“Pokemon Little Emerald” is a Completed GBA Rom Hack made by Purkat. Experience Pokemon Emerald using only fully unevolved Pokemon, with features like following Pokemon, Gen 9 mechanics, new areas, and much more.
Pokemon Little Emerald Completed GBA Rom Hack
- Creator: Purkat
- Base ROM: Emerald
- Language: English
- Released on: March 02, 2025
- Latest Version: v1.2
- Last Updated on: March 28, 2025
- Status: Completed
Also Check Out: Pokemon Emerald Imperium
Pokemon Little Emerald is a difficulty hack of Pokemon Emerald with only fully unevolved Pokemon – both in the wild and on trainers’ teams. Along with those changes, I’ve also added quite a few quality of life upgrades and two difficulty modes. This game was made with the goal of being a fun and challenging romhack to Nuzlocke, but I hope you enjoy it any way you decide to play.
- Starters: Snivy/Scorbunny/Squirtle
- Hard level caps
- Gen 9 battle mechanics unless otherwise stated
- Difficulty modes:
- Hard: All gym leaders and most boss trainers have a full team of six Pokémon with strong movesets
- Normal: Not all gym leaders and boss trainers have a full team of six Pokémon and have generally weaker movesets than in Hard Mode
- EV Gain can be turned on or off
- Mini-Bosses throughout the game that give prizes such as BP, battle items, and access to move tutors
- A BP shop where you can buy battle items and items to customize your Pokémon such as Ability Patches, Nature Mints, and Bottle Caps
- You will permanently lose any held items that were removed in a battle (only if you win the battle)
- You can permanently take held items from Pokémon in a trainer battle (only if you win the battle)
- Trainers don’t use items
- Attract works regardless of gender
- The 5 confuse berries (Aguav, Iapapa, Wiki, Mago, Figy) heal ½ max HP and trigger at ¼ max HP (As in generation 7)
- Oceanic Museum, Mauville Game Corner, Daycare, Weather Institute, Mossdeep Game Corner, Space Center, and Devon Corp (Fossil) encounter locations are now separate
- Two new custom maps:
- Deep Woods (accessible from Petalburg Woods post-Cut)
- Desert Oasis (accessible from Route 111)
- New “Mega Evolutions”:
- All Baby Pokémon (Pichu, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Togepi, Tyrogue, Elekid, Magby, Smoochum, Azurill, Wynaut, Budew, Chingling, Bonsly, Mime Jr., Happiny, Munchlax, Rioolu, Mantyke, and Toxel) can evolve in battle via a held item (their respective incenses and new incenses added for the babies without one)
- Some type and ability changes, mostly to give unevolved Pokémon types and abilities from their evolved forms
- Follower Pokémon
- Most bosses have overworld partner Pokémon
- Minor story changes (just added and move boss fights):
- Added an Aqua Leader Archie fight to Slateport’s Oceanic Museum just after fighting the grunts
- Changed Magma Admin Tabitha on Mt. Chimnet to Magma Admin Courtney Courtney
- Added a tag battle with your rival against Aqua Leader Archie & Aqua Admin Matt to Mt. Pyre
- Changed Magma Admin Tabitha in the Mossdeep Space Center tag battle to Magma Admin Tabitha
- A few boss fights scale in levels depending on if you have defeated Winona yet (you can fight them before or after):
- Optional rival battle in Lilycove City
- Magma Admin Tabitha in Magma Hideout
- Magma Leader Maxie in Magma Hideout
- Tag battle with your rival against Aqua Leader Archie & Aqua Admin Matt on Mt. Pyre
- Aqua Admin Matt in Aqua Hideout
Quality of Life Changes
- New Key Items:
- Infinite Candy: Acts as a Rare Candy, cannot go past the next level cap (regular Rare Candies can, up to level 3 levels past)
- Cap Candy: Brings a Pokémon to the next level cap instantly
- Max Restore: Fully restores the HP, PP, and Status of a Pokémon
- Infinite Repel: Lets you toggle wild encounters
