive to Modest on brutal/rematch
- Exodia
- Gary (Memorial Pillar)
- Red Eyes Metal Dragon
- Replaced Choice Band with Charcoal on hard/brutal
- Leviathan
- Changed Nature from Rash to Timid on hard/brutal
- Replaced Dragon Claw with Dragon Pulse on all difficulties
- Replaced Aqua Tail with Surf on all difficulties
- Daedalus
- Replaced Ice Fang with Ice Beam on all difficulties
- Red Eyes Metal Dragon
- Jaden
- Aqua Neos
- Replaced Surf with Liquidation on hard/brutal
- Changed nature from Naive to Jolly on hard/brutal
- Thundergiant
- Replaced Body Slam with Energy Ball on hard/brutal
- Changed nature from Lonely to Bold on hard/brutal
- Replaced Flare Neos with Air Neos on all difficulties
- Aqua Neos
- Mind Controlled Jaden
- Replaced Metalzoa with Treeborn Frog on all difficulties
- Added Lava Golem to team on all difficulties
- Chazz
- Armed Dragon Level 10
- Replaced Crush Grip with Double Edge on all difficulties
- Replaced Life Orb with Assault Vest on Brutal/Rematch
- Armed Dragon Level 10
- Aster Phoenix
- White Night Dragon
- Changed Nature from Brave to Adamant on hard/brutal/rematch
- Replaced Hurricane with Aqua Tail on all standard/hard/brtual
- Replaced Hurricane with Dragon Dance on rematch
- Vennominaga
- Replaced Dark Pulse with Order to Smash on all difficulties
- White Night Dragon
- Zane
- Cyber End Dragon
- Changed Nature from Naive to Modest on all difficulties
- Replaced Earthquake with Earth Power on all difficulties
- Cyber End Dragon
- Jaden
- Rainbow Neos
- Replaced Psychic with Esper Wing on hard/brutal/rematch
- Rainbow Neos
New Custom Moves (32)
- Dust Tornado
- 100 Acc 60 BP
- Lowers accuracy (10%)
- Power doubles in a sandstorm
- Skill Drain
- 100 Acc 60 BP
- 50% of damage restored as HP
- If target has an active ability, power is increased by 50%
- Negates the targets ability
- Mind Drain
- 100 Acc 70 BP
- 50% of damage restored as HP
- May confuse target (10%)
- Skyrip Wing (exclusive to Air Neos)
- 100 Acc 75 BP
- 50% of damage restored as HP
- Dark Hole
- 100 Acc 250 BP
- Explosion
- Dark Ruler No More
- Surpresses the foes ability
- Lowers foe’s speed by 1 stage
- Dark monsters have speed lowered by 2 stages
- Thousand Knives (exclusive to Dark Magician line)
- 100 Acc 85 BP
- Can’t miss
- Doom Gaze (exclusive to Dark Necrofear)
- 100 Acc 75 BP
- May put to target to sleep (10%)
- Shock Rocket Attack (exclusive to Launcher Spider)
- 100 Acc 25 BP
- Hits 25 times
- Each attack has 10% chance to burn
- Devil’s Claw (exclusive to Zera the Mant)
- 90 Acc 80 BP
- Perish counter is added to target
- Magic Formula (exclusive to Dark Magician Girl)
- Increases Sp. Atk by 1 Stage
- Recovers 1/4 of max HP
- Twin Twisters
- 90 Acc 40 BP
- Hits Twice
- Harpies Hunting Ground
- Terrain
- Flying moves boosted by 30%
- If a Harpie switches in, foes have Def & Sp.Def lowered
- D-Shield (exclusive to D Heros)
- Protects user
- Raises defense if attack makes contact
- Call of the Haunted
- Switches user out
- Switched in monster becomes Ghost type
- If monster is already a Ghost type, Defense is increased by 1 stage
- Red Eyes Burn (exclusive to Red Eyes)
- 100 Acc 120 BP
- Burns target
- User receives 100% of recoil damage
- Ivy Shackles
- Target becomes Ingrained and has Speed lowered by 2 stages
- Yami Blow (exclusive to Yamimakai)
- 100 Acc 70 BP
- Power is doubled in Yami Terrain
