“Pokemon Charles’s FireRed” is a Completed GBA Rom Hack made by caverill_. Discover an upgraded FireRed game with extra Johto region, 11 fresh places to explore, new legendary quests, and the chance to catch all Gen 3 Pokemon, plus additional features.
Pokemon Charles’s FireRed Completed GBA ROM Hack
- Creator: caverill_
- Base ROM: FireRed
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v1.0
- Released on: April 30, 2024
- Status: Completed
Also Check Out: Pokemon Cool Spot
- All gen 3 mons obtainable via encounters or evolutions
- Physical/Special split
- Infinite TM Use
- Summon HM users (No need to teach HMs)
- Fly and Flash require a party member that can learn the move, however they don’t need to be taught it. They will automatically be able to use the move when selected in the party menu
- HMs can be forgotten
- Early Running Shoes
- Inside Running
- Trainer Class-based Poke Balls
- A Pokemon’s ball can be swapped via the bag, with a slight chance to recover the original ball
- “Use another repel” prompt
- Don’t show eggs during PokeCenter heal
- Extra premier balls if you buy more than 10 Balls at a time
- Cerulean Cave Guard leaves after becoming Champion
- Berry merchant in Hemlock Town
- Eeveelutions learn ultimate moves from the Move Tutor on Cape Brink
- Base stats / learnsets for multiple Pokemon have been upgraded
- Moves have been updated to Generation VII standards
- Sell Pokemon to Rocket Grunts in Saffron City after beating Giovanni
- Trades are more difficult but guaranteed shiny
- More PokeBalls
- Cherish
- Quick
New Locations
- Dragon Gate: in between Routes 10 and 25
- Cinnabar Volcano: beneath Cinnabar Gym
- Route 49: below Route 19
- Deepwater Cave: Route 49
- Hemlock Town: East of Route 49
- Hemlock Forest: South of Hemlock Town
- Celadon Forest: above Celadon City
- Mt. Moon Summit: next to Mt. Moon exit on Route 4
- Route 50: between routes 2 and 16
- Chansey Grove: Route 50
- How to access:
- Hall of Fame
- Catch a Chansey
- How to access:
- Mt. Silver, Route 51: Through the West exit of Route 23’s badge check building
Johto Progress (johto branch)
- Route 27, Tohjo Falls connect Route 21 to Johto
- New Bark Town (Overworld)
- Route 29 (Overworld)
- Route 30 (Overworld)
- Route 31 (Overworld)
- Violet City (Overworld)
New Events
- Mew Truck event: walk into the SSAnne dock from the leftmost tiles
- MysticTicket is available in-game: speak to Captain Solomon on Five Island after becoming Champion.
- AuroraTicket is available in-game: after completing Captain Solomon’s quest, talk to Prof. Charles in Saffron City
- Groudon is available in-game: After becoming the Champion, the guard on Cinnabar Island will leave, opening the path to Cinnabar Volcano
- Kyogre is available in-game: After becoming the Champion, the Seels in front of Deepwater Cave will disappear. Kyogre is on the lowest floor of Deepwater Cave. The rocks on each floor are part of a Braille puzzle to unlock Deepwater Cistern
- Rayquaza is available in-game: After becoming the Champion, defeat Brendan in Vermillion City to receive Rayquaza
- Legendary Titans are available in-game:
- Regirock: After becoming the Champion, the boulder in Diglett’s Cave will disappear, opening the path to Rock Peak Chamber
- Regice: Icefall Cave has been expanded. The last room has been extended to include an entrance to Iceberg Chamber.
- Registeel: Dragon Gate Cavern 2F (between routes 10 and 25) contains an entrance to Iron Chamber
- Jirachi: speak to Mr. Fuji after becoming Champion, Jirachi is on Pokemon Tower 7F
- Celebi: Visit Hemlock Forest after becoming Champion
- Mt. Silver: Approach Mt. Silver with the Celebi you caught in your party. A familiar face awaits you on the summit.
Roaming Pokemon
After becoming Champion, talk to Eunice in Fuchsia City. Eunice will tell you about rumors of various roaming pokemon. The next roamer will start once your Pokedex shows you’ve caught the current roamer. When a roamer is active, NPCs will show up around good roamer-farming routes. They’ll tell you the current location of the roamer (that way you don’t have to use the Dex) Here’s the order:
- Entei
- Latias
- Raikou
- Latios
- Suicune
P.S. – Roamers reinitialize if you kill them and Entei and Raikou no longer know Roar
Game Related Stuff
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