“Pokemon Cool Spot” is a GBA Rom Hack made by JoeyZeed. Enjoy the journey of Pokemon emerald with 7-Up mascot, cool spot as your powerful Starter and many more surprises.
Pokemon Cool Spot GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: JoeyZeed
- Base ROM: Emerald
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v1.3
- Last Updated on: May 17, 2024
- Status: Completed
Also Check Out: Pokemon Foodon Ruby
Hey, remember Cool Spot? 7-Up’s mascot from the late 80s-Early 90s? No? He had his own SNES game!
This is a very cool and very basic hack of Emerald version, with a bunch of very cool secrets, features, and differences to make it more unique from your average emerald playthrough. Of course, the game features the 7-Up mascot, Cool Spot as a powerful playable starter Pokemon! Nearly all 386 Pokemon are obtainable, and there’s a few cool surprises that await curious trainers in the brand-new Pokemon Cool Spot Version!
- Hey, it’s Cool Spot! Cool Spot as a playable Pokemon, complete with unique, custom moves (they’re cool!)
- The story of the game has been slightly altered to reflect changes! Enjoy all the new dialogue, and enrich yourself in the battle of cola and uncola! Save the world in the coolest way possible!
- Cool spot has invaded the HUD and UI of the game!! Look for Cool Spot on your trainer card, party menu, the Pokedex, the Map, your Bag menu, and all sorts of new places! How cool!
- Both evil Teams have their costumes and overworld sprites altered to fit their twisted plans!
- All in-game dialogue has been changed to reflect the appropriate in-game changes (Ex: Potions are now refered to as 7-Up and so on)
- There is no longer an annoying beeping when you reach Red HP
- Added several new Pokemon!
- Added new locations: Black Market, Blissey Safari, and the House of Tutors
- Cool Spot now has 2 new unique level up moves, and learns Bubblebeam at an earlier level
- Introduces a new Gym Leader battle and unique TM move, available at the Sootopolis Gym
- Tutors now Teach your Pokemon an unlimited amount of times
- Fishing now works like FR/LG, no more timing bites
- Poison will not damage you outside of battle anymore
- Safari Zone now gives you an unlimited number of steps, you will only be kicked out if you retire or run out of Safari Balls
- You now start with the national Pokedex! You can now read the dex entries/see areas of non-hoenn Pokemon
- HMs are now Deleteable like normal moves! You do not need to see the move deleter
- Deoxys/Mew now obey you!
- New PC wallpapers and Text Box themes featuring Cool Spot and 7-Up
- Harbor Mail is now the Cool Mail and has a picture of Cool Spot on it
- Overworld changes are now much cooler! Pokemon Centers and Pokemarts are now Cool Centers and Cool Marts and have Cool Spot on the outside instead of a Pokeball
- Reusable TMs
- Bosses have new, slightly more difficult teams to overcome, making for a cool experience!
- New Music tracks, all arranged and formatted by yours truly to fit into Pokemon Emerald!
- New, Cool Pokemon with customized sprites to discover and train!
- Many, many items have been replaced by various (actually real) flavors of 7-Up! It’s delicious and nutritious for your Pokemon, complete with new sprites!
- Evolution items available for purchase at Lilycove Dept. Store
- EXP is now Cool Points! The HUD and status screen now reflect this, Exp Share is now the Cool Share, and Lucky Egg is now the Cool Egg
- Using Flash will illuminate the entire map, not just a little section
- EVs will now be maxed out at 252 instead of 255 per stat
- Randos will no longer bug you on the PokeNav
Change Log
- Bug Fixes
- EVERY single pokemon is now available to obtain in a single playthrough! Even legendaries!
- Text border #20 now works properly
- Move tutors now work on intended Pokemon
- Cave of Coolness warp locations now work correctly
- Balance Changes
- All gym leaders have been balanced based on feedback, Phanpy and other ground types now available to obtain before the Wattson fight, Staryu now available before the Flannery fight
- Pinsir buffed just cause I like him and he’s very cool, very minor improvement in base stats, +5 base attack, +10 base defense
- All vitamins now only cost 500$, Rare candies cost 1000$ at the black market
- Rare Candies now raise level by 2 stages, and there is no restriction on the amount of vitamins you can give a Pokemon per stat
- Introducing the BLACK MARKET! For those folks who enjoy EV Training and don’t like grinding levels or money, the black market is your one-stop shop for rare candies, vitamin supplements, and includes the Blissey Safari, a new EXP grinding location that lets you fight unlimited blisseys, all holding nuggets to grind $$$ pretty easily!
- The black market is open just outside the desert on Route 111 and can be reached as soon as you beat Wattson and learn rock smash.
- The Black Market also has entrances in Mosdeep City, and there is a secret Black Market entrance in the safari zone just in case anyone wants to use a Safari Ball to catch a specific pokemon
- Leaving the black market through its proper exit will take you to route 111, regardless of what entrance you picked
- In Sootopolis, next to the Pokemon Center is the HOUSE OF TUTORS! A new location to teach your Pokemon tutor moves that are not normally teachable, or are egg moves in gen 3
- Additionally, all move tutors will be able to teach your Pokemon their moves an unlimited amount of times, despite the “only once” dialogue appearing
- House of Tutors will teach your Pokemon: Rock Slide, Fire Punch, Heat Wave, Magical Leaf, Mandibite, Drill Peck, and False Swipe
- New tutors also appear on Slateport Beach and just outside Rusturf Tunnel and teach you Magnitude and Double Kick respectively
- Introducing the BLACK MARKET! For those folks who enjoy EV Training and don’t like grinding levels or money, the black market is your one-stop shop for rare candies, vitamin supplements, and includes the Blissey Safari, a new EXP grinding location that lets you fight unlimited blisseys, all holding nuggets to grind $$$ pretty easily!
Known Bugs
- Rival theme is currently broken in-game (v1.0), working on a fix for this
Game Related Stuff
Download Pokemon Cool Spot
Previous versions

- Me, JoeyZeed – Scripting, Sprites, Music arrangement, Animation, Maps, Features
- Cool Spot music composed by Tommy Tallarico
- Additional Sprites by Naruto747 and @Ninspriter
- Cool Spot (1993) front sprites by Tim Williams, Doug Cope, Kevin Norr
Special Thanks
- Doopie, IceCreamVyper, SunnyBunny, AceDefective, Twitch.tv/Nateathon – Testing
- Cosmo, for letting me infect his server with Cool Spot
- Virgin Games and Keurig Dr. Pepper for creating the Cool Spot
- Ghosty and SunnyBunny for giving me the idea to make this game
- You, for playing my COOL and goofy game!
- This game was developed using Hex Maniac Advance! Thank you!