- Beast Fangs
- 95 Acc, 70 BP
- May flinch, increase Atk and/or increase Def (10% each)
- Stim-Pack
- Increases user’s Attack by 3 stages
- End of each turn, user’s Attack is lowered by 1 stage
- Dragonic Attack
- 100 Acc 20 BP
- Increases uses Attack & Defense by 1 stage
- Dragon type is added to the user
- Reckless Greed
- Sharply raises Attack and Special Attack
- User must recharge
- Cup of Ace
- Sharply Raises user’s Special Attack (50%)
- Sharply Raises foe’s Special Attack (50%)
- Bad Reaction to Simochi
- For next 5 turns, any move that drains HP will hurt the user instead
- Order to Smash
- 100 Acc 80 BP
- Breaks any screen
- Knocks item off
- Majestic Slash (exclusive to Royal Knights)
- 100 Acc 80 BP
- Raises either your Attack, Defense or Speed
- Froggy Forcefield
- For 5 turns, frogs on your side have Def and Sp.Def increased by 33%
- Marshmallon Glasses (exclusive to Marshmallon)
- User becomes center of attention
- Accuracy increased by 1 stage
- Next attack is guranteed to be a critical hit
- White Elephant’s Gift
- Costs 1/3 HP. Raises all stats
- Delinquent Duo
- 90 Acc 40 BP
- Hits Twice
- Each hit lowers random stat (Atk, Def, Sp.Atk, Sp.Def, Spd)
- Card Eraser (exclusive to Reaper of the Cards)
- Erases all the PP from the targets last move
- Low priority move
- Last Will
- If an ally fainted on the previous turn, increase all stats by 1 stage
Added Gen 8/9 Moves (13)
- Dire Claw
- Shed Tail
- Kowtow Cleave
- Mystical Power
- Headlong Rush
- Victory Dance
- Barb Barrage
- Burning Jealousy
- Mountain Gale
- Psyblade
- Blood Moon
- Armor Cannon
- Tidy Up
- Spin Out
- Blazing Torque
Added Gen 9 DLC Moves (8)
- Psychic Noise
- Upper Hand
- Thunderclap
- Tachyon Cutter
- Alluring Voice
- Temper Flame
- Supercell Slam
- Hard Press
Added Gen 8/9 Abilities (3)
- Unseen Fist
- Good As Gold
- As One (Moxie variant)
Added Custom Abilities
- Yami Surge
- Summons Yami for 5 turns
- Harpie Surge
- Summons Harpies Hunting Ground for 5 turns
New Mini Boss Battles (2)
- Camper Jeff & Picnicker Isabelle Route 6 (Double battle)
- On Hard & Brutal
- Ace Trainer Namomi Victory Road (to get Assault Vest)
- On Hard & Brutal
Monster Changes
- Des Kangaroo/Master of Oz
- Replaced Keen Eye with Unseen Fist
- Ancient Gear Soldier/Golem/Ultimate
- Replaced Limber with Unseen Fist
- Winged Dragon Guardian of the Fortress
- Changed type from Flying/Water to Flying/Fire
- Adjusted moveset
- Obelisk
- Decreased Speed from 90 to 85
- Increased HP from 110 to 115
- Rainbow Neos
- Changed ability from Gale Wings to Neuroforce
- Thousand Dragon
- Buffed from 440 to 450
- Buffed Special Attack from 70 to 80
- The Great Leviathan
- Added Soul Heart as Hidden Ability
- Curse of Dragon
- Added Flash Fire as Ability 2
- Gaia the Dragon Champion
- Added As One as Ability 2
- Insect Queen
- Buffed Base Stats from 480 to 490
- Buffed Defense from 70 to 80
- Buffed Attack from 90 to 95
- Nerfed Special Attack from 65 to 60
- Dark Paladin
- Buffed Base Stats from 515 to 525
- Buffed Special Defense from 75 to 85
- Dandylion
- Changed type from Grass to Grass/Fire
- Buffed Base Stats from 425 to 430
- Buffed Speed from 50 to 55
- Musician King
- Nerfed Attack from 80 to 65
- Buffed Special Attack from 75 to 90
- Ruby Carbuncle
- Buffed Base Stats from 395 to 415
- Buffed HP from 45 to 55
