“Pokemon Project Revival” is a Completed Rpgxp Fangame made by Drawntoast. Discover the new Caracara region featuring Pokemon from Generations 1 to 8, mega evolution, 50 side quests, 24 starter choices, EXP Share, and much more!
Pokemon Project Revival Completed RPGXP Fangame
- Creator: Drawntoast
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v1.1.7
- Last Updated on: January 10, 2022
- Status: Completed
Also Check Out: Pokemon Temporal Chains
Pokemon Project Revival takes place in the Caracara region, which is much larger than before and packed with more content and Pokemon to catch. The Caracara region is inspired by the Florida Keys, with some influence from how Florida is shown in other media.
Pokemon Project Revival is a prequel to my previous game, Blossom of the Soul, and to all my other games. Although you can play it on its own, it’s better if you play Blossom of the Soul first, even if it’s just a demo. Project Revival’s story is closely linked to an older game of mine, Tentin Redux.
The story happens twenty years before the events of Blossom of the Soul. A mysterious Pokemon has seen a dark future and sends someone to fix it. Nature in the Caracara region is dying, which will cause serious and lasting damage. In this story, you’ll see modern ideas clash with old traditions. Will people change to save their future, or will they stay focused on their own desires?
- More of the Caracara Region: Technically this is the second time players visit Caracara, but this game is actually a prequel, so this means it’s everyone’s first time!
- Single Pokemon Run Mode: This mode returns with the same features as last time. Choose this mode in the beginning of the game, and you’ll only be able to choose one Pokemon, without being able to capture more, or evolve your chosen Pokemon.
- Xpertlocke Mode: A new game mode that is similar to a Nuzlocke, but with some added difficulty. Fainted Pokemon cannot be revived as usual, however, Pokemon cannot be caught, and must only be obtained by gift or in-game trade. Hatching Eggs is not allowed, either. Once all your Pokemon have fainted, the run is dead.
- Radical Mode: Another new game mode that restricts the player from using held items or items from their Bag in Gyms or the Pokemon League. The battle style is always put on “Set”, even if the option is set to “Switch”.
- Newest Mechanics: Gen. 8 mechanics return. This includes Pokemon, move sets, updated stats, and items. Mega Evolution is also included.
- Multiple Save Files: Multiple save files allow for more playthroughs without having to move your save file or delete your old game. The max amount of saves is 10.
- The Move Master: The Move Master, in every Pokemon Center, can relearn moves, check Hidden Power types, change the game mode, and check friendship levels. Also, he runs the new Pokemon Nursery, which is an improved Day Care, with much quicker ways of getting Eggs.
- Chapters and Sidequests: Project Revival has a combined total of 50 Chapters and Sidequests. Completing at least 49 of them unlocks a special final sidequest.
- SOS Battles: SOS Battles from Generation 7 have returned. They may occur during most wild battles after getting one Gym Badge. The SOS Machine can enable or disable them once the player gets the item.
- Poke Radar: The Poke Radar, using its Pokemon X and Y features, returns. The player can obtain it by completing a sidequest.
- All Starters Can Be Chosen: All starters from Kanto to Galar can be chosen in the beginning of the game. However, you can only choose one! In the final game, you’ll be able to grab the rest later in the game.
- Exp. Share: It returns still the same as in Gen. 6 and Gen. 7. It can still be turned on or off.
- Level Cap: A brand-new hard level cap which restricts the player’s Pokemon from over leveling by limiting the Exp. gained past the current cap. The Level Cap begins at Lv. 15, and it can be raised by getting more Gym Badges.
- Birthsigns System: This system has been completely removed.
- Egg Tickets and Odd Eggs: Exchange these Egg Tickets and get an Odd Egg, which has a 50% chance of hatching a Shiny Pokemon every time.
- HM Items: Of course, HMs are not in the game, as they’ve been replaced with items like the Pickaxe and Hedge Clippers.
- EV Resetter: There’s an NPC that can reset the EVs of any Pokemon back to zero for 5 Armorite Ore pieces.