- Pokévial: Fully restored the HP, PP, and Status of all Pokémon in your party
- Warp Panel: Lets you warp to a previously visited town
- Flashlight: Brightens up dark caves
- Press ‘L’ in the overworld to open a utilities menu with the following utilities:
- Pokémon Box Link
- Infinite Repel (turn off encounters)
- Auto Run Toggle
- Change Time (set the clock)
- Pokévial (heal your party)
- Escape Rope
- Warp Panel (fly)
- Flashlight
- Hatch Egg (choose an egg from your party to hatch)
- Press ‘R’ in a wild Pokémon battle to run
- Press ‘R’ in the overworld to toggle auto run
- Press ‘A’ to relearn moves in the Battle Moves page of the summary screen
- Press ‘A’ in the Pokémon Info page of the summary screen to change a Pokémon’s nickname
- Press ‘A’ in the Pokémon Skills page of the summary screen to see a Pokémon’s IVs or cycle between IVs and EVs if EV gain is enabled
- Romhack Version, Difficulty, EV gain, and Battle Points can be seen on your trainer card
- HMs can now be used as long as you have it in your bag and the corresponding gym has been defeated
- Removed the field move text boxes and Pokémon pop-ups
- Hold ‘B’ and press ‘A’ on a valid tile to Dive
- Hold ‘A’ and press ‘B’ on a valid tile to Emerge
- Hold ‘B’ while Surfing or Diving to move faster
- A new bag pocket for Incenses
- A new bag pocket for Nature Mints
- New NPCs in each Pokémon center:
- Nature Mint Maker: This NPC takes a Blank Nature Mint and turns it into any Nature Mint you choose
- Pre-Damage & Pre-Status NPC: This NPC will give you the option of Pre-Damaging or Pre-Statusing one of your Pokémon.
Pre-Damage: You choose any number between 1 and the max HP of the chosen Pokémon – 1 to set the Pokémon’s HP to.
Pre-Status: You choose one of the following status conditions to apply to the chosen Pokémon: Poison, Paralysis, Sleep, Burn, Freeze, Toxic Poison. Electric types can’t be Paralyzed, Fire types can’t be Burned, Ice types can’t be Frozen, and Pokémon with any of the following abilities can’t be put to Sleep: Insomnia, Vital Spirit, Sweet Veil, Comatose, Purifying Salt. Poison and Steel types cannot be Poisoned or Toxic Poisoned until you add Salandit to your Pokédex (just seen, not caught).
*Eggs and Fainted Pokémon can’t be Pre-Damaged or Pre-Statused. - Hyper Training NPC: This NPC will allow you to Hyper Train a selected stat of one of your Pokémon in exchange for a Bottle Cap. A Hyper Trained stat will act as if it is 31 IV in all battle calculations. Hyper Trained stats are marked in blue when viewing IVs in the Pokémon’s summary screen.
*Eggs cannot be Hyper Trained. - Battle Points Trader: This NPC will exchange certain items for Battle Points which are obtained from defeating Mini-Bosses.
- Egg Move Tutor: This NPC will teach one of your Pokémon one of their egg moves in exchange for 1 BP.
Future Plans
Bug fix patches will be released as issues are discovered. In addition, there are many ideas (and a list) for features to be added in the future. Here’s a brief preview of some of them:
- Changes to the functionality of the Damp ability
- Reaper Cloth Duskull & Lucky Punch Happiny
- Changes to the functionality of the move Revival Blessing
- Random berry amounts
- Monotype mode
- Sandbox mode
Version 1.2
- Fixed the bug: the button to trigger Mega Evolution was the same as the one used to see move info, making mega evolution impossible
Version 1.2
V1.2 is a small update being released at the same time as v1.1. The features and bugfix are incompatible with saves of previous versions whereas everything in v1.1 is. That is why this is being released as a separate version.
Feature Additions:
- Added a pocket for Incenses (and Electirizer/Magmarizer).
- Added a pocket for Nature Mints.
- The TMs pocket can now hold every TM available in the game.
Game Related Stuff
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