- Buffed Special Attack from 75 to 80
- Buffed Special Defense from 55 to 60
- Launcher Spider
- Buffed Base Stats from 430 to 435
- Nerfed Attack from 75 to 70
- Nerfed Special Defense from 75 to 65
- Nerfed Speed from 55 to 50
- Buffed Special Attack from 70 to 85
- Buffed Defense from 80 to 90
- Toon Aligator
- Buffed Base Stats from 420 to 430
- Buffed Speed from 95 to 100
- Buffed Attack from 65 to 70
- Toon Gemini Elf
- Buffed Base Stats from 430 to 440
- Buffed HP from 65 to 75
- Toon Mermaid
- Buffed Base Stats from 430 to 435
- Buffed Special Defense from 50 to 55
- Giant Soldier of Stone
- Buffed Base Stats from 395 to 400
- Buffed Defense from 120 to 125
- Pot of Greed
- Buffed Base Stats from 395 to 415
- Buffed HP from 50 to 55
- Buffed Defense from 80 to 85
- Buffed Speed from 50 to 60
- Buffed Attack from 75 to 80
- Nerfed Special Defense from 90 to 85
- Change of Heart
- Buffed Base Stats from 420 to 430
- Buffed Special Defense from 90 to 100
- Catapult Turtle
- Buffed Base Stats from 440 to 450
- Buffed Defense from 80 to 100
- Nerfed Special Defense from 80 to 70
- Dupe Frog
- Changed type from Water to Water/Psychic
- Gaia the Fierce Knight
- Buffed Base Stats rom 375 to 395
- Buffed HP from 55 to 65
- Buffed Defense from 65 to 70
- Buffed Attack from 80 to 85
- Barrel Dragon
- Buffed Base Stats from 480 to 490
- Buffed Special Attack from 70 to 80
- Man Eater Bug
- Buffed Base Stats from 290 to 300
- Buffed Attack from 45 to 55
- Nobleman Eater Bug
- Buffed Base Stats from 450 to 455
- Buffed Speed from 40 to 50
- Nerfed Special Defense from 80 to 75
- Fiend Kraken
- Nerfed Base Stats from 450 to 395
- New evolution: Water Stone into Doom Kraken
- 7 Coloured Fish
- Buffed Base Stats from 430 to 445
- Buffed Attack from 70 to 75
- Buffed HP from 65 to 70
- Buffed Defense from 65 to 70
- Aqua Neos
- Buffed Attack from 75 to 80
- Nerfed Special Defense from 90 to 85
- Two Headed King Rex
- Buffed Base Stats from 425 to 430
- Buffed HP from 65 to 70
- Armed Dragon Level 7
- Nerfed Base Stats from 455 to 450
- Nerfed Attack from 95 to 90
- Parrot Dragon
- Buffed Base Stats from 400 to 410
- Buffed HP from 55 to 60
- Buffed Speed from 70 to 75
- Harpie Bro
- Buffed Base Stats from 370 to 385
- Buffed HP from 50 to 60
- Buffed Defense from 60 to 65
- Armoured Basic Insect with Laser Cannon
- Buffed Base Stats from 435 to 440
- Buffed HP from 60 to 65
- Hermos
- Swapped Attack with Sp.Atk
- Cyber End Dragon
- Swapped Attack with Sp.Atk
- Swamp Battleguard
- Buffed Base Stats from 400 to 405
- Buffed Special Attack from 70 to 75
- Lava Battleguard
- Buffed Base Stats from 400 to 405
- Buffed Special Attack from 75 to 80
- Stardust Dragon
- Buffed Base Stats from 450 to 455
- Buffed Speed from 80 to 85
- Yata Garasu
- Buffed Base Stats from 465 to 470
- Buffed Speed from 105 to 110
- Celtic Guardian of Noble Arms
- Buffed Base Stats from 415 to 420
- Buffed Attack from 70 to 80
- Nerfed Special Attack from 80 to 75
- Marshmallon
- Buffed Base Stats from 435 to 440
- Buffed HP from 130 to 135
- Big Shield Gardna
- Buffed Base Stats from 460 to 465
- Buffed Defense from 140 to 145
- Illusionist Faceless Magician
- Buffed Base Stats from 430 to 435
- Buffed Special Attack from 100 to 105
- Cybertech Aligator
- Buffed Base Stats from 425 to 430
- Buffed Attack from 80 to 85
- Emperor Penguin