- Overworld Pokemon Encounters: Overworld encounters been removed, and replaced with the random grass encounters from earlier generations.
- Markings: Markings from Gen. 8 have been added. All Pokemon have a small chance of having a marking. They don’t change stats, but can be interacted with in the “Ribbons” page of the Pokemon’s summary screen.
- Egg Incubators: Egg Incubators have been added. Now, the player has the choice to put Eggs in the Incubator item. They’ll hatch as if they were in your party. Flame Body, Magma Armor, Steam Engine still affect the Egg’s hatch speed.
- Trade Evolutions: Trade Evolutions have been changed again. Now, instead of simply using the trade item, you’ll have to make the Pokemon hold the trade item, then use a Link Stone on it. For example, if you want Onix to evolve into Steelix, make it hold a Metal Coat, then use a Link Stone to evolve it. For Pokemon who simply evolve by trade, make it hold a Link Stone, then use another Link Stone on it.
- Dropped Items: Wild Pokemon automatically drop their held item if they are defeated (rather than catching it or using Thief/Covet)
- The Battle Beach: A much-requested feature, the Battle Beach is similar to the Battle Towers of the main series. Win RP (Rad Points), and exchange them for rad prizes!
- Charms: The Mark Charm, Exp. Charm, Shiny Charm, and Oval Charms are all available
- Rotom Catalog: The Rotom Catalog can be used to change Rotom’s form at any time, just like in Sword and Shield.
- Cosplay Pikachu & Other Forms: Cosplay Pikachu, a forgotten feature in ORAS, is back in Project Revival, along with the base flavors of Alcremie.
- Hidden Abilities: Wild Pokemon with Hidden Abilities no longer appear randomly in the wild, now Ability Patches must to be used (Gen. 8 item), available for purchase at the Battle Beach.
- Phenomenon: The rustling grass, rippling water, dust clouds, and bird shadows from Gen. 5 are added. After the player defeats the Nova Gym and gets a Bedrock Badge, they’ll randomly appear. Pokemon have a higher chance to be shiny in rustling grass, and are commonly found with an Egg move. They have a small chance of having two perfect IVs as well.
- Quicksaving: Press “Q” or “A” to quick save to the current slot you’re currently playing.
- Turbo Mode: Press “ALT” to speed up the game. There’s three different speeds that you can use. Keep pressing Alt to return to the normal game speed.
Known Bugs
- Scorbunny’s overworld sprite is STILL huge. Let’s just say the Scorbunny the player picks are abnormally huge.
- Following Pokemon may not work sometimes. Jumping off a ledge makes the follower freak out. It’s entertaining, but embarrassing.
- Natural Gift doesn’t work as intended. It only acts as a Normal-type move. Currently no fix for v18.1.
- The Phenomenon script may suddenly make the game crash. Ah, if only I was using v19, then I could ask the developer of the script.
Game Related Stuff
Download Pokemon Project Revival

Pokémon Essentials v.18.1 – Maruno, Flameguru, Peter O.
