“Pokemon Garbage Gold” is a Completed NDS Rom Hack made by sauceyaTTa. Check out an amazing hack with New Storyline, Trashlocke, Gauntlets, Mega Evolutions, Following Pokemon, and much more!
Pokemon Garbage Gold Completed NDS ROM Hack
- Creator: sauceyaTTa
- Base ROM: HeartGold
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v1.3.1
- Last Updated on: November 08, 2024
- Status: Completed
Also Check Out: Pokemon Mythic Silver
Pokemon Garbage Gold is the first DS (gen4+) hack to use hg-engine, which is a custom project that involves C-injection and assembly code. This means some parts of the game were rewritten using programming languages like C and assembly. As a result, new Pokémon from gen 5 and 6, along with mega evolutions, have been added and can be fully used in the game!
- Trashlocke Hack: Only trashmons (low base stat Pokemon) allowed; 300+ Pokemon available.
- Gauntlets: Complete trainer challenges without healing or changing teams; unique modifiers like weather or Trick Room.
- Enemy Trainers, Learnsets, and Encounters: Custom trainers, revamped learnsets, and diverse Pokemon encounters from multiple generations.
- New Overworld Map: Entire game remapped with new areas and a fresh, appealing look using Gen5 tileset.
- Brand New Story: Rewritten plot set in post-war Johto with time travel and mystery elements.
- New Music: Includes custom PMD music and over 25 original tracks for routes and boss fights.
- Other Features: Wild double battles, level caps, extra town encounters, fast text, removable HMs, limited PP, Chansey aides for healing, and fully documented gameplay.
For more detailed information about the game and its features, check out the REDDIT POST released by the creator.
Creator Note
MelonDS and Drastic emulators have been experiencing random crashes. Please use DeSmuMe instead. I have tested this game extensively on DeSmuMe 0.9.11 with no crashing or freezing issues.
Game Related Stuff
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AdAstra: creator of DSPRE and also helped me a ton personally understanding DS music in SSEQ format, sound banks, sound fonts etc… a true genius of DS hacking all around.
TurtleIsaac, Lhea, Drayano and BluRose: These people have helped me so much personally in hg-engine development, bug fixing, and inspiration. Without them, this hack would never be where it is today. TurtleIsaac also credit for Pokeditor.
ActiveHenry: Helped me a ton with mapping tools: tilesets, baseline johto gen5 recreation, and inspiration to make the best maps possible.
Hyo and Lux: Provided the male and female (respectively) sprites for the game.
RefPlat and Senate: Huge help with scripting for the game.
StaraptorOP: My main tester and discord server moderator. Helped with balance, design suggestions and keeping me on my toes to make sure Garbage Gold was the best hack it could be.
My discord server members: Thanks for testing, playing the alpha release, and helping to find bugs before public release!