In January 2024, several new Pokemon GBA ROM hacks were released featuring new stories, new regions, Mega Evolution, Fakemon, Gen 9 Pokemon, and other new features. If you’re interested, check out our “Top 5 Brand New Pokemon GBA ROM Hacks Released In January 2024” to explore and download them.
Let’s Begin…
5. Pokemon Obsidian Emerald

- Creator: Skolgrahd
- Status: Incomplete
- Language: English
Pokemon Obsidian Emerald is a modernized doubles-based challenge hack.
Key Features:
- All non-legendary from generation 1 to 8 is available.
- Choose from 24 Starters from all generation 1 to 8 starters.
- Each trainer have an customized & updated team outfitted specially for double battles.
- The new Gen 9 battle system has modern abilities, moves, types, and mega evolution options!
- All Gen 9 TMs and TRs are implemented.
- Each Gym Leader creates a special challenge environment that makes it feel like you’re battling them in their own territory, making it tougher!
- Before battling a Gym Leader, players must follow Pokemon League rules by limiting their party size to match the number of Pokemon the Gym Leader has. This ensures fairer battles instead of unfair 6 vs 4 matchups!
- The game sets a maximum level limit (Hard Level Cup), pushing players to think creatively when building their teams instead of just grinding their Pokemon by boss fights.
- To make it easier to build your team, the game includes vitamins, nature mints, ability capsules, and ability pills. Plus, there are feathers that set a Pokemon’s IV to 31, saving time and effort!
- You can check your Pokémon’s IVs and EVs by pressing L and R on the summary screen. Pressing start will bring you back to the default view for the Pokémon’s basic stats.
- The new Exp Share makes sure all your Pokémon level up evenly!
- A few Pokémon got small changes to make them more balanced, like new types, abilities, stat adjustments, and updates to what moves they can learn!
- If you don’t want to deal with IVs and EVs, Minimal Grinding Mode makes the game ignore them completely when calculating a Pokémon’s stats!
- Your Pokémon Can Relearn moves for free from the party menu, giving you the flexibility to customize their movesets to better face different challenges!
- Any Pokémon that can learn field moves like HMs can use them outside of battle, even if they don’t currently know the move. To use HMs outside of battle, make sure you’ve obtained the HM and defeated the right gym leader!
- You can get the PokeVial early in the game, so you can heal your Pokémon without having to go back to the Pokemon Center!
- You can reach the PC directly from your PokeNav!
- With the PokeRadar, you can hunt for Pokémon with great IVs, hidden abilities, and higher chances of being shiny. Just keep chaining together long streaks to increase your odds!
And Many More Other Features Mention In The More Info Button Below 👇
4. Pokemon Wings Of Chaos

- Creator: lordraindance
- Status: Incomplete
- Language: English
As an adolescent trainer aspiring to greatness from a distant land, you embark on a journey to the tropical region of Marya. Professor Sheldon Palm welcomes you to join him in field research across the isles, just in time for the Silverwing Festival. Throughout your adventure spanning Oranna, Lumine, and Minerva, you challenge gym leaders, aiming to enter the prestigious Silverwing Festival Tournament and complete the Pokédex. However, as you explore, you uncover a hidden truth only you seem to perceive. It falls upon you to reveal this dark secret and illuminate it for all to see.
Key Features:
- Game Engine: Built on pokeemerald-expansion, with upgrades up to Gen 8!
- Graphics: Redesigned 3rd generation tileset for Marya’s exotic isles.
- Story: Explore three unique islands, each with its own secrets to uncover.
- HM Improvement: No HM moves; unlock areas with story-driven Key Items.
- Day/Night Cycle: Time-based access to quests and NPCs.
- Quests: Track available quests and tasks easily.
- Boss Battles: Encounter stronger wild Pokémon blocking your path.
- Challenge: Balanced battles for a rewarding experience.
- Pokémon Enhancements: Improved viability for various Pokémon, including new regional forms with stat, typing, moveset, ability, and appearance changes.
Note: This game is not supporting my boy or john gba emulator. kindly use Lemuroid emulator (android only)
3. Pokemon National History Museum

- Creator: wiz1989
- Status: Completed
- Language: English
The Pokemon National History Museum is like being trapped on the third floor of a big museum. You have to find your way out by going through different floors. Each floor has its own theme as mentioned below:
3rd Floor: Egyptian Room.
2nd Floor: Jurassic/Fossil Room.
1st Floor: Ice Age Room
Once more, you’ll be facing various trainer battles along with puzzles scattered throughout the game world. Some puzzles are easy to spot, while others are more hidden and challenging. My goal remains to ensure players can complete the game without needing to reset their progress. The Game Master NPC is there to provide hints when needed and to resolve any situations where progress gets stuck, though this comes at the cost of in-game time.
If you find yourself stuck in situations where the Game Master can’t help, or if something doesn’t make sense, please reach out. I also welcome any general feedback you have. 😊
Also Check Out: Top 5 Pokemon GBA ROM Hacks To Play As Team Rocket!
2. Pokemon Elaf Gold

- Creator: Elaf
- Status: Completed
- Language: English
Key Features:
- This ROM has 386 Pokemon From Generation 1 To 7.
- Starter pokemon is random from all obtainable (even legendary)
- 2 Regions (Johto & Kanto) plus New routes connecting existing places.
- This ROM is ideal for a Nuzlocke Challenge, where survival skills are key.
- If you lose a battle, it’s game over.
- Now you can Heal your Pokemons in Pokemon Center, ELM Lab or from your mom with cost money (500)
- If your Pokemon faints, it dies for permanent.
- Price of items calculated to have a money survival experience.
- All Pokémon are sorted into 4 tiers, so there are no extremely strong or weak ones.
- I have set the Catch rate to harder and it is determined by the 4 stage tierlist mentioned above.
- The game has all typical features like Fairy Type, Physical-Special Split, etc.
- To make game more challenging I have removed revive, Max Revive & Revival herbs.
- You can only level up your Pokémon to a certain point after each badge (Level Cap) to stop players from exploiting the game.
- Every move has a minimum 10% chance of not hitting its target.
- Many Pokémon, items, trainers, and moves have been carefully adjusted to change their stats.
1. Pokemon Emerald Z

- Creator: Z-nogyroP
- Status: Completed
- Language: English
Pokemon Emerald Z is a fully finished game made by changing the original Pokemon Emerald. It includes over 100 new Fakemon with cool looks and great images, a well-selected list of Pokemon, Gym Leaders placed in different places, improvements to weaker Pokemon, a few new locations to explore, and a ton of care put into it.
Key Features
- The game contains 500 Pokemon from generation 1 to 9.
- A large variety of Fakemons has been added by the creator itself.
- Weak Pokemon’s has been buffed along with customized learnset.
- There are 99 TMs available in the game. They can only be used once for balancing, but you can still get them.
- Gym Leaders and Elite Four members have been moved to different places, so you’ll face new challenges with your team.
- We have added some New moves and Abilities.
- Physical/Special Split Mode.
- Fairy Type Is Added In The Game.
- The game does not contains mega evolution and other gimmicks.
- Now, the Trick House takes you to the Trick Forest.
- Making the game harder wasn’t the main goal of this hack, so there aren’t any level caps or competitive movesets.
- Most Pokémon aren’t only available later in the game. If you know where to look, you can catch nearly every Pokémon in the hack before reaching the 3rd gym.
- You can now explore the ruins where the Regis used to be right from the beginning, and they have brand-new puzzles to solve.
- Winning big at the Game Corner is much easier.
- The game is completed till champion battle.
Higly Recommend To Check More Info Page 👇