RPG Maker XP – Enterbrain
Improved Quest System – Marin
Text Skip feature – Amethyst
Gen. 7 sprites – thedarkdragon11
USUM sprites – Leparagon, Amethyst
Night Sky background – TowardsThePantheon
Following Pokémon – Golisopod User, Help-14, zingzags, Rayd12smitty, mej71, PurpleZaffre, Akizakura16
Improved D/P/Pt Font – Peter O., Mr. Gela
B/W Gen. 3 style overworld sprites – Mashirosakura, Young-Dante
DE Music Themes – Dead Ends
Band Room Tileset – derlo, SDV, Shardi, Mi, Logiedent, Phyromatical, Sharm
Lava tiles – DormDude, Rayquaza-dot
Summary Screen Graphics – Akizakura16
Poké Transfer Scripts – xLeD, Harshboy, rigbycwts
Overworld Item Graphics – Wergan, PurpleAladdin
Sewer tileset – aveontrainer, Kyle Dove, Kane89
Encounter List – raZ, Nuri Yuri, Vendily, Savordez, Marin
Arceus Fairy Backsprite – XtraLucas
Phenomenon Script – v2.0 by Boonzeet, with code help from Maruno & Marin
TM List Screen – TechSkylander1518
Habitat List icon – Boonzeet
Stat Screen Upgrade (EVs and IVs in Summary) – SirWeibrot
Starter Selection Script – Limnodromus, Shiney570
Speed Up Button – Marin
Nuzlocke script – ~JV~
SOS Battles – Marin
Wild Item Drops – Cilerba
Platinum Battle Pictures Script & Sets (inc. battle menu) – BiggusWeeabus
Improved Gen. 5 Back Sprites – Dreadwing93
Improved Gen. 6 Front and Back Sprites
Gen VI 64×64, Gen VII 64×64, Chamber, Solo993, N-Kin, WAH!,
PiaCarrot, Zorgoth120, Incufan120, Fexiled,
Hooded Bird, Zerudez, XY Sprite Proj.,
Monnotonnous Pixels, Vale98PM, Dragonball23,
Axel-Comics, Noscium, Faintster, Skeetendo User,
Mylittlekeldeo, Tor2005, Lakeofdance, Neslug,
Jozzer26, Fenne-King, SupahSanti, Leparagon,
Falgaia MrDollSteak, Chaos Rush, Layell, Spherical Ice,
princessofmusic, Sky High, Wobblebuns, Redrooster, N-Kin, Zerudez,
SupahSnivy, Branflakes325, Legitimate Username, aXl, Superjub,
Seiku88, Gexeys, al199288, Sleet, The Cynical Poet,
Noscium,Tayub1221, SSJ4 Furanki, Arkeis, Quanyails,
Orchid, GeoisEvil, Wyverii, Vale98PM, thedarkdragon11,
TrainerSplash, MilanesaCosmic, Fridave, Versekr Dark,
Nordk, Hoenn, GOLDstandard, Doesntknowhowtoplay, Thundrake,
orly32123, Criminon Slowpoke13, Soloo993, Dursem,
Derxwna Kapsyla, Dreadwing93
Gen 7 & Gen. 8 Abilities, moves, scripts
Zeak6464, TapuFini, SpartaLazor, leparagon,
Bulbapedia, Serebii ,M3rein, BlackOutG5,
Rune, Rigbycwts, Rot8er_ConeX, James Davy,
Luka S.J., WolfPP
Galarian Slowbro overworld sprite – WolfPP
Various Overworld Sprites – aveontrainer, PurlpleZaffre, Starsparkless, MrDollSteak
Dancer Ability -mybusiness
Day and Night Shading feature – Deo
Friendship Checker Script – Alaguesia
Eevee Kid, Fairy Tale Girl – UlithiumDragon
Markings (on Ribbons screen) – Boonzeet
HGSS Trainer Card – Mr. Gela
Lilypad tileset – Shawn-Frost
X and Y Lass Sprite – Kyle Dove
Pokemon Contests – mej71, Maruno, FL, JV, Umbreon/Hansiec, Saving Raven, FL, Luka S.J., TastyRedTomato, bo4p5687
Mondelo Tileset – 07harris/Paranoid, 19dante91, 27alexmad27, 874521, Alistair, Alucus, Atomika,
Bakura155, Blue Beedrill, Boomxbig, Bulbapedia and Bulbaforums, chimcharsfireworkd, Chio,
CNickC/CNC, Dewitty, Flood, Fused, G-olden, help14, Jesse TBPro, lordindy, Kizemaru_Kurunosuke, klnothincomin,
Kuroda-Taiki, Kymotonian, Newtiteuf, Novus, Pokemon_Diamond, PrinceLegendario, Reck, Red-Gyrados, REMY35, RHN,
Saurav, Scarexshivaking, Seiyouh, SL249, spaceemotion, spypoke, megafc, ThePokemonChronicles, WesleyFG
Residential Building Tile – WesleyFG, PkmnAlexandrite
Laboratory Tileset – Gigatom, PkmnAlexandrite
Mondelo Houses – Zer0LBA/Zer0/Sero, RedEx, Magiscarf
Cleaner Gen. 8 Cries – The Sounds Resource, SirJay07
Collector Sprite – Aveontrainer, Wesely
Level Cap – Golisopod User
NPC 05a sprite, X and Y Mom sprite, XY NPC 05e, NPC 08b1, NPC 05b – Lolw3e932
Gen. 8 Sprites – leParagon, Crocovyle, Cynda, KingOfThe-X-Roads, JaegerLucciano23,
SageDeoxys, Z-nogryoP, G.E.Z.
Overworld Item Descriptions – Boonzeet
Multiple Save Files – JessWishes, MessiDuvioso (18.1 ver.)
Footprints Script – KleinStudio
Name Windows – Mr. Gela
Reborn Animations – Amethyst, Jan, Inuki, Smeargletail, Mde, Koyo
Reborn SFX – Amethyst, Pokemon Mystery Universe
Reborn Graphic Rip – Neslug
HM Items – derFischae
Original Caracara region map – Pokeminer20
Clown Overworld Sprite – etique
Rich Boy Overworld Sprite – Kalarie
Parasol Lady Overworld Sprite – aveontrainer
Roaming Tracker – TastyRedTomato
Overworld Items (extended): Wergan, ImZero
Link Stone New Code and icon sprite – FL
DP/HGSS anims – NocTurn
Blue Boat Sprite – Ultithium_Dragon
HM Items (v19 script, but works in 18.1 with a few edits by me) – Moyo, Marin
HGSS OWs in FR Style – Delta231, Mimi, M.vit, Kimoras
Accurate Fire Red Overworld Sprite Resources:
Avatar: Psychic (Male), Rich Boy, Cue Ball (Dismounted)
Aveontrainer: Lass, a lot of bases for Emerald’s Overworld Sprites
Daman: Professor Ivy, Professor Ivy’s Assistant
Kalarie: Aroma Lady, Blackbelt, Burglar, Crush Girl, Dragon Tamer, Engineer, Juggler, Lady, Pokémon Breeder, Psychic (Female), Rocker, Tamer, Twin, Young Couple, All Anime Sprites
MrDollSteak: Cue Ball, Cue Ball (Dismounted), Painter, PokéManiac, Pokémon Ranger (Male), Pokémon Ranger (Female)
Pokésho: Various First Frames of Anime Overworld Sprites
Spherical Ice: Biker (Dismounted), Bird Keeper, Expert (Male), Expert (Female), Kindler, Ruin Maniac
FRLG Pokédude Backsprite Ripped by Tsuka
Koiking Player Sprites courtesy of pixiv
FRLG Style RSE NPCs, ORAS Brendan and May courtesy of Poffin_Case
Gen 4 and 5 Trainer sprites and PBS Courtesy of Mr. Gela/theo#7722
FRLG Cynthia, Hilbert, Hilda, Ethan and Lyra Sprites courtesy of Pokésho, Marnic, Reign, and KisiroKitsune
TR Grunt courtesy of Othienka
Brendan and May Extra Sprites courtesy of GreenWithAwesome / 15avaughn
HGSS Ethan and Lyra Back Sprites 0.2
Ripped by Tsuka from Spriters Resource
Original graphics by Game Freak
Formatted by Ozander
PUBLIC OrAs Protagonists GBA Back Front Sprites
by Solo993; Front Sprites by hyo-oppa
Razz Berry effect code borrowed from O-Power script by samukomini
F12 Crash Bug Fix – PiaCRT
I’m having problem with the cheat key/ F8 key
It’s showing script error
“Script ‘PSystem_System’ line 99: ArgumentError occured.
wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)”
Do you know how to fix this