“Pokemon Litharreon” is an Rpgxp Fangame made by RadicalRaptr. Prepare to discover a new region named Arboden with new main characters and new storyline. The game only has Double battles, special mega evolution, and other cool stuff.
Pokemon Litharreon Rpgxp Fangame
- Creator: RadicalRaptr
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v1.0
- Last Updated on: May 06, 2024
- Status: Demo Release
Also Check Out: Pokemon Island
Litharreon – pronounced Lithe/Arr/Eon
It is the fusion of Growlithe, Spearrow, Eeevee(well the eon for eeveelutions) and one of your possible starter Pokemon!
Embark on a journey throughout the region of Arboden – pronounced Arr/Boh/Den that has fallen victim to the meddling mischief of the mythical Pokemon Hoopa!
Pick your partner, either Shroomish, Houndour, or Staryu and team up with either Growlithe, Eeevee, or Spearow for ultimate double battles throughout the game! Challenge 8 totally normal and not suspicious gym leaders and take down an evil crime syndicate!
On your journey you’ll begin to question certain things and uncover mysteries regarding yourself and the Pokemon you are safeguarding! Where did this Pokemon come from? Why are there evil crime bosses fighting you for it? Exactly who can you trust and why do you feel like you don’t really belong here? You’ll be overcoming all of these challenges while battling against your friendly Rival! Your rival wants to unlock their partner’s powers and understand the mysteries there are to explore in the fantastic region of Arboden! Catch and train Pokemon in a double battle oriented, aide various NPC’s throughout the region, and discover the mystery that awaits in Litharreon, and what that is also!
Game Characters

Biscuit and Coffee (Main Characters)
The protagonists of Litharreon, and also your rival throughout the game! Play as a silent protagonist with your friendly rival as you both travel across the region to become stronger and learn all there is to know about your partner Pokemon and train to become the strongest trainer in Arboden!

Professor Maple
She is the renowned Professor of Arboden who focuses her research on the affects of technology on Pokemon. She has sucessfully cultivated an artificial Hidden Grotto able to sustain and harbor several species of Pokemon; which she uses to breed several Pokemon and adapt to their unique environments required to allow each to prosper and become the strongest possible! She has since been adapting this research into a new device, but she has been pretty secretive as to what it will be used for!

Professor Cedar
He is an old friend of yours who has been focusing his research on Pokemon and their mysterious power, hoping to unlock the unique dormant power that lies inside each one waiting to be tapped into. After making a break through in his research he is greeted by hooligans hoping to make off with his research before you swoop in and save the day!

A man who needs to introduction – the International Police officer; Codename Looker, it is what they call him. After word of troubling news spreading across the region, Cedar enlists the help of the international police. Looker is investigating the crime syndicate that has been wreaking havoc across Arboden. However something about his demeanor and speech indicates an air of mystique, as if he were hiding something deeper!
- New region and New Story
- Generation 3 Tileset
- No day/night system – think vanilla FRLG
- DS-era music (adjusted as best I can to roughly the same volume)
- Double battles for all trainer battles
- Know whether your starter will be shiny before you choose it
- Custom triple triad duelists in major cities
- 8 custom Gym Leaders and a new Elite 4
- Major crime syndicate being the main plot of the game
- Hidden grottos – find eggs of Pokemon on nearby routes with egg moves, higher shiny rate, and higher odds for hidden abilities
- Custom Sprites (Trainers, Overworlds, Pokemon, Icons)
- HM Moves and TM Moves can be used unlimitedly, and can be deleted at any point in the game, and are registered as “TM’s”
- Brand new starters: Shroomish, Houndour, Staryu – Growlithe, Eeevee, Spearow
- Unique mega evolutions
- Boss battles with Legendary Pokemon with interesting rewards
- Plans for fun and interesting Post-game content!
Download Pokemon Litharreon