“Pokemon Emerald Double Up Delevelled” is a Completed GBA Rom Hack made by AlmightyK. Explore the doubles battle system, use TMs as much as you want, forget HMs easily, and catch every Pokémon you encounter.
Pokemon Emerald Double Up Delevelled Completed GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: AlmightyK
- Base ROM: Emerald
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v2.5.1
- Last Updated on: March 27, 2024
- Status: Completed
Also Check Out: Pokemon Hyper Emerald v5.5 Lost Artifacts English
Pokemon Emerald Double Up Delevelled is Pokemon Emerald with the standard modernised item, battle, and pokemon updates. It also makes every possible Trainer Battle into a Double Battle, gives wild encounters a decent chance of Double Battles, makes wild pokemon drop loot, and much more.
The Delevelled part of the name changes your Pokemon stats to not take level into account, the only way to improve your pokemon is to breed for better IVs or to train their EVs. Grinding to overpower with raw numbers is now much less important than having a good strategy. This also allows you to try new pokemon without worrying about the need to grind.
Key Features
- Every trainer battle is a double battle except if a trainer has only one Pokemon.
- Double battle for wild encounter occurs at 30% rate.
- Changed the list of Pokemon encounters so that you can catch all of them. Also, made it possible to catch Deoxys in each of its four forms separately.
- Level is removed from Stat Gain.
- Hyper Training for Post Game.
- Swap moves as you adventure (Doesn’t work for Egg Moves).
Battle Engine Upgrades
- Stats, learnsets, moves and abilities are updated to gen 8.
- Combat changed to Gen 7 standards (Criticals, Status effects, Weather, etc)
- Items changed to Gen 7 standards.
- Physical/Special Spli mode.
- Fairy Type.
- Various small aesthetic changes (Mostly Combat)
- EV/IV stat changes applied after battle.
- Ghosts can not be trapped by Shadow Tag, Mean Look or similar.
- Ghosts can flee all wild battles.
- Mew and Deoxys obey.
- Badge Boost removed.
QOL Changes
- Coloured Natures (Red Up, Blue Down)
- IV/EV Checker with L/R.
- Removed Fishing Minigame.
- Infinite TM use.
- Removable HMs.
- Move Swapping from menu (Similar to Arceus).
- Trainer Battles are Optional.
- Trainer Rematch available from beginning of game.
- Trade Evolution updated to Level 35 or Item Use.
- Swap Bikes while riding (Press R).
- Shuckle Makes Berry Juice (Maybe Berry Juice can change again).
- EVs capped at 252 per stat (Can be done from Vitamins).
- EVs can max out each Stat.
- Later Gen Evolutions added into game.
- Low Health Beep removed.
- All Wild Pokemon have at least 3 Perfect IVs.
- Shiny Odds increased (1% Spawn rate).
- Later Gen Evolutions (and baby forms) added into game.
- Indoor Running.
- Wild Pokemon drop Held Items when defeated.
- Return shows Power.
- HMs usable without teaching.
- Flash auto activates.
- Move Summary in battle (Press Start).
- Egg Moves are learnt from either parent.
Minor Tweaks
- Professor Birch intro speech is altered.
- Move Tutors are reusable.
- Birch gives a free Pokemon when getting Starter.
- Berry Master now sells Berries.
- Move Reminder now sells Evolution Items.
- Hidden Abilities available (5% Spawn rate).
Major Tweaks
- Four neutral Natures have been altered to give two positive and two negative stat changes.
- Frustration now acts as Physical Hidden Power.
- Unown learn Frustration.
- Food Items (Lava Cookies, Lemonade, Etc) are no longer usable in battle.
- Others listed above.
Known Bugs
- Pokedex shows Shiny sprites.
- Leaving the Move Swap menu without.
- learning a move puts the pointer on the menu of the last pokemon that used Move Swap.
- Pokeballs will sometimes fail in Double Battles, unknown why.
- Hyper Trainer doesn’t check if Pokemon already has been Hypertrained, you can waste money doing this.
- Flutes consumed if used during battle.
- Castform Form Change doesn’t work with existing weather.
- Move Summary in battle crashes at Battle Frontier (Fixed I think).
Cheat Options
- Game Corner Man gives continuous charity.
- Youngster Calvin on 102 is rematchable.
- Sweet Scent doesn’t count steps in Safari Zone.
- Debug menu available (R+Start in overworld, Select in combat)
Level Removal
- One of the key features of Double Up Delevelled is that Level is no longer a factor when determining a Pokemon’s stats, with the exception of HP. Now Stats are at a set value based on Base Stat, IVs, and Nature. They will be altered as EVs are gained.
- Level is now more a representation of the state of training, as it still affects the moves a Pokemon knows, the effects of level based moves (such as Seismic Toss), when a Pokemon can evolve, and does make them slightly tougher increasing Max HP by 1 per level gained.
- As of version 2.11, damage also no longer scales based off level
Change Log
- Hotfix for Coin Charity.
- Changed Encounter List (Original returned to normal, relevant land mon in place, legendaries on Mirage Island/Artisan Cave/Altering Cave).
- Gacha Egg Seller (Starters and Baby Mon) located in Lavaridge.
- Gem Seller is now Fossil Maniac Brother.
- Possibly other things I may have forgotten.
Download Pokemon Emerald Double Up Delevelled

Useful stuff, Appreciate it.