- Buffed Base Stats from 460 to 465
- Buffed HP from 80 to 85
- Mystic Elf
- Buffed Base Stats from 420 to 425
- Buffed Defense from 110 to 115
- Buffed HP from 60 to 65
- Nerfed Speed from 55 to 50
- Wall Shadow
- Buffed Base Stats from 465 to 470
- Buffed HP from 65 to 70
- Buffed Defense from 130 to 135
- Nerfed Sp Atk from 45 to 40
- Saphire Pegasus
- Buffed Base Stats from 410 to 420
- Buffed HP from 55 to 60
- Buffed Special Defense from 70 to 75
- D.E.S Frog
- Buffed Base Stats from 470 to 475
- Buffed Special Attack from 75 to 80
- Sanga
- Added Soundproof as Hidden Ability
- Gate Guardian
- Replaced Battled Armour with Volt Absorb
- Added Aerilate as a Hidden Ability
- Meteor/Meteor Black Dragon
- Added Sand Veil as a Hidden Ability
- Catapult Turtle
- Nerfed Base Stats from 450 to 425
- Nerfed HP from 90 to 80
- Nerfed Special Defense from 70 to 65
- Nerfed Defense from 100 to 90
- Nerfed Special Attack from 85 to 80
- New evo added (Electromagnetic Turtle) via Thunder Stone
Evolution Changes
- Armed Dragon Level 3 evolves into Level 5 at level 25 instead of 20
- Armed Dragon Level 5 evolves into Level 7 at level 37 instead of 32
- Fiend Kraken into Doom Kraken (Water Stone)
- Pot of Greed into Avatar of the Pot (Level up while holding BlackBelt)
- Harpie Lady into Cyber Harpie Lady (Level up while holding Metal Coat)
- Cyber Angel Benten evolves at level 38 instead of 36
- Chimera evolves into Chimaera at level 38 instead of 36
- Steam Gyroid evolves into Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill at level 38 instead of 36
- Mokey Mokey evolves into Mokey King at level 34 instead of 32
- Catapult Turtle evolves into Electromagnetic Turtle with Thunder Stone
Move Changes
- Skull Dice now works with Contrary
- Dark Light recovers 75% of damage as HP instead of 50%
- Forest
- Now a Grass move instead of Bug
- Grass moves are powered up by 30% in addition to Bug moves
- Zombie World
- Ghost moves are now powered by 10% instead of 30%
- Luster Purge/Mist Ball
- Buffed damage from 70 to 95 to reflect changes in Gen 9
- Ectoplasmic Fortification
- Reduced PP from 15 to 10
- Celtic Blade
- Nerfed power from 75 to 60
- Buffed chance to flinch from 20% to 30%
- Spiral Spear
- Buffed power from 80 to 85
- Move can now never miss
- Ultimate Pound
- Now bypasses Protect
- Des Croaking
- Power buff increased to 33% instead of 30%
- Neos Force
- Move Type now becomes the type of the Neos form using it
- Decreased Power from 95 to 90
- Reduced chance to increase Attack from 30% to 20%
- Dragons Capture Jar
- Now prevents Dragons from escaping
- Power Bond
- Accuracy increased from 95% to 100%
- Covet
- Changed type from Normal to Fairy
- Skydive Scorcher
- Buffed accuracy from 90 to 95
- Buffed power from 90 to 95
- Triple Slice
- Now mimics Triple Axel (20, 40, 60)
- Spark Blaster
- Buffed accuracy from 90 to 100
- Silent Burn
- Buffed power from 80 to 85
- Dark Burning Attack
- Buffed power from 80 to 85
- Dragon Sword
- If user KO’s a Dragon, Attack is raised
Ability Changes
- Illuminate
- Now prevents accuracy loss and ignores evasion as per gen 9 changes
Updated/Polished the Following Sprites
- Pegasus
- Weevil
- Rainbow Neos
- Shining Flame Wingman
- Fiend Kraken
- Harpies Pet Dragon
- Rabid Horseman
- Slot Machine
- Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem
- Buster Blader
