“Pokemon Quetzal” is a Completed GBA Rom Hack made by TenmaRH. Enjoy Pokemon Emerald like never before with 44 starter options, multiple characters to choose from, Pokemon from all generations, Mega Evolutions, Gigantamax forms, Z-Moves, and much more.
Pokemon Quetzal Completed GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: TenmaRH
- Base ROM: Emerald
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v0.8.2
- Last Updated on: January 02, 2025
- Status: Completed
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Pokemon Quetzal is a fan-made Pokémon ROM hack that merges elements from the classic Pokemon Emerald with new features and enhancements. It offers a refreshed experience of the Hoenn region, with added content such as a wider variety of Pokémon from different generations, custom events, and updated graphics.
The game maintains the original storyline while incorporating improved mechanics, including updated battle systems and quality-of-life changes that make gameplay more enjoyable for both newcomers and veteran trainers. Pokemon Quetzal promises a nostalgic yet novel adventure for all Pokemon enthusiasts.
- Almost all pokemon from Generation 1 to 9 including DLC Pokemon.
- Alolan, Galarian, Hisuian, Primal and Paradox Forms.
- Multiplayer Mode.
- 73 starter option to choose from.
- You can choose the number of pokemon that can follow you (1-6)
- Almost Every Characters Are Available To Choose as Protagonist [Red, Ash, May, Brendan, Dawn, Lucas, Steven Etc]
- Eternamax Eternatus
- Dexnav
- Dynamax and Gigantamax
- Tera Forms
- Mega Evolution
- Z Moves
- Ultra Beasts
- Easily Trade Pokemon
- PC Is Excessable Anywhere AnyTime
- You can ride on any pokemon
- Use HMs outside battle without having to learn them
- Customizable shiny rate
- Special battle with popular trainers for special rewards
- Almost all legendary pokemon are catchable
- Individual, double, and multiple combats against other players from anywhere
- Battle in co-op mode (battle together against the other trainers in double battles)
- Spectator mode: you can watch the game with other players (and fight alongside them)
Version 0.8.2
Now radiant pokemon can have their filter changed individually.
To change the filter:
- The pokemon has to be radiant (or radiant shiny).
- It has to be captured with Radiant Ball (you can put the ball on it if you already have radiants captured from other versions for example).
- Go to the summary screen (from overworld or PC) and then press the R or L button (if you press R and L at the same time, the default filter is set).
If you put the pokemon in the default filter then it will be seen with the filter you have set in OPTIONS.
Wild Pokemon and radiant trainers are seen with the default filter (I may have an option in the future so that this can be changed).
In multiplayer combat you can also see the filter BUT in overworld you only see the default filter (I still have to implement that but it’s a lot of trouble).
The radiants with the filters they have are stored on the PC.
- In combat now if you press the L button you can see attack information (zmoves and max moves not included)
- Aerodactyl now appears on the first floor of sky pillar (if you have it as a pokemon you can use it to go through the holes without needing a bike)
- Sprite balloon team rocket is now much more epic
- Wild Spinda only comes out with a pattern (the idea is to change that in the future, but I have to make changes on PC so that the pattern is saved)
- If you have activated the level cap, now the levels of the rivals will be the same in all difficulties.
- When teleporting (from menu start) the game could freeze.
- Some pokemon had bad movements due to tutor.
- Yamask Galar in pokedex crashed in the section where you can check its movements.
- In double battles, if your opponent only had one pokemon left (located on the right), your pokemon located on the right could only use one attack.
- Zoroark bug ability in combat in certain situations.
- Bug color palette in town 2 gym if you had 6 pokemon that followed you, you played with a character and team rocket was present.
- You could not change the order of attacks on PC or daycare.
- If you played as a pokemon and it was radiant, when buying in a store you lost the color (only during purchase).
- Radiant ninja boy in front of battle if you played with radiant pokemon. Sometimes in combat a dark square would appear where the PPs appear.
- The Quash movement was not working well.
- In Nuzlocke mode you could transform pokemon after combat.
- In Nuzlocke mode the pokemon did not evolve if they defeated any of your pokemon.
- Combat with Steven in Nuzlocke mode, Pokemon were not removed from the team if they were defeated.
- The Unown K cheated your money.
- PC icon sprites sometimes disappeared if you moved between many boxes.
- Frillish and Jellicent icons bad paddle when doing multiple grip and also in level up.
- The Spiky Eared Pichu had a very high probability of hatching in eggs.
- Steven became invisible if you captured the Kecleon from the bridge.
- Error with the limit of items you could buy if you had a lot of money.
- Crash in the tutor moves when teaching a movement in certain situations.
- If you used Roost in multiplayer the game would freeze.
- In multiplayer if the second player used a Z move he could no longer use Dynamax or Tera afterwards.
Version 0.8.1
Bug Fixes
- Alcremi shapes
- Archaludon evolution
- Golisopod skill
- Crash on save
- Crashes in game
- mimikyu ability
- Overgrow skill
- Visual bug on pc
- Gigamax in multiplayer
- Wishiwashi shapeshifting
Game Related Stuff
Download Pokemon Quetzal
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is Pokemon Quetzal?
Pokemon Quetzal is a fan-made ROM hack of Pokemon Emerald that integrates new features and enhancements to provide a refreshed experience of the Hoenn region. It includes elements from multiple Pokemon generations, updated mechanics, and improved graphics.
What Pokemon generations are included in Pokemon Quetzal?
Pokemon Quetzal features Pokemon from Generations 1 through 9, including DLC Pokemon.
Are there any special forms or variants of Pokemon available in the game?
Yes, Pokemon Quetzal includes Alolan, Galarian, Hisuian, Primal, and Paradox Forms.
Can I play Pokemon Quetzal with friends?
Yes, Pokemon Quetzal supports multiplayer modes where you can battle, trade, and even engage in co-op battles with other players. There is also a spectator mode to watch and participate in battles alongside others.
Are there any notable updates to the battle system in Pokemon Quetzal?
The game features updated battle systems including Dynamax, Gigantamax, Mega Evolution, and Z Moves, enhancing the strategic elements of battles.
How do the customizable shiny rates work?
Players can adjust the rate at which shiny Pokemon appear to fit their preferences, making it easier or more challenging to find shiny variants.
What is the “Follow Me” feature?
This feature allows you to choose up to 6 Pokemon to follow you as you travel through the game, adding a personalized touch to your adventure.
Can I access my PC anytime in Pokemon Quetzal?
Yes, the game allows you to access your Pokemon storage PC from anywhere at any time.
Are there special rewards for battling popular trainers?
Yes, Pokemon Quetzal includes special battles with well-known trainers that offer unique rewards.
How does the ride Pokemon feature work?
You can ride on any Pokemon for faster travel and improved mobility throughout the game world.
Can I use HMs without teaching them to Pokemon?
Yes, Pokemon Quetzal allows you to use HMs outside of battle without needing to teach them to your Pokemon.
is there an option to turn off gigantamax/tera for enemy trainers? Kinda whack that literally every trainer uses tera and gigantamax
I choose Charcadet as my starter, but when it leveled up to 15, it stopped gauning more exp, what can I do with this to continue the gane?
Umm… The level cap
The Pokémon cries aren’t working and as such any move that includes a Pokémon cry makes no sound
they removed it after the next updates, i find that stupid