“Pokemon Yellow Crossgen” is a Completed GBC Rom Hack made by TheRealEGR. Explore Pokemon Yellow with crossgen evolutions up to Generation 9, increased difficulty, and much more!
Pokemon Yellow Crossgen Completed GBC Rom Hack
- Creator: TheRealEGR
- Base ROM: Yellow
- Language: English
- Released on: January 04, 2025
- Latest Version: v1.1
- Last Updated on: January 10, 2025
- Status: Completed
Also Check Out: Pokemon Crystal 16-bit
This is your typical Pokemon Yellow “enhancement” hack, but with a twist: all the crossgen evolutions are added to the game, including both pre-evolutions and evolutions.
- Inclusion of crossgen evolutions for the Gen 1 Pokemon, from the Gen 2 ones till the Gen 9 ones. Note: This hack dosen´t add new types, so Steelix is Rock/Ground, Scizor is Bug/Flying, there is no Umbreon or Sylveon and Magnezone is pure Electric. This brings the total Pokedex number up to 183 species.
- Implemented tradebacks for all the Pokemon and also raised their Special stats to their highest one, so Arcanine has 100 Special instead of 80, and Hitmonlee has 110 instead of 35, for example. This hack does not also implement new moves, but the current ones get wider distribution (still a WIP for the distributions) and get buffed to their best state, like Leech Life being buffed to base 80 and Thunder Wave being buffed with 100% accuracy.
- Most sprites for the Pokemon have mostly been replaced with their Gen 2 styled variants, but with the colors of Gen 1. People might prefer the janky sprites of Gen 1 on a Gen 1 hack, but me personally, i just prefer the Gen 2 ones.
- Made some trainers like the Gym Leaders, the rival and the Elite Four more difficult by adding better moves for their game time and more Pokemon on their team. This is still not a kaizo-like hack, with a casual team you can still beat it.
- Added also some QOL functions (WIP, have to add more of them), like Pikachu being able to do the surf minigame.
- (WIP) Added Pokemon events like Mew on the truck.
Change Log
Version 1.1
- The moves that got buffed in LGPE also got buffed in this hack
- Replaced the default battle for the E4 music for the gym leader one
- Expanded the bag
- Added item descriptions
- Field moves (Cut, Surf) can be used like in Gen 2
- Running shoes
- Faster saving
- Side effect: This update breaks saves.
- The Blue sprite glitches temporally when you give him a name. During my test playthrough on the bgb emulator didn´t find any new glitches.
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- TheRealEGR – for the Pokemon insertion and the movepool upgrades
- pret – for the pokeyellow dissasembly and for helping me with some problems i had while making this hack on their Discord server
- The people who worked at hacks like Polished Crystal and Red ++ – for the Pokemon sprites.