- Meteor Black Dragon
- Judgment Dragon
Monster Location Changes
- Swapped Beaver Warrior with Sangan on Route 2
- Added Injection Fairy Lily to Victory Road
- Removed Winged Dragon Guardian of the Fortress from various water routes/water trainers
Item Changes
- Grassy Seed now works in Forest Terrain in addition to Grassy Terrain
Move Tutor Changes
- Snore moved from 2 badges to 1 badge
- Worry Seed moved from 2 badges to 1 badge
- Signal Beam moved from 4 badges to 3 badges
- Wonder Room moved from 6 badges to 5 badges
- Magic Room moved from 6 badges to 5 badges
- Screech moved from 7 badges to 6 badges
- Replaced Pain Split with Trailblaze at 3 badges
- Replaced Last Resort with Supercell Slam and moved to 7 badges
Randomizer Changes
- The following abilities are no longer included when playing with Randomized Abilities since they’ll have no effect
- Battle Bond
- Dancer
- Forecast
- Gulp Missile
- Hunger Switch
- Ice Face
- Multitype
- Schooling
- Stance Change
- Zen Mode
Improved taking items from wild monster behavior
- When you capture a monster holding a wild item, you will be asked if you want to place the item in the bag
- Removed the ability to duplicate items by tricking item onto foe and catching it
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a rare bug where if you white out in a boss fight, and then the 1st battle you do afterward is a different boss fight, that fight might include monsters from the previous boss on that team
- For example: White out against Mako. First battle afterwards is rival on bridge who only has 5 mons. He will be given a 6th mon which would be one of Makos monsters
- Fixed Nature Changer not having Gentle or Lax
- Fixed Corrosive Gas not working as intended
- Fixed bug where Portable PC would remain locked after whiting out against E4 member
- Fixed Great Mammoth of Goldfine having wrong abilities
- Fixed bug where Pursuit would hit twice on slower Uturning monster
- Fixed Rock on 4 Island not being “auto rocksmashable”
- Fixed Flash not lowering accuracy in battle
- Fixed Bug where monsters wouldn’t Struggle when they were supposed to
- Fixed Punching Glove making contact when it shouldn’t
- Updated some icon sprites
- Game now tracks number of souls banished to Shadow Realm
- Tea gives you 10 Friend balls after winning on route 3
- The pokemart guy on route 1 gives you 10 Great Balls, 3 Quick Balls and 1 Ultra Ball (in addition to existing items)
- Added Soft Sand to Mt Moon overworld
- Traded monsters now have max IV’s
- Removed Pegasus in Pokemon Mansion and replaced with Pixie Plate item
- Can fish/surf wild Star Boys in Cerulean Gym
- Dramatically increased the speed eggs hatch
- Moved Expert Belt from Konami HQ to Duelist Kingdom
- Moved Waterfall HM from Icefall Cave to 5Ds Nuts Cave
- Legendary monsters will now have at least 3 perfect IV’s when catching them
- Added shortcut ledge when going from Viridian Forest to Viridian City
- Route 1 new ledge so you can run from Viridian to Pallet in a straight line
- Added Revival Herb to Cerulean Mart
- Toon Stones can be bought in Cerulean Mart after becoming Champ
Game Related Stuff
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Glitching in double battle before mt moon
please report it to the creator.
Played on a better emulator and have zero issues now love the game thank you