“Pokemon Personal Fire Red” is a Completed GBA Rom Hack made by LatiasSoulDew. it’s an improvenment hack based on pokemon fire red with addition of mega evolution along with some changes in the evolution process of some pokemon, alter move tutors and more.
Pokemon Personal Fire Red Completed GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: LatiasSoulDew
- Base ROM: FireRed
- Language: English
- Latest Version: April 23, 2024
- Released on: April 23, 2024
- Status: Full Completed
Also Check Out: Pokemon FireRed Battle Edition
Pokemon Personal Fire Red is a hack that try to improve the original game as much as possible, while trying to be faithful to the original game. Utilized HUBOL DPE CFRU to update it to Gen VIII mechanics.
- HUBOL DPE CFRU as base, with some fixes on moves and items.
- Modified starter ultimate moves because these are the ‘ultimate’ moves, not the inferior moves.
- Changed available Move Tutors.
- Added Evolution Items to Celadon Department Store.
- Added Mega Ring and Mega Stones to various locations.
- Added Leaf Green exclusive Pokemons to be available.
- Added IV perfecter Rudy in Celadon City.
- Alternatives to Trade Evolutions are present (provided by HUBOL DPE CFRU).
- Improved important battles.
- Fixed Tutor: Frenzy Plant, Blast Burn, Hydro Cannon.
- Fixed TM&HM: Flash.
- Fixed Items: Gold Teeth.
- Changed Viridian Forest cheat to give mushrooms instead.
Important Locations
Move Tutors
- [Route 4] Mega Punch -> Vacuum Wave.
- [Route 4] Mega Kick -> Low Kick.
- [Pewter City] Seismic Toss -> Covet.
- [Viridian City] Dream Eater -> Magic Coat.
- [Rock Tunnel] Rock Slide -> Rock Blast.
- [Celadon City] Counter -> Bad Tantrum.
- [Celdaon City) SoftBoiled -> Heal Bell.
- [Saffron City] Mimic -> Role Play.
- [Silph Co] Thunder Wave -> Electroweb.
- [Fuchsia City] Substitute -> Baton Pass.
- [Cinabar Island] Metronome -> Bind.
- [Victory Road] Double-Edge -> Close Combat.
- [Mt. Ember] Explosion -> Psychic Fang.
- [Four Island] Body Slam -> Body Slam.
- [Seven Island] Swords Dance -> Dragon Dance.
Mega Ring & Mega Stones
- Mega Ring at Fuji’s house
- Mega Stones:
- Venusaur: Viridian Forest
- CharizardX: Mt. Moon
- CharizardY: Rock Tunnel
- Blastoise: Route 25
Evolution Changes
- Poliwhirl -> Politoed, using King’s Rock
- Kadabra -> Alakazam, using Link Cable
- Machoke -> Machamp, using Link Cable
- Graveler -> Golem, using Link Cable
- Slowpoke -> Slowking, using King’s Rock
- Haunter -> Gengar, using Link Cable
- Onix -> Steelix, using Metal Coat
- Seadra -> Kingdra, using Dragon Scale
- Scyther -> Scizor, using Metal Coat
- Porygon -> Porygon2, using Upgrade
- Feebas -> Milotic, using Prism Scale
- Clamperl -> Huntail, using Deep Sea Tooth
- Clamperl -> Gorebyss, using Deep Sea Scale
Change Log
New Update April 23, 2024
- Champion rematch Pokémon level will match party’s highest level (now he serves as the superboss)
- Fixed some duplicate and unobtainable TMs (and Pickup may now pick up Lum Berry instead of TM10)
- Updated Gym Leader Giovanni’s Pokémon
- Added King’s Rock, Metal Coat, Dragon Scale, Upgrade to Celadon Dept Store
New Update April 19, 2024
- Added Reaper Cloth to Celadon Dept Store
- Added mad scientist Kyouma who sells Ability items
- Made Mystic Ticket to be obtainable
- Fixed Trainer Class names
- Added Dex Nav
- Move Relearner teaches moves of any level
- Improved Champion rematch Pokémon
- Increased Magmar’s encounter rate
- Added IV & EV display in summary screen
- Added Johto Pokémon to Sevii Island
- Hoothoot: Berry Forest
- Chinchou: Water Labyrinth (Super Rod)
- Bonsly: Berry Forest
- Sunkern: Five Isle Meadow
- Girafarig: Memorial Pillar
- Gligar: Canyon Entrance
- Snubbull: Water Path
- Corsola: Resort Gorgeous (Super Rod)
- Miltank: Canyon Entrance
New Update April 10, 2024
- Created and updated overworld sprites of Mega Stones
- Fixed multi item registers
- Added Electirizer, Magmarizer, Protector, Dubious Disc, Razor Claw, Razor Fang, Oval Stone to Celadon Dept Store
New Update April 03, 2024
- Make Altering Cave Pokemon obtainable
- Make both Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan obtainable from the Karate Master. Now we can rob his dojo even harder
- Minor fix on unchosen starters NPC
- Upgrade the fossil doctor on Cinnabar. Now he can revive all three fossils, and more than once
New Update March 29, 2024
- Made both Helix Fossil and Dome Fossil to be obtainable
- Made unchosen starters to be obtainable
- Made Move Tutors repeatable (all three starters can learn their ultimate moves)
New Update March 24, 2024
- Added EV reducing berries npc
- Added IV & EV scanner
- Added Nature indicator in summary screen
- Made all three Legendary Beasts to roam Kanto
Game Related Stuff
Download Pokemon Personal Fire Red