“Pokemon Charmeleon Version” is a Completed GBA Rom Hack made by Illuminerdie. This game was made for charmeleon fans with the addition of 21 new forms of charmeleon. You can only catch charmeleon because all others pokemon have been released from the grasses.
Pokemon Charmeleon Version Completed GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: Illuminerdie
- Base ROM: FireRed
- Language: English
- Latest Version: Final
- Last Updated on: September 14, 2021
- Status: Completed
Also Check Out: Pokemon Ash’s Adventure
- Added 21 New forms of charmeleon and removed every other from Grass.
- You can only catch different forms of charmeleon to build your team.
- Starters have been replaced with 3 charmeleon being water, ground & electric types with new designs.
- Each type has its own version of charmeleon, 3 pokemon are obtained as gifts replacing the fossils, and one more was added because I felt like it.
- Each charmeleon has unique typing, learnset & stat distribution.
- Moves are now more balanced with higher accuracy rates to make them more usable.
- Normal Charmeleon can learn any TMs you want.
- The majority of stat distributions are simply a reorganizing of charmeleons base stats and for the rest a redistribution of the total BST of 405
- By making this distribution much lower than the final BST of most mons and by removing evolutions, players will have to utilize these mons set up moves and strategies to succeed.
- Hint :(Tips on these mons are given in their dex descriptions as well as some horrible jokes I made as well!)
- Creator highly recommend doing a challenge run such as a nuzlocke as this game was designed towards that.
Change Log
Final Version
- Icedrone has been fixed to be ice type as it previously was a water type as my editor kept retaining its original type .
- Fixed the positions of several items such as ice beam TM being a prize now being in the fighting dojo instead of an extra exp share.
- Mega punch has been changed to angsty roar which has the same effect as nasty plot, mostly done because i felt like it and it didnt work before.
- charmeleon’s moveset has been significantly buffed with moves like will o wisp, extreme speed, angsty roar, and other goodies. can also learn all other TMs, now evolves at lv 45
- several other movesets have been improved as well.
- The man blocking cerulean cave has been removed. All the rocks in cerulean cave blocking passage have been removed.
- Ps: There are 4 more mons hidden in the game in the game, here’s a hint, they aren’t in the grass and they are exactly where you expect them to be.
known issues:
- I did not want to deal with the Sevii island’s quest, as I could not edit the script without fearing it would softlock the game. If someone knows what to do pls let me know.
- The hidden mon in POKEMON MANSION, will not despawn when defeated, which honestly isnt bad as it can be found in the wild as an extremely rare capture in the safari zone.
- Items such as the lucky egg and exp share that replace prof Oak’s assistants who check your pokedex, automatically respawn which I kept as those items are really